Chapter 11...

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A/N: Once again I apologize for all the issues. I have no idea when the next chapter will be up I have abandoned my other fanfic and really need to post some of it. It might be awhile and I'm sorry that I am doing this right at the good part! Also, sorry if I butcher Baine or Bane's name I don't know which way it is spelled... :)

As I rowed on I heard a loud crash and then the ground shook like an earthquake. I knew without looking back that Smaug was dead. I looked at the Lonely Mountain, wondering if Thorin had actually made it in alive. "Aunt Ed!" I heard Lezarin shout across the way.

"Lezarin!" I shouted. The sun was starting to come up now, I didn't realize how fast time had went by. It felt like I'd been rowing for hours. The shore was right in front of me. When I finally hit it I got out and ran to her. She ran to me as well and we both collided together. I hugged her for the longest time. "I'm so glad you're okay..." I finally said. I cried tears of joy and I felt someone else wrap their arms around us. Lezarin, Ardy, and I pulled away from one another.

"Come on girls let's find a warm place." Ardy said putting one arm around his daughter and one around me. Everyone was hitting the shore and starting to set up shelter. Lez and I found a safe place. We sat there silently as Ardy tried to find us some food and a blanket.

"It's sad..." Lez said looking at the town. I grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry Lez." Ardy finally came back with food for us. He sat down and we all ate in silence occasionally saying things to one another. Someone gave us some blankets so we all covered up after eating. I watched the sky light up and then there were screams and shouts from the crowd. I quickly got up and Lez followed. We pushed through the crowd of people seeing Bard standing in the middle with his children. "Bard!" He looked at me and then quickly made his way too me. I wasn't at all expecting what came next. He grabbed my face and pressed his lips too mine. The crowd gasped as I pulled away.

"Everyone gather their things we must make our way to Dale!" He yelled and I turned away walking back into the crowd. I touched my lips and looked up to find Fili, Kili, and the other two dwarves leaving. Tauriel was talking to Kili.

"Aunt Ed, what was that?"

"Nothing..." I said walking to the boat. "Lezarin, I have something to take care of."

"If you're going I am going." I heard Ardy's voice behind us and I quickly turned toward it.


"Edlyn, I found the letter from Dis. I know what she has asked you to do and I want to go with you." He hugs Lezarin close to him. "I'm always going to stand by your side no matter what Edlyn, you're my closest friend." I gave him a small smile then turned back toward the boat. My heart was pounding against my chest. All three of us began walking toward the boat, Lezarin still tacked against her father's side. When Fili turned his attention toward us I noticed Lez quickly pull away from her father. Her cheeks were starting to flush with color, I knew she was beginning to take a liking to Fili. He smiled as we drew closer to the small boat.

When we reached the boat he got out. "Well, Lady Edlyn you don't know how glad I am to see that you made it out of Laketown."

I curtsied, it made my heart pound even more. "You barely know me...but thank you Fili."

"Actually, I know you more than you think and also you were one of the people that helped save my brother." Tauriel and I look at one another. Both of us smile and give each other a small nod. When I look to Fili his hand outstretched toward me. "Come Lady Edlyn..."

I looked down at his hand then back up to his beautiful blue eyes. I thought of Thorin's eyes looking into his nephews. Everything was running through my mind right now. I sighed and took his hand in mine. He gave me a smirk helping me in the boat. He helped Lezarin next and Ardy got in as well. I couldn't believe I was going to see Erebor again but my heart sank, the man I once ran those beautiful golden halls with my not welcome me into his kingdom.

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