Chapter 18...

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I was awoken by Balin bringing me food. Lezarin sat on the bed with me, I sat up and her face lit up. "I swear I'm fine, I just need more time here with Thorin..." I began eating, I was starving.

"Aunt Ed, it's fine dad and I were just worried..."

"You two should go back to Dale, while I try to help with Thorin. I want you to be safe..."

"No, we can't leave now." She sighed messing with her dress. "I really like Fili and plus why go back now..." I grabbed her wrist.

"Lez, I am only buying time! I have been banished from this kingdom along with you and your father."

"I think he'll realize what he has become, Aunt Ed I think Thorin still loves's just hard for him to express that right now." I ate a little more before saying something back to her.

Dwalin poked his head into the room. "He's coming, quickly Lezarin!" She quickly got off the bed.

"Hey," I called to her really quick before she left. She turned to me and smiled. "You might be right and don't tell your father you are interested in Fili," I said with a smirk, she smiled back and curtsied.

"Alright, Aunt Ed." Then she turned on her heel and Dwalin rushed her out of the bedroom. I looked over at Balin who was sitting in an armchair by the fire, his face was so sad. Thorin walked through the door and looked around.

"May I be alone with Edlyn for a minute?" He asked politely. Balin got up and left as well as Dwalin. He shut the door slowly, I just knew he would eavesdrop. Thorin grabbed the post of the bed looking down he didn't even make an effort to look at me.

"Hope you are enjoying your dinner, you have a visitor here to take you back to Dale." My heart fell as the doors opened and bard stood there. He smiled widely when he saw me sitting in bed eating.

"Edlyn? You had all of us worried had me worried." He said softly, walking over to me. I noticed Thorin's hand tighten on the post. "We leave tonight, come on Dear. Meet me downstairs." He said helping me out of bed and then leaving the room.

Thorin still stood there, then he walked over to the fire looking in it. I felt both anger and sadness looking at him. I grabbed my cloak off of the chair, laying it over one arm. "It was nice seeing you again Thorin, thank you for such generosity-"

"Forgive me," he turned to me I noticed his eyes were red. "The first night was a little barbaric, I apologize for that. I wish you well Edlyn...on journeys to come." My heart fell to my stomach as he stared at me with glassy eyes, I knew he had been crying.

"I meant what I said earlier...Thorin." I said softly walking closer to him.

"You must go, Bard is waiting for you..."

"Thorin your people are worried about you! Balin is in pain seeing you like this, I am in pain seeing you like this and Dis," I placed my hand on his face. "Remember how upset you were seeing your grandfather go through this?"

"I am not my grandfather! Now once in for all, please go..." His voice rose and then it fell again. I let a tear roll down my cheek in front of him.

"I forgive you..." I said pulling my hand away from him and backing away.

The Return of Durin. (Sequel: I'm in Love With Durin Blood...)Where stories live. Discover now