Scarlet Carter

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Let me tell you a story. A story, that even I am quite fond of.

Our story takes place, in our dear Wizarding World. Yes, magic, brooms, wands, wizards, you name it, it must exist in some way. And let me tell you... after the War, maybe it wasn't "All Was Well" just yet...

Oh Merlin's Beard, how rude of me! I am your... Narrator, by the way, of this story. You may refer to me as the Third Person, and I must say... you'll know the real me. Just not now. This Romeo and Juliet love story is between two completely. random. and. destiny's. unknown. victims; a lion and a snake, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, a freak and a coward but... Why the difference? What matters is what is common.

Go with me, as I tell you the adventurous story, of Miss Scarlet Carter, and Professor Severus Snape.

I have to say, I may not be the best story teller, but please enjoy. After all... Never judge a book by it's cover.

So may I present to you,

"I couldn't love you forever, so I chose to love you always."


L O V E.

A ridiculous and impossible thing that I have doubted my entire life.

Not that I wouldn't accept it.

It's just really weird that people have to display public affection right in front of my face.

As I waited in the cold depths of Spinner's End in the twilight, I waited patiently, expecting a figure to come out any moment. Wow, I sound ridiculous. As my coat draped over my shoulder, I jerked my hand under my head to see the time and snorted.

Oh goodness Merlin. This is very rude of me. Er, sorry for the sudden interruption.

Roll up your sleeves, ladies and gentlemen, because here is who I am.

You wouldn't probably know who the heck in the world is Scarlet Carter.

And I'm glad you don't because that's me! One of the 7 billion humans on Earth that didn't probably matter.

Did you know magic existed? Of course you do, why would you be in the Wizarding World? You're probably a wizard or witch yourself. Well, I was a witch ever since 1983, meaning I will be a witch for the rest of my life. A half-blood one too. I'm in my 5th year of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry (only the best wizarding school in the world, and we get it, Ilvermorny), which means only one thing... O.W.L.S.

Believe it or not, Gryffindor surprisingly had me as substitute seeker, for 3 years straight, only lost a few matches, don't think I'm being showing off. Then my birthday is on Febuary 21st! (I've edited this chapter, and it's funny how nobody realised Feb. 21st is actuallly Alan Rickman's birthday)

So... That's some interesting information about me! Well, except about my personality and address and family and... much more, but I've already wrote too much...

Today is August 23rd, 10:32pm, perfect for an evening trip to Diagon Alley! I'm going there with a friend. Lyanna, also a witch, Gryffindor and also one of my best friends.

I guess you have a question in your mind about my guardians? Well, my parents passed away around 14 years ago, I believe, but don't worry, many people are my family.

I walked out of my house here in Spinner's End. I live next to a rather old house. Very creepy. Have you ever heard of a deep low voice actually speaking to someone when you pass by here? Even thought Professor Snape walked out of there...

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now