Chapter 29...

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A/N: "After all this time?" "Always,"~Wonder what two people quoted this ;) Don't worry guys I'm still writing this one, writer's block sucks and I have to like it in order to post it and believe it or not there are chapters I absolutely despise in this story. Hope you like it, enjoy :) 

"Aunt Ed, do you really think this is going to work?" Lezarin asked trailing behind me as we hurried our way back to the rampart. "He really isn't in his right state of mind, you nearly died because of him." I turned around facing her, letting out a deep breath.

"Lez, I gave up on him once I'm not doing that again no matter what. Maybe...I did it for Bilbo. I know Thorin, my Thorin, Bilbo's Thorin is still in there, that greedy king has just taken him away from us for awhile." Lezarin only smiled softly.

"Then let's go get that Thorin Oakenshield back, we should hurry before we get caught up in this mess." The sounds of war were behind us, I grabbed my God-daughter's hand quickly. I pushed her protectively in front of me.

"You first Love."

She crossed the moat getting the hem of her dress all soaked again. She took a tight grip on the rope and began to walk her way up the side. I then began my way up as soon as she was safely on the rampart. I was still very much wet from my fall, so it was fairly difficult to get up the side of the wall. Of course my feet slid and the rope made a very unpleasant sound like it would rip if I went any further. Lezarin looked down holding onto it tightly.

"Aunt Ed you're fine, I got it." I looked up at her and smiled but when I began to climb the rope made the sound again causing fear to shoot through me. This time there would be no wizard to save me if I fell. Edlyn did not reappear it was in fact Fili who did.

"Lady Edlyn I am going to pull you up." He gripped the rope tight beginning to pull me up. When I got to a certain point he grabbed my hands pulling me up the rest of the way until my feet were safely on the stone floor.

"Why does this damn rampart hate me so much?" I breathed out in relief that I was finally safe standing on the rampart.

"Better watch it, it might trip you as we're standing here." Fili lifted a brow as he held Lezarin's hand in his. I couldn't help but to smile at him.

"Very funny, where is your Uncle?"

"You'll find him in the throne room..." Fili said sadly. I gave him a noa and headed off down the hall, clearly something had happened with Thorin. I walked corridors beyond corridors before I made it to the throne room. Thorin sat on the stone with his head down, almost as if he were asleep. I walked toward him and he looked up as I was halfway there.

"Leave!" He stood up quickly. "I do not need another person to give me orders when I am the king!" He pointed at his chest.

"Thorin, you have to snap out of this."

"Edlyn, leave!" Thorin snapped. I on the other hand just stood in front of him.

"This Thorin isn't the one I ran these halls with when we were younger. I was with that Thorin last night, Bilbo has probably been with that Thorin your whole trip. He did what he did because you have become something to him, Thorin, think about these actions." With that I did turn away from him. "Your people need you My King."

"I feel like I have wasted time..." Thorin said sadly behind me. "It has become my worst enemy, I should have come back to defeat that dragon ages ago, I should have come back to you." I turned back toward him, he stood there with clenched fists. I slowly inched my way toward him.

"Thorin, your people needed you then, just like they need you now. They love you! Thorin, I love you! For 20 years I sat in a gloomy town heartbroken because of the blame I put on you, when it was really my fault instead." I said sadly making my way to the King that I was so deeply in love with. Thorin began to make his way toward me as well, sliding out of his heavy, royal robe.

"You are not to blame either My Love, my grandfather is, he cursed this kingdom. I will not wear his crown because I am not him and never will be!" Thorin took the crown off, dropping it. The shiny, gold, circlet fell off of the platform to the lower levels into the mass of treasure below. It rolled against the gold below but I dare not look down fearing the height. My tears suddenly became tears of joy. He pulled me flush against him, kissing my mouth hard. He clenched my robe as we kissed. I slid my hand in his hair desperate for more time with him as well. We pulled away for a minute and he wiped the tears from my flushed cheeks.

"I'm fighting with you..." I said, sniffling.

"You will not, you'll stay here. Your God-daughter as well, I want you both safe."

"Thorin, It's my choice to be by your side!" I gripped his undercoat with my left hand as I looked into his eyes. He still had his arm around me, supporting me against his body.

"You have always been as stubborn as a dwarf My Queen. It's my duty to keep you protected, please stay here?" Thorin kissed me again and again before I could even answer. He finally pulled away from me, releasing me all the way.

"Fine, but please be careful Thorin. Just come back to me and be the king you should be. I'll marry you..." He smiled happily at those words.

"I will do anything to get back to you Darling," Thorin kissed me once more and squeezed my hand. "Walk with me." We both began our way to the now blocked off entrance of Erebor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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