Where Do I Go?

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I need to get out of here before Snape blows the door down and strangle me.

Since my powers can improve my wandless magic, I waved my hand, and my stuff went flying in the suitcase. "Scarlet?!? What are you doing in there?! When I get my hands on you, you'll explain your behavior!!!"

I ran to the fireplace in the room and took the Floo Powder. I hid the rest of it so Snape can't follow me. "Number 12 Grimmauld Place!" I shouted. The green flames erupted from my feet just in time as Snape yelled: "Maximum Bombarda!"

I found myself in one of the meetings of the Order, and the entire room looked at me quite surprised. "Scarlet!" the members chanted. "Why are you here?" Uncle Remus asked. To be honest, I don't know why I fled from Snape. It was because... Maybe I was too scared when he got mad all of a sudden. And... I might unleash my powers again, with only us in the house.

"I... I..." Aunt Tonks put a warm hand on my shoulder. "Stop it, Remus. She's exhausted!" she exclaimed at her husband, and smiled at me. "Oh come, dear. You can stay at the kid's room. I'll help you with that -"

"It's alright, Mrs. Weasley! I can take care of it." I told her. I can finally show them what my powers can do. I waved my hand once again, and my suitcase levitated to the air, following me. I left them in awe expressions, and climbed up the stairs. I was about to touch the door knob, when it already opened, and pairs of arms hugged around my neck. "Scarlet! We were worried when you left!" Hermione said, breaking the hug. "Oi, let her go! You're suffocating the girl!" George shouted. "Oh sorry, Fre- oh I sorry... Sorry George." Harry said, and scratched the back of his head. "It's alright, mate. At least he's happy." George replied sadly, and stared at the window. Poor George.

For some reason, I do not know why, but me and the rest later now made a NOT-TOO-DANGEROUS-BUT-LIFE-THREATENING game, where we turn the stairs into a slide. Since Hermione, Harry, Ron and George can now do magic outside of school, we used a charm that can make the staircase flatten into a long slide. "Glisseo!" George cast with a small laugh. And guess what? I'm the tester in case it might be too dangerous. I didn't volunteer, I swear.This is something, that I'm doing, thats stupid AND brave. And also quite fun. They all patted me by the back with a good luck. "Just a reminder to the younger witches and wizards to NOT DO THIS AT HOME, IF you aren't wearing any special gear."

"This isn't fair! Why can't Ronald do it?!" I exclaimed, we all looked at Ron and saw him whimpering. "There's a spider down there, and I don't want to go near it!"

"Ronald, you're almost 20!" Hermione rolled her eyes, and Harry gave me an encouraging smile. "Whatever. Okay, let's do this!" Oh, and also, I'm not riding anything like a sled, or etc. I'm just doing this with my bum. Why does that sound so incredibly stupid? I don't know. They all gave me a push, and I went sliding down the stairs - Or slide - giggling. I screamed both in fright and fun, throwing my hands in the air. Later, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and George came rushing down too. "Oof!" I exclaimed as I crashed down the floor.

But I didn't notice that the front door slammed open.

"We need to put a mat here - oof!" Later, we found ourselves stacked till the very top, and guess what?

I was at the very bottom, being crushed to death.

"Hermione you're too heavy!" Harry shouted, "oh please, it's George who needs to loose weight!" she yelled, when Mrs. Weasley burst out to see what was happening. "Good heavens! What in Merlin were you doing?!" she barked, we were still atop of each other, smiling like we were caught on a crime scene when I saw a large figure in front of me.

I squeked, and hid my face. "What a splendid entrance, Weasley, Potter, Granger... And Carter."

Please don't tell me it's him again. "Professor Snape! What a surprise!" Mrs. Weasley said, and gestured him to come in. I could see his boots stomping, while my arm was stretched out. He stepped on it, and I gave a tiny shriek. "You git! You stepped on my arm!!" I yelled absent-mindedly. "Well, then tuck it in, Miss Carter. I need to speak to you about that dramatic exit you just made not so long ago." Snape's voice loomed. Sirius all helped us get off each other, and couldn't stop laughing. "Hahaha! You should've seen yourselves!" he said, at the same time, we shot him a death glare, making him instantly silent.

"Scarlet, come in." Tonks' head popped up, I walked to the room, with my hands crossed. "So, what makes you think, Carter, that you can make such an exit, and skipping my lessons?" Snape asked. "Lessons?! You were about to leave!" I cried, all looked towards Snape. Since I've been practicing my abilities, I learned that I can read emotions of my enemy as well.

And I sensed Snape was terrified.

"Indeed, I was, Carter. But why would you leave with no caution or safety? The Floo Network hasn't been working right these days, and you could have ended up in a muggle's fireplace!"

"I did it because I was angry."

"Angry about what?" Uncle Remus asked. Snape gulped quietly. "That he was: rarely teaching me. He won't pay attention at all, drift into his own thoughts, leave early and -"

"ENOUGH!" Snape roared

I looked at Snape with my eyes starting to flame with purple. "Snivellus, is this true?" Sirius asked, slamming his hands to the table angrily. Don't tell me this is another cat fight.

"I was ordered to."

And there, I interrupted.

"Ordered? You told me you always have free time!"

"That was before. And I go to practices on the specific dates, Carter. I don't understand why you say that I was absent."

"Oh, like during: last last week's Monday, Friday, last Tuesday, last Sunday, and Monday!"

"That was because I -!!"

"OH YOU TWO ARE ARGUING LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE!" Uncle Remus bellowed. "Moony, I wanted to say that!" Padfoot exclaimed, and sat back down with a pout in his face.

"Look, Scarlet, why did you leave?Severus, tell us why you were missing practices."

I sighed, and narrowed my eyes. "I left because I almost unleashed that weird purple flame, with only both of us. Muggles might get suspicous. And becasuse... Snape won't tell me where he always goes to."

"Well, Minerva ordered me to co-operate with a professor. I have to arrive at her house early, and sometimes we needed to work overtime."

"And who is this professor?" Padfoot asked suspicously. Snape widened his eyes, and stared at me as though his eyes were saying sorry.

"Professor Jones."

Thats it.

I rose up from the table, and ran out of the room. I swished my hand, and I locked me bedroom. So this is why he's dissapearing? To that troll? What do they even do together? Imagine... Them alone in a house... It's scary, especially that both of them are old enough.

I sat at the window, hugging my knees, with my head burried between.

~Down at the room~

"Look at what you've done, again, Snape."

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now