Chapter 28...

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My body hit the water, I should have been dead but I wasn't. I opened my eyes to find Bard standing above me. He let out this sigh of relief. Thranduil had even gotten off of his elk to see if my eyes were open. "The woman seems to be in shock..." I heard the water splash beside me. Lezarin fell to her knees beside me.

"Aunt Ed?" She lifted my head into her lap. I looked up at her and smiled softly. I heard another splash in the water, this time Bilbo had come down. Thranduil had turned away now, the sound of clanking armor was in the distance.

"We must move," Gandalf said as he came and stood next to Bard. "Oh Lady Edlyn, I hope it was a light landing It has been quite awhile since I had to use that spell."

I came to my senses as Bard and now Ardy helped me to my feet. I looked up at the rampart, Thorin was looking down but quickly backed away when he saw me. I just looked away from them all. "Who is this?" I began walking to where the elves and men were going.

"Dain Ironfoot, Thorin's cousin." I stopped in place when Gandalf said the name.

"What's he doing here?"

"Well, you're King called upon war." Bard chuckled. I rolled my head toward him, he quickly wiped the smile from his face. Dain's voice rung out into the crowd. Till the ground shook beneath us. A loud cracking noise broke out to the right of me, everyone turned their attention toward it.

"Were-worms..." Gandalf said, his eyes widening at the sight of them. I looked back to Dain's army of dwarves, they were all running towards them. Hordes of orcs were flowing from the holes the worms had made.

"Is this really a good place to be right now, Gandalf?" Bilbo asked.

"You should all get back to Dale, it would be safer."

"Will the elves not fight?" Lezarin asked, looking in the direction of Dain's army.

"Probably not," I said, looking at my Goddaughter. I was prove wrong when the elves jumped in front of the dwarves. A large horn sounded, causing me to look to the source. The orc that Thorin mentioned in his letter was yelling out Orcish. "Gandalf, is that the pale orc?"

"It is indeed, Lady Edlyn...Lezarin, Bilbo you all follow me." He ordered.

"What about my dad?" Lez asked. I looked to Ardy.

"I'm staying to fight Sweetie, go with your Aunt." He moved forward and kissed his daughter on the head, he then hugged me. "I'm glad you're okay," He whispered. "Please be safe."

"Gandalf, I think it best if I stayed to fight." Bilbo said.

"No, Bilbo you three need to follow me." We all began to follow the wizard back to the city. We then stopped about mid way. "They're trying to cut us off."

"Aunt Ed, why isn't Thorin fighting with his people. He did call upon war, I heard it with my own ears when you hit the water." I turned and looked to Erebor, still knowing Thorin was not all the way there. The Dragon Sickness still consumed him, he kept himself locked in with all the gold just like his grandfather.

"Gandalf, I need a sword." I have to go back to the mountain.

"Lady Edlyn, I think it would be best if you were to be with Bard."

"Forget Bard! What I need is a sword!" I snapped. Bilbo then took his out and handed it to me.

"Don't worry I'm protected." He cleared his throat and gave me a small smirk.

"You'll come with me Love, we're going to get this dwarf to do the right thing." I looked to Lezarin. She gave me a nod, we all parted ways. I needed my King to fight for his people.

The Return of Durin. (Sequel: I'm in Love With Durin Blood...)Where stories live. Discover now