Beckket 'Panther' Kingsley

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"This is where Max wants to meet me..." Scarlet said slowly, walking around the forest. Severus tagged along with her as she received a note about visiting to a specific place in the forest. "Then where are they?" Severus asked, leaning by a large tree. "Mffmp!"  He muffled, as two pair of arms grabbed him by the shoulders and taking him up the tree. Scarlet was looking at the opposite direction, and didn't notice the man disappearing. "Severus..? Where are you?" She muttered in a frightened tone. "What would a sweet innocent 15-year-old being doing so deep in the Forbidden Forest?" A male voice said slowly. Scarlet quickly turned to her Animagi form and growled. "Who's there!?!" she shouted, putting one paw in front of her. "It's a shame you don't remember me..." He told her, she couldn't see where he was. But she knew he was in higher ground... The trees.

"Come out!"

The male walked out of his hiding place. Scarlet gasped as she saw... A panther...?

It was creeping around the trees. "Who are-" The black panther jumped, tackled her to the ground, and stopped as Scarlet laughed. "Ben! It's you!" she exclaimed cheerfully, when she realized he wasn't in his Animagus form anymore. She saw a teenage boy, at around the age of 18, looking at her happily. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, jeans, and had messy hair, but the most attractive about him was his eyes, they were emerald green. Scarlet turned to her human form again and hugged him tightly. "Woah! Calm down, Scarlet! I just came to visit my little wolf pup!" He said, hugging her back. She pulled away and smiled. "But where's Severu -"

"Ow!" The Potions Master hit the ground after falling from the tree. "Are you alright?" Scarlet asked, running to Severus and gently massaged his head who hit the ground first. "Thanks to you, yes." He replied. But narrowed his eyes as he saw Ben. "The greasy git won't shut up!" ( The twins:) Zhoe and Pluto said in unison, jumping down the tree following him.  "Oh, um, Severus, this is Ben. Beckket Kingsley. He's an Animagi." she explained, helping her up. "I know you! You're the one that Diesel told me about! The one that Scarlet's falling for, right?" In a split second, Scarlet turned to Diesel and grabbed the front of his robes. "Be scared, Diesel, or I will tell them who you've been secretly meeting with in the forest for the past 3 months..." she muttered violently. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm truly sorry!" Diesel said kneeling down to the forest floor, and bowing at Scarlet. "Thats better." she joked, making them laugh. "Kingsley? Mr and Mrs. Kingsley's son?" Severus asked curiously. "The one and only."

"Where's Emily?" Scarlet asked, speaking about Ben's younger sister. "Out there, still working the process. I told them she was old enough since she's already 5." Ben replied, Severus looked at him surprised. "She's doing the Animagus process at the age of 5?" he asked in disbelief. Scarlet let out a laugh, and patted Severus in the shoulder. "Severus, in my family, at the age of 4, you are allowed to do the process. I did it at the age of 3." she told him, "I will never understand the ways of different families."

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough." But Ben took Scarlet's hand and twirled her around. "Hey, um, Mr. Snape? May I borrow her for awhile? I haven't seen my pup for a year." Ben requested. Severus looked at Scarlet, who looked happy. "Of course... But be back before dinner, I shall go ahead." he said in a monotone voice and walked away. (Someone feels jelly😏)

As Severus arrived at the castle, he went to his office and saw Felixa sitting there. "How'd it go?" she chirped. "I do not know. There was this boy named Beckett Kingsley and-"

"Wait, Kingsley?!" Felixa exclaimed. "Yes. Why?" he asked. "His father was a Death Eater! The... The... The one who tagged along to Godric's Hallow!" Severus' eyes widened. "What do you mean?" He asked, "that... That... He was..."

"Tell me witch!"

"OneofthemwhohelpedkillthePotters!" she blurt out, then covered her mouth. "He helped the Dark Lord... Kill Lily?" he asked CALMLY. "Severus -!" He slammed the door to his office, and sped to his chambers.

Severus calm down... They were the ones that killed Lily!.. Severus, the past is in the past, Scarlet's here... Scarlet... No. Not. Don't! Severus don't go look for her... His father-... His father isn't him! Not like Harry and Potter!


Later, Scarlet came rustling towards Severus after dinner.

"Severus! Slow down!" Scarlet said, panting. But he just walked faster. "Hey! You think I haven't notice that you were ignoring me ever since I returned!" she exclaimed and stopped. Severus turned around and gave her a look of deepest loathing. "What is it?!" she shouted, "never talk to me like that!"

"Well, I won't stop until you say whats bothering you!"

Severus turned his back and went to his chambers. "Snape! Severus! Professor!" she shouted trying to stop him. "Just stop, Carter!" he bellowed and slammed the door. But she got in. "Severus, please-"

"Alright! You know want to know why?! Because Kingsley killed Lily! He helped!" Severus roared, Scarlet wasn't used to this, when she gets shouted at, she starts to cry.

"Well, he isn't his son! Or is this like what you've thought about Harry, because of uncle James?!"

"They will be, what came before them."

"Is that all of why your shouting at me?! Because you thought I was hanging out with a murderer?!"


"Well, 'cause it looks like your just finding a way to be angry at me, since your jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?! I never liked you anyway!"

No, no, no I didn't just say that.

"They were all right! You will always be the Dungeon Bat, the greasy old git, and a coward! You will never change!"

Within a second, she opened the door, and slammed it behind her. He realized she was running back to the common room. He chased her there when she already entered the portrait door. "Password?"
"Please call Scarle -!"

Xander's voice erupted from the painting. "I need to ta-"

"Leave her the f*ck alone!"

And he slammed the portrait door, making the Fat Lady tumble. It was like before. When Severus was asking Lily's forgiveness... And she never did.

"This is all my damn fault."


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