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Scarlet and Severus followed the two women to the Phoenix Statue of the Headmistress' office. "Maleficus." Raven muttered quietly, and all of them entered in.

"Professor McGonagall?" Scarlet asked nervously. Her head bowed shortly, which Severus noticed. McGonagall looked at her sternly, her face a bit pale. "Miss Carter, what made you think that going to a room with those chains is a smart idea?"

"I-I didn't -"

"Minerva, she didn't know a single thing about it. She was being controlled." Severus told the headmistress, and intertwined his hand with Scarlet's, where no one can see. Scarlet's lip made a tiny smile, and let a small squeeze. "Very well. I must talk to Severus for a moment. Flora, please assist Miss Carter to Severus' chambers. I need to settle things... She isn't safe as each second passes." McGonagall said with a bit of fright in her tone. Felixa nodded eagerly, and stood up, clinging her arms around Scarlet's.

"I must ask, how is your stay with Severus?" she asked curiously, smiling as the Gryffindor looked at her confusingly. "I-It's quite good... Weren't you two friends during your Hogwarts years?" she replied, Felixa burst into a smile. "Why yes. He was one year older. I must say, him and Lily were a lot closer than I thought a Slytherin and a Gryffindor be. But thats the past. Oh, and one last thing... Does he resist the temptation of not...?"

"Professor Felixa! Thats illegal!" Scarlet exclaimed, laughing at the same second. "Sorry... Just thought about it at times. He's a man after all, and we can't blame him for that." the professor told her, and stopped as they reached the front of Snape's Chambers. "Thanks, professor." Scarlet said and went inside. She threw on her night clothes and waited for the Potions Master to come back.


Later, Severus followed, and sat down beside her. "Hi."

"Good evening."
"Are you alright, Sev? You're warm." Scarlet pointed out, pressing the back of her hand towards his forehead. Making him smile.

"I'm alright. Thank you, for your concern. Um... Scarlet, I know this will sound weird but..."


"Has someone ever entered your mind before?"

Scarlet suddenly rose from her seat, "Why would you ask that?" she asked curiously. "Er... Minerva told me... We need to know who was the person who tried to kill you. And she told me to find that wizard."

"L-Legilimency, right now?"
"Yes... Right now."

The witch looked at him, bewildered. "Is there another way? A less tiring way than that?" she asked, sweating already. "I'm afraid, not. We need to see on what you saw back there."

Scarlet gulped nervously, then gripped onto the furniture. "Alright.... Do it quick. Uncle Sirius used Legilimency to me before, as a kid... Trust me, it didn't end well."

"Does it run in your blood? Being sick after Legilimency?" he asked, drawing his wand slowly.

"Tonks said my mum did..."

"Are you sure you want to do this, now?"

"You told me McGonagall needs to know. It's now or never."

"O-O-Okay... This might tire you a bit. Legilimens!"


Scarlet rose from her seat, and walked towards the doors of the Great Hall. Xander noticed this, and tried to stop her, with Lyanna. "Scarlet! Stop!!" he shouted, but Scarlet pushed him back, causing his head to hit the table.

As she left other students confused, she was walking an unfamiliar path. She found herself being controlled. But when she reached a dark hallway, there was a glowing source from a pitch black room. Her eyes suddenly turned from bright purple to chesnut, and had no idea whatsoever of what happened. "W-What happened?" she whispered to herself, and walked towards the room. "Hello? I-Is anybody here?" she stuttered, opening the door.

She saw herself facing with a figure... It didn't show any part of it's body, but only his teeth. It smiled like the Chesire Cat, as it teeth glowed. Scarlet found herself controlled again. She walked to the middle of the room, when she snapped back to herself.

Chains from the ceiling dropped down to her. In a split second, her skin was burning and opening scars. "Arghhhh!" she shouted, struggling with the chains. The figure cackled loudly, when it's head snapped towards the door as voices cane from outside. With fear, the figure fled the room before anyone can burst in.

The door slammed open, and Severus with the others were shocked to see Scarlet. "Help!!! Please!!!" she screamed. Severus ran to her, throwing the chains to the wall, making them burst into pieces.

As Scarlet fell concious to the floor, they didn't notice Professor Jones standing outside. Her eyes widened, and she ran off just as Hermione Granger looked at the door.


When Severus finally finished, he found Scarlet on the floor, sweating. "Is it done?" she asked weakly, and stood up, while her hands trembled. The man held her in his arms to help her stand up properly. "Yes, it is done. Unfortunately, I have found only a few things. You did great." he told her, kissing her forehead. But she didn't smile, instead, she frowned.

"I... I don't want to sound like a drama queen, or anything, Sev... And it's really hard. I just want to have a normal life, a normal family... Just everything problem-free. I'm sorry, but it's that I have to be chased by a dragon, tried to be kidnapped, and almost killed by weird chains. Thanks for being with me."

The Potions Master sat down his arm-chair, and gave her an encouraging smile. He pulled her towards him and straddled her in his lap, starting to shower her with kisses. "Sev... Stop..." she whispered, laughing at the same moment. "I won't... stop until... you smile... again." he managed to say in between. Scarlet rolled her eyes, and smiled, not forcingly, but truly.

"That's the Scarlet, I know."

Suddenly the door opened, and a man bursted in.     


Hai! So I will post one last chapter (I'm sorry I promise that'll be the last one... Yeah) because I have the need of continuing this!


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