A Sweet Kiss Thats All

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There are these situations in life that basically annoy me.

When you love a moment, and you also regret it in the same time.

And at that situation, Severus Snape was kissing me.

Right here. Right now.

And don't even get me started....

'Cause I was kissing him back.

He broke silently away, as I was gasping for air and looked at him in disbelief. "Professor, I would like a lovely explanation why you just did that!" I roared, trying to remember what just happened. "I did that to make you confess, now, were you the wolf in the forest?"

Screw the fact I'm the wolf, he just kissed me like 5 seconds ago!!!

"Can I have a better explaination please? And I have no damn idea of what you're talking about."

"You don't want me to kiss you again."

This man impossible.

"Alright! I was the wolf in the forest!!!"

I blurted out throwing both of my hands in the air with frustration. "Y-You are?" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Snape, I understand that you are confused... Let me explain." I told him, calming down. He sat at the chair opposite of me and stared into my eyes.

"And cut the Legilimency!"

He quickly stopped, and sheepishly looked away. "I... I'm an Animagus. My patronus is a wolf, so I made my Animagus also that. I was walking around the forest when you came, so I took a look of who it was. But when I returned to an old pack of mine, I heard the hunting howl, meaning some other wolves were about to hunt a wizard."


So... She was the one who saved me?

"Yes, I did you dunderhead."

"35 points from Gryffindor."

"Snape, I beg you don't tell anyone!" she pleaded, giving me the puppy eyes. "Tell them what?" I asked, refraining to smile. "My Animagus, and that session you just frikin' did to me!"

"Well, I believe you were also enjoying it."

"Maybe... I was..."

I tried to look away, but I couldn't resist the witch. Out of my mind...

I hugged her.

I could have done a kajillion things, but I hugged her was the thing I did.

Oh life, please don't kill me.

Scarlet widened her eyes, and tried to stay cool.

"Thank you... For saving my life." Snape muttered into her ear. "No one.... No one really has cared for me for years..." He added.

Scarlet hugged back with a smile on her face, but when Snape realized what he was doing he backed away. "I- um- I'm sorry, Miss Carter. Y-You may go." He said, walking her to the door. Scarlet didn't know why, but a frown came to her face as she left. Snape leaned his head on the door, and couldn't help but let out a small tear. "After all this time... Maybe someone did care for me... After Lily did."


As dinner was about to end, Scarlet didn't feel the need to touch the omelette that was being passed to her. She would always take secret little glances to the Teacher's Table and see Snape staring at her too. Looking away, she ignored a annoyed Lyanna who kept on reminding they had Quidditch practice the next day. Little did she know that, it was her who Snape and Felixa was talking about.

"So...? What happened?" Felixa asked in a sing-song tone.

"I... I may have and not kiss her earlier."


"Felixa, utter one more word, and I will kill you."

"Sorry, you kissed her?" She whispered with wide eyes. "I did, now don't tell anyone."

"Pinky promise."

"You can't keep promises, literally."

"Then... I swear not to!"


But both of their heads snapped as McGonagall stood up from her chair. The whole Great Hall turned silent, and watched McGonagall walked around the front of the staff's table.

"Good evening. I must remind you, that it is the start to November! Yes, oh and please sit down Mr. Creevey. Now, since the holidays will arrive until around a month and a half, I received that a lot of students aren't going home. Many will stay. So Hogwarts, has set up... A Christmas Dance!"

Everybody burst into applause, except the ones leaving of course.

"-Christmas Dance! At the beggining of December, dance practice will be held. But to the participants of the Yule Ball, are allowed not to participate. Also, similar to the Yule Ball, you need dates, yes Mr. Malfoy, dates for this occasion, so I wish the best of luck to the men! Plus, the staff will join you too.

"Good night, and good luck to all of you!"

When all of the students left, groups went into whispers about the dance. Talking about the dresses, the food, the music, and their dates. 

But Scarlet was behind all that, she didn't even worry of what to wear. She crept to her bed at 8pm, and slept like a log till the next day.


Meanwhile... In the opposite side of the castle, Snape and Felixa were still talking about Scarlet... Well maybe only Felixa.

"Severus, this is your time! You could ask her to the dance!" Felixa giggled as she did a little jig. "Stop being so foolish, Flora, or I will insist of petrifying you. And I won't ask her! Maybe Mr. Smith will take her!"

"Yeah right, I've been spying on them, and they're more of a brother and sister like!"

"Says you."

"A Muggle Studies Professor, who I may add brought all the boys to the yard in her middle school days!"

"Not all of them."

"Snape, feel lucky I'm helping you! This is a once in a lifetime chance! If you don't ask her out on December 1st, then who will?"

"I've been eyeing on her too, and I must remind you that I'm not the only man who fancies her."

"Fine, but if you need any help, I can give you a boost."

"Even if you are a insolent brat, I still talk to you."

"Thats my boy! Now go! I need to talk to someone."

Hi guys! So, quite the boring chap, but don't worry, I'm gonna time skip all of this to December 1st!

Yes, and also comment,

if you studied at Hogwarts, which witch or wizard will you take to the Christmas Dance?


His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now