Common Rooms

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(YAY, Wifi! THIS CHAPTER WILL BE EDITED SOON. Did you guys expect me to continue the last chapter? 😅Sorry --Author)


While I was reading my Potions Book, I heard something in the other room across mine. Gently placing the book down, I pranced towards the door, and leaned my ear towards it.

A noise camee from behind the door. Wait, was that... Severus? I tried so hard to stiffen a laugh...

when I had to sneeze SO bad.

"Please don't.... Please don't..." I prayed quietly to myself..... but fate was taking a wrong turn. "Acheeu!"

My silent sneeze was louder than I thought, after I realized footsteps were getting louder as someone approached. Unfortunately, I panicked, and was too late when Severus slammed the door open.

"Scarlet, anything?"

I smirked, then I walked to the couch and let myself fall. "You know you shouldn't enter at this time. I drank quarter of a bottle, already." he told me, as he hid one of the empty wine bottles.

"You and your wine addict will never end. You should stop, you know that. The Ministry doesn't allow these things."

"I don't care about anything the damn Ministry has to say." he replied, as I stood up. "Where're you going?" he asked. "To the common room." I told him, opening the door. "You shouldn't go there too often. You don't know what might grab you in unsuspected corners."

"Wait... Is Professor Snape caring I would get hurt again?" I teased, and tilted my head. "When you're away, I'll always care. Always."


"I'll see you, Sev!" Scarlet's voice echoed throughout the dungeon halls, as she ran to the Gryffindor common room. The portrait door swung open, to reveal Arabella, a gryffindor her year, who gestured her to come in. (Remember her?😉)

"It's Lyanna, come in." she whispered in Scarlet's ear. They both pranced to the girl's dormitory, and saw Lyanna across her bed, sobbing. "Wassup, with her?" she asked. "A wizard -" Arabella answered, but Lyanna finished her sentence.

"A wizard asked me out!"

Scarlet tilted her head in confusion. "So whats the problem-o?" she asked curiously. The same second, Ginny came in, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's in 3 hours, today."

In a split second, Scarlet quickly pulled the two by the collars and huddled up, as Lyanna watched them. "Alright, ladies. It is up to us to make our bestfrind's first date special, so let's do this.

"Arabella, you pick the dress. Ginny, hand a bit of advice while you sit down with her. As for me, I'm on hair and make-up. Clear as a crystal?"


Like lightning, Scarlet grabbed Lyanna by the shoulder and pulled her to the chair in front of a mirror. Arabella sped to her trunk, pulling out multiple dresses, and was murmuring some things to herself like: "This one? Nah." "That's too flashy." "Too... Corny."

And Ginny was handing out some advice of what she learned after her first date with Harry. "Just... Relax. If you look & seem tense, then the guy will be, too."

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now