Chapter 8...

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A knife flew inches from my nose into the wall. I turned to see two orcs staring at me, the dwarves were already fighting. Sigrid and Tilda began to scream, Sigrid took her younger sister and protected her by dragging her beneath the table.

"Edlyn! Take this!" Fili threw me a knife and I caught it.

"You shouldn't throw knives it's far too dangerous!" I yelled back as I sliced an orcs throat. The dark blood began to spill down my dress, my eyes widened. I can't believe I just killed an orc.

"I'm a dwarf!" He yelled back continuing to take out orcs that filed into the house. Then arrows began to fly into them. I turned to find the source of them as two elves entered Bard's house. How many more races were going to come through that door? I watched as they had begun to take out the orcs. I had never seen anyone fight so well and so clean. As they fought, the dwarves went back to Kili, who was now lying on the ground moaning. He must have tried to fight as well but wound up on the floor. As Fili and the grey-haired dwarf set him on the table he screamed in agony. The fight was over as soon as it had began my eyes now trained on the two elves, they were of the woodland realm. My heart stomach fluttered a little remembering the Elven King Thranduil. In fact the blonde elf favored him a little.

"Tauriel, come. They are retreating back to the bridge." The blonde elf demanded. Tauriel looked at Kili, her eyes saddened as she looked at him. I watched as her eyes filled with tears, while the blonde elf left the house. She left after a minute or two as Sigrid and Tilda came out from under the table. The girls were still shaking.

"Girls, go sit down and relax." I said dropping the knife and placing a hand on my head, I was even beginning to shake. Tauriel came rushing in the house again holding some weed, she walked over to Kili.

"I am going to save him." She said shakily, starting to rub the plant together in her hands. She was saying words in elvish that I couldn't understand. Bofur finally came rushing through the door with Lezarin and Bain trailing behind him.

"They've got dad!!" He panicked.

"Who does!?" I looked at him. Ardy came in the house trying to catch his breath.

"The guards." He said wiping sweat off his forehead. Sigrid and Tilda started crying. My mind was racing. Once Tauriel finished healing Kili she turned to everyone.

"We need to get out of here, a dragon is coming." I looked around at everyone. Fili was now rewrapping his brother's leg.

"I'll get Bard," I said. "Thank you Tauriel, get everyone out of here safely." She gave me a smile.

"Aunt Ed, it's dangerous!" I looked at Lezarin.

"We need Bard Lez, you need to get out of here with everyone else!" Tears started to stream down her face.

"I can't lose you too!" She yelled. I walked over to her and kissed her on the head.

"You will not lose me, I promise..." I whispered trailing off. I was on the verge of tears myself. I stood up straight and walked out of the door not saying another word. I felt awful for leaving Lez behind but I needed to find Bard. My eyes suddenly adverted to the distance in the sky, something was flying and heading straight toward Laketown. The flying figure was growing closer by the second! I quickly ran down the steps toward the Barracks, surely that's where they had Bard held up.

End of Chapter A/N: Alright everyone it might be awhile again it might not! 

The Return of Durin. (Sequel: I'm in Love With Durin Blood...)Where stories live. Discover now