You Were Jealous?

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Scarlet groaned in frustration as it was already time for her to go to Severus' chambers. She didn't feel like it to eat, making her regret since her stomach was now growling loudly.

She bolted to the dungeons in her muggle clothes, and was about to knock on the door. But she heard laughter from inside. Please don't tell me it's her again. Scarlet's eyes suddenly filled with fear when a deep voice muttered: "Someone is at the door."

Jumping in fright, as the Potions Master himself suddenly opened the door. She was confused as the professor had wild messy hair and wrinkled robes. "I heard you wanted to talk to me." said Scarlet in a monotone voice. Severus looked towards the room and frowned. "I'm sorry, Miss Carter. But I need to dismiss you." Severus told, Scarlet felt frustration rising in her. He made me f***ing run here and he's now gonna make me go?! What in the?!

"Language, Miss Carter."

"Stop it with the damn Occlumency! Wait... Do I smell Firewhiskey?!"

"Carter, I advise you to go now."

"Well, you don't need to tell me twice, Professor."

Scarlet strode out of the dungeons. So I'm Miss Carter again, eh?  Her thoughts said. She headed back to the girl's dorms and crashed her head into the pillow. "Hey, what happened?" Ginny asked, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "It's nothing." she answered in a dully, and didn't bother looking up. "Is this about you and Professor Snape?"

Scarlet's head snapped up and she widened her eyes. "Why would you say that?" she asked all of a sudden. Ginny let out a giggle, and looked at her straight in the eye. "Darling, you think we haven't noticed? The secret meetings, the stares, defending him, even that day in Hogsmead you two were so close, you think it isn't obvious?" said Ginny, smiling. Scarlet started to sweat and ran a hand through her hair. "How many people have noticed?"

"I dunno... I think only me, Xander, and 'Mione." Ginny replied, feeding a piece of popcorn to Pig who was dancing around excitedly. "Are... Are you alright with it?" Scarlet asked. "Alright with what?" "About me and Snape." "Well, if he makes you happy, I'm not here to stop you. Just be careful though..."

"Ginny, you're the most awesome witch I ever met yet." Scarlet said, when the dorm door slammed open. "Merlin, Lyanna, what is it?!" Ginny asked, Lyanna's face was tomato red. "HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED MY HAIR?!" she roared, they both looked up to see Lyanna's hair turned lime green. "So what? It looks nice on yo-"


"Xander's pranks, again? Come here, I'll help you remove it." Scarlet told her, about to get her wand from her pocket, but she didn't felt it. "Ginny, have you seen my wand?" she asked, Ginny shook her head. "Oh no, I must've left it! Ginny, I'll write down the spell, I need to get back to the dungeons!" Scarlet exclaimed in fright, Ginny gave her a wicked smile. "Dungeons you say?" and earned a smack from Scarlet.


The next few days, Scarlet was feeling very uncomfortable whenever sees Raven with Severus, and stayed away from them. She didn't look at Severus, nor noticed when he passed by. Severus' heart sank to his stomach, what did I do? He watched as Scarlet had fun with her friends, and wondered why she was avoiding him all of a sudden. He frowned even more when he saw Scarlet and Mr. Smith laughing together. Wait, am I being jealous? He shook off the thought, and opened the door to reveal Felixa. "We need to talk."


Scarlet was walking around the hallway, alone, when she thought she heard a weird sound. Before she can even realize it, someone grabbed her by the collar and into a room. Scarlet tried to scream, but a hand covered her mouth instantly. She watched as the door disappeared, and left the wall empty. "Explain yourself..." a voice muttered in her ear, she squirmed away from the wizard and looked furious. "Severus! HOW DARE YOU -" his hands caught her mouth once again, "Let. Me. Go!" she shouted, and bit his hand, making him remove it. "You just bit me!"

"I'm a wolf, of course I can. Now, let me out!" she shouted, trying to find the exit. "I won't let you out until you explain your previous actions."

"What did I do, now?! Blew up a classroom?!" she exclaimed irritatably. Severus looked at her sternly, making her silent. "Severus, I don't want to play these such games!"

"We aren't. Now answer me, you've been ignoring me ever since Raven visited, why?" He said, caressing her cheek, but she smacked his hand away. "I have nothing to tell you." She said angrily, and tried to run. But Severus, who had the ability to fly (aka Deathly Hallows Part 1, where McGonagall shouts: "COWARD!") caught up with her and blocked her way. "Scarlet, I will do anything. Just please answer me."

"What do you want then?!" she screamed in a frustrated tone. "Scarlet, darling, please calm down." He said, pulling her in front of him. Why do I feel so weak when I'm around him?!? Scarlet thought in her head. She sighed and calmed down. "I... I... I don't know. I guess I was just acting weird..."

"Please explain to me on what you mean, weird."

"Alright! Severus! I was jealous, okay? I was bloody jealous when you spent a lot of time with Miss Jones!" But Scarlet realized what she said and covered her mouth. "Oh my, I mean, just, wh-"

"You don't know how much that makes me happy, Scarlet, dear." Severus said, truly smiling. "W-Wait, y-y-you're happy?"

"Because you do have feelings for me, and not just using me."

"You'd think I'll use you? Never! Severus, I like the way you are, and you only."

He pulled her into a hug, and kissed the top of her forehead. "You are my always, my little wolf pup."

A/N: Honestly, I do not know why it only takes two chapters for a fight scene. I just can't bear that they're angry at each other😆, anyways have a great day! #Relationship_goalsHP


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