Chapter 4...

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A/N: Sorry guys I've kind of abandoned this story, I know you want updates believe me I do too but it's not easy when you have writer's block. Plus, I've come up with all these ideas for my other fan fiction. Sorry...

Everything that ever happened to me before was about to happen again. What if someone I loved dearly would die again? I was now walking back to Ardy's house. When I got to the steps Lezarin was sitting there.

"Lez!? You should be in bed!" I shouted.

"Aunt Ed, I'm 15 you still act like I'm eight. I'm not tired anyways..." She let out a sigh and folded her hands in her lap. I sat beside her letting out a sigh myself. I grabbed her hand and brought it to my mouth. I loved this young girl like she was my own daughter, this is why I couldn't let Thorin enter that mountain. "Father says the dwarves leave in the morning...for the mountain." She dropped her head.

"Everything will be okay Lezarin," I looked at her kissing her hand. "look at me." She turned her head with tears in her eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you, do you understand!?" I started to get upset as well.

"Yes, I understand." She nodded letting a tear slide down her face. I quickly let go of her hand and wiped it away.

"Lezarin, I love you my dear. I would never let anything happen to you or your father." I said. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close. "I'm going to make this right and the only way to do that is go to the mountain."

"No!" She pulled away from me quickly. "You cannot put yourself in such danger Aunt Edlyn, there is a dragon-"

"Lezarin! You think I don't know and your father need to leave Laketown..."

"I am not leaving you!" She got up yelling now but her attention turned to an odd man standing in front of us with a hood over his head. He pushed his hood off quickly. Lezarin was all but furious. "Get out of here you filthy dwarf!"

He squinted his eyes at her. "Nice to meet you too Miss," his eyes were on me now. "Your name is Edlyn?" He asked. I examined him a minute before answering, he was about Thorin's height. He had shoulder length blonde hair which was half up half down.

"Yes that is my name..."

"I have a letter for you...from my mother." He pushed his cloak out of the way and handed me a letter. I slowly took it from him. I stared at him and looked at my name written in beautiful calligraphy.

"Your mother...?" I looked back up at the young dwarf.

"Dis," When he said the name I felt a huge lump in my throat. "I'm sorry to have interrupted you..." Now I felt like crying.

"Do not tell your uncle I am alive..." I quickly said with widened eyes. He nodded.

"You have my word." He then bowed to Lezarin and I.

" got a name?" Lezarin asked.

"Why would I tell a girl my name when she just insulted me...?"

"You just caught us at the wrong time is all."

"Fili..." He then turned and left. My eyes were quickly on Lezarin.

"I feel awful for saying that..." She said dropping her head watching him leave.

"Well Sweetie...try telling the love of your life that his people brought havoc on to yours, then 20 years later you get a letter from his sister." I said popping the seal on the paper and opening it. "Here goes nothing..."


If you get this that means my boys are very close to where you are. Something tells me that is somewhere near Erebor, I am sure you have not ventured too far from the mountain. 20 years I sat and wondered how I could ever forgive you after everything you said to my brother. I felt betrayed once he brought up the nerve to tell me everything you said. You were like a sister to me and Frerin! My father even loved you like a daughter!...

I had to stop reading it for a minute as I brought my hand to my face trying to hold back the tears that were forcing their way out. Maybe it was better off that Thorin thought I was dead after all the things I had said to him all those years ago. Lezarin slid back down next to me as I shook. She took the hand that was covering my mouth and squeezed it tight. I looked at her with a small smile, then I let out a sigh and continued to read Dis's letter.

...Edlyn, I still love you like a sister. I understand you were probably upset that day. Dear Sister...I forgive you. I must ask of you a favor, don't let my brother become King Under the Mountain. not let Thorin find the Arkenstone, it will destroy him. The Arkenstone will make my brother go mad. You remember how our grandfather was. I know he may not forgive you, for my dear brother is as stubborn as a mule. What can I say we're dwarves...I can't have my boys Fili and Kili see their uncle becoming something he is not. Edlyn...please try. I know Thorin may still be angry at you...but deep down he will learn to forgive once he sees the woman he loves. I know my brother still loves do I Dear Sister.

With Love, Dis

I looked up from reading the letter staring blankly at the shop across from us. My heart was pounding at the mention of Thorin so much in the letter. I slowly handed the letter to Lezarin so she could read it, as I started to contemplate what to do. I'm a middle aged woman who is nothing close to a hero.

"What is the Arkenstone?" Lezarin asked.

"It's the King's jewel...Lez you should get to bed." She handed me the letter again.

"Yeah, you're right," with that she got up and made her way up the steps. "Goodnight Aunt Ed...I love you."

"I love you too." I said, folding the letter up. I sat there for a while clenching the letter to my chest thinking about Dis. She had forgiven me after all these years...maybe Thorin would after all? Footsteps knocked me out of my thoughts.

I thought for sure Fili was back but it wasn't the same cloak. Bard took his hood off revealing himself. "Edlyn, forgive me. I didn't want to leave off on bad terms..."

"Bard, it's fine really. I've decided not to worry about it, I need to protect Lezarin. It is none of my business what the dwarves do." I squeezed the letter tighter, by doing this I was letting Dis down. My stomach started to churn a little, I was not going to get involved again and then wind up hurt or hurting someone else. I was the one that chose to stay away from Thorin and that's what I feel I should do.

"What is that?" Bard nodded toward the letter in my hands.

"A request..." My eyes started to water a little. "I should get off to bed," I quickly got up smoothing my dress down. "Apology accepted...I bid you goodnight." I turned away starting to walk up the steps.

"Goodnight..." He said in a low mumble.

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