Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jon gets up from the piano and we pull each other into a big hug. Luke, Marlene and Cali come up front with us, and we all stand there, looking out to the cheers and claps and whistles. I look back to where Louis was sitting, but he's not there. The other four guys are all standing and clapping, and all of them have skeptical looks on their faces. I'm terrified to know what and where he is.

We head backstage and everyone is congratulating us.

"Jon is it? Boy, you have a great voice! How come you're not in the band?" One of the stage announcers says.

"I was at Oxford when they decided to form a band." Jon says.

"Well, you guys should definitely think about adding him in." The announcer winks to us before walking back to his post. We all look at each other and laugh before continuing on. We walk around, finding our way back into the crowd. Once we take out seats, I begin to zone out in thoughts.

I wonder why Louis left, I wonder what he's doing right now. If he's out in his car... if he's going home... I have no idea. I'm snapped back into reality when I hear my name being called.

"What is this?" I whisper to Jon.

"You're nominated for something." And sure enough, the announcers say it again.

"We have a new award that'll be handed out every year." One girl on the stage says.

"It's a very special award, because our friend is nominated for it this year." I gasp a little, and finally realise that it's Cali and Marlene.

"This award is called the 'Strongest Person', and we know it's a little different than our regular music awards, but it's now going to be part of the award collections." Marlene says, holding up the new designed trophy. Its two silver people, holding hands around a giant copper sphere.

"And we would now like to present the very first Strongest Person award to..." They both turn to the little card as Cali opens it.

"Amber Locktae!" They both cheer out and I feel my heart well up with pride. I stand up, and Jon and Luke pull me into a giant hug. People congratulate me on my way down the aisles, and I find myself on the verge of tears. I run up the stairs, my heeled shoes clicking against the metal. Marlene and Cali pull me into another big hug, Marlene nearly dropping the award in the process. I accept the award and walk up to the podium.

"Wow guys... I honestly don't know what to say... I really don't deserve this award... But thank you to everyone for thinking I deserve it." I choke a little, and I sniffle, the tears getting ready to fall.

"As you probably heard, I really am not the strongest person." I say, looking down at my still bandaged arms. When I look back up, nearly the whole room is on their feet, clapping. I smile and finally a few tears fall. I wipe my eyes and say one last thing into the microphone.

"This award goes out to Louis Tomlinson, because without him, I wouldn't still be here." I hold the award high in the air before walking away with Marlene and Cali. I hear gasps and a few cheers. Marlene stares at me with a gaping mouth. When we return to our seats she say to me,

"Are you crazy?!"

"What? It's the honest truth." I shrug, holding the award in my lap. She rolls her eyes and goes on watching the show. I smile to myself the rest of the show, not paying any attention.


The show is over, and people stand to get out to the cameras waiting outside. Marlene leads the way through the mass of people, Luke trailing behind me. I get lots of pats and congratulations as I walk along behind Jon. I accept them with a thank you and continue walking. When we've finally made it to the door, I see hundreds of people gathered behind ropes and security guards, clawing at the air and screaming to get people's attention. It's like a zombie movie.

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