Chapter 14...

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We all stood in the Hall of Kings, Dwalin turned to me. "Edlyn, you were ordered out of the kingdom, how are we to do this?"

"Distract him," I said and then looked to Ardy and Lez. "You two should go back to the remains of Laketown and find Bard."

"No way, Aunt Ed! Are you crazy? I am not leaving you here."

I only ignored her and looked at Ardy. "Ardy, find Bard and his children. Tell him I am truly sorry about what happened." Ardy nodded.

"Will do Ed,"

"Why are you still here Edlyn!" Thorin barked behind everyone. He made Kili jump and I closed my eyes and gulped.

"I was just leaving, Thorin."

"How about I escort you out!" He yelled and began walking over to our group. Ardy stood in front of me drawing his dagger that he always carried.

"Touch her and I'll give your head to the White Orc myself." My heart dropped, Ardy knew something about Thorin that I didn't.

"You know the story then..." Thorin chuckled.

"There is a story Ardy!?" I screamed.

"Yes, Azog wants his head that's why the orcs attacked Laketown."

"You knew all these years and you didn't tell me!?"

Ardy finally turned to me. "Edlyn, I wanted you to forget about the guilt that you felt. I wanted you to be happy, it was Cindy's idea so I went along with it."

"She should feel guilt," He pushed Ardy out of the way and grabbed my arm. He pulled me to the door. "I want you gone, you are not allowed it this kingdom neither are your friends! Fili, Kili escort the girl and the man out."

I looked out at the ruins of Dale and saw people migrating there. "Thorin, we cannot trust them they might turn on us and have the people of Laketown attack!" Dwalin said from behind me. I looked back at him and he winked at me, making me smile.

"Lock them away, I want everyone here barricading this hole! The people of Laketown are migrating," He turned back to face his fellow dwarf friends and pushed me on the ground. "If I find any of them running the halls of this kingdom, we throw them over the rampart! Barricade this wall and find that bloody stone!" He screamed. I sat there as my eyes began to burn, Thorin was full of hate.

"Thorin, you're sick..." I said looking up at everyone.

"Get up!" He demanded, so I obeyed by slowly standing to my feet. He walked around me and stared deep into my eyes. "I am not sick, as a king, I am doing my duties! Now, walk! Fili, Kili, follow me." He went around me and pulled my arms behind my back. He pushed me forward and I began to walk. The whole time we walked I couldn't stop thinking about the stone. We walked passed a room and Thorin stopped. "Put the girl in that room."

"I will not be separated from my child!" Ardy shouted from behind me.

"Put her father in the room as well," Thorin growled and pushed me forward again.

"Why are you separating us!?" I asked. Thorin leaned close to my ear and chuckled. "You do not sway me, I know you three are up to something. Fili, Kili, you are dismissed! No one is to know about Edlyn's whereabouts!" He turned us around and threw Kili a key "Now, lock them in!" He then turned back and we began walking again. We walked on forever until we came to a room behind an old dusty curtain. He opened the door but before I went in, I saw the curious little hobbit peak around the corner that we had run into when we arrived. He put his finger to his lips and then disappeared. Thorin then pushed me in the room.

"I am sorry...truly."

"I do not forgive you, I will be back shortly to check on you." He said and then slammed the door making me jump. All I felt like doing was crying, I had already failed Dis. All I wanted to do was give up and run back to Bard, maybe it was better off that way. I sat down and began to cry, I didn't just cry for Thorin either, I cried for Laketown, Bard, Milly, and Balin. Balin loved Thorin like a son and I could see in his eyes how heartbroken he was seeing Thorin being consumed like his grandfather. I shook with sadness until I heard a small tap on the door.

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