Chains That Kill?

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After a long day of going up Mt. Homework, I decided to head back to Sev's chambers.

As the cold dungeon wind tickled me, I wrapped myself. Why was he weather so cold all of a sudden? I shook off the thought, and walked a little faster. Thats when I heard something... Like, like a voice! But why does it sound so familiar?

"Scarlet... Come here..."

Is it talking to me?

The voice was rather gentle, but scary in the same time. I thought I was imagining things, but I realized, it was real.

"Follow me..."

And because the scaredy cat I am, I ran to Sev's chambers, threw the door open, locked it, and kept thinking to myself that it was just my imagination. Severus' eyes widened to see me all frighty, when I noticed he was brewing a potion. His hair was tied back, which I don't see very often... He looked quite handsome.

"Long day?" he asked, as I plunged into the couch. "You said it. Binn's homework tired me out!" I exclaimed, and covered my eyes. "Are you alright? You seem pale." he told me, I looked at myself, and it was true. I was pale as a sparkling fairy vampire. Maybe it was because I was frightened...


"Severus! I told you no Occlumency!" I told him, sternly. He rolled his eyes, and sat down beside me. "I need to know what you're thinking of."

"If you think I'm dreaming of me with another wizard, I'm not. You're the only one thats in my mind 24/7, and you only. You're the wizard I love, you first, and you last. Alright? So cut the mind reading!" I said quickly, crossing my hands like a little girl, making him give a low chuckle. "It's nice to know that, Scarlet, dear." he replied, kissing me in the cheek. I blushed dark red, when the voice was muttering again.

"Scarlet... Come here... Follow me... I'll show you something..."

I looked towards Severus. "Do you hear that?" I asked, he shook his head. "I don't hear anything."

I stood up, and walked around the room. The voice seems to come from outside.

Suddenly it was like my body was being controlled, I started walking towards outside. "Scarlet? Scarlet!"


What was happening to the witch? I grabbed her hand, and she faced me. But her eyes were bright purple, then faded chesnut again. A contact must've broken with her. "Are you okay?" I asked, as she massaged her temples. "I-I don't know...." she replied, and slid back to the couch.


Dinner was quite weird. As I watched Scarlet, she was acting rather... Unusual. She kept on glancing into dark corners, and close her ears as her eyes squinted tightly. Felixa may have noticed my worried expression, and shook my arm for attention. "Severus, is something bothering you?" she asked. Since Raven was just beside me, smiling rather mischieviously, I leaned towards Flora's ear. "It's Scarlet. Watch her." I whispered. Flora did what I said, and her eyes widened.

"Somethings wrong. Her eyes... S-She's calm, but it only turns purple whenever she feels wild emotion. Severus, another Fortis Viribus is controlling her..."

Raven's head snapped towards us, and tilted her head. "Sorry to pitch in, but I couldn't help but hear your little conversation. How is it possible that there is another Fortis Viribus? I mean, almost 5 exist on earth. It isn't just a coincidence that there are 2 living in here?"

"Don't disturb us, Raven, and eat your pudding." Flora said angrily, and pulled me out of the Hall. "Severus, I'm saying the truth. There is another one out there! I've read a book about them!" she exclaimed, and looked around. We heard commotion outside, and ran back to see Mr. Smith, Miss Weasley, and Miss Roberts trying to stop Scarlet from exiting the Hall... But she looked absent-minded.

"Scarlet! Stop!" Smith shouted, unfortunately, Scarlet pushed him back, and his head hit the table. Thats going to leave a mark. I followed Scarlet, with Flora behind me, but she must've took a different turn. "Where is she?" I asked, Flora shook her head irritatably, and searched for Miss Granger. "Hermione, the map!" she shouted, wait, is she talking about...

"Oh! Here," she said, handing me a familiar piece of parchment. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good..." Flora whispered, and the entire parchment transformed into a map. But it was a charmed one, a map of Hogwarts. It showed everyone's name, and them walking around. Flora pointed to Scarlet Carter, but I haven't been to that hallway before. "This way!" Miss Granger shouted, later, Miss Weasley and Filius was right behind us. "Where now?" Weasley asked. My head snapped towards a piece of shining jewelry...

Scarlet! I picked it up, and it was the one I gave her. It was lying opposite of  a huge door. How come I've never been here before?

Just before Flora can touch the handle, a loud scream erupted from inside. Scarlet. Without even thinking twice, I slammed the door open, and my mouth opened slightly in shock.

"Help!!! Please!!!!" Scarlet screamed. Chains of weird metal was abover her, burning, and opening scars from her skin. "Get them off me!!! Please!!!!!" Scarlet screamed louder, as blood started to drip from her robes. "Come on!" Granger shouted, and had trouble pulling the chains of her. These weaklings can't lift a chair!

They stepped aside, as my anger made me throw the chain to the wall and break into pieces. Scarlet was crying uncontrollably, and she held onto me tightly, as I helped her stand up. "To the Hospital Wing, now." Filius muttered. But when we reached half-way through the room, Scarlet fell concious to the ground. "Is she okay?" Weasley asked, with a bit of fright in her voice. Flora placed a hand on her chest, and felt her heart beating. "She's still alive. She's lucky to be alive after those chains could've killed her. Severus, if you please."

I gladly took Scarlet in my arms, and carried her bridal style to the Hospital Wing. A lot of students stared at us confusingly, whispering things.

"Is that Professor Snape carrying Carter?"
"Isn't she the Gryffindor Seeker?"
"What happened to her?!"
"It's a miracle. Snape does care."

I shook my head off, and entered the Hospital Wing. Mr. Smith was resting on a bed, then jolted up to see the witch I was carrying. "Scarlet!" he exclaimed, watching me gently place her on a bed. "Oh Merlin! What happened?" Poppy asked, hurrying towards us. "Incendium." Flora whispered in her ear. Poppy looked alarmed and bolted to her storage. "Off! Off!" she shouted at us, closing the curtains.


After a long wait of impatient pacing, Scarlet finally woke up. I opened the curtains, and a pang of jealousy hit me as Mr. Smith was holding her hand. He quickly let go, and followed Miss Crestfellow outside. "Hi, Sev." Scarlet said weakly, and hugged me. "Are you alright? You almost killed me with a wave of worries." I told her, making her laugh. "I'm alright."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. In a matter of seconds, I suddenly felt something controlling me."

"That room wasn't just an accident. Someone intentionally tried to kill you."

"Scarlet!" Flora exclaimed, with Raven rustling behind her. Flora suddenly hugged her, and as Scarlet hugged back, Raven was eyeing her scars, muttering something. "What is it, Raven?" I asked suspicously, "Look for yourself."

I looked at her scars, and they were all gone. Raven used wandless magic, and she felt like she regretted of healing her. "Thanks." Scarlet said, touching each of them.

"Come, Minerva is calling us."

Hai! So if you haven't read the Author's Note, please read. I will update one last chapter till I leave, and I promise, that I will update when the second I get back!


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