Returning Home

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Thats the date today. The whole house was running around preparing for the trip to Platform 9 and 3/4.

I was fixing my Hogwarts uniform, not wearing my robes, and layered it under my muggle sweatshirt with DIE HARD across it 😉, to avoid attracting attention of an unfamiliar school. As I got down, Tonks was ready to go, while Uncle Remus was struggling to carry Teddy. I gladly took Teddy from his arms, making Uncle Remus sigh in relief. "Thank you Scarlet. Padfoot! We're ready to lea-"

He was interrupted by a bark. "Padfoot! You can't walk around King's Cross as a dog!" Remus exclaimed irritatedly, the black dog rolled his eyes and transformed back into Sirius. "Fine. But I'm taking Scarlet with me. She hasn't rode on it for 15 years, Moony." Sirius told him, "what ride?" I asked confusingly.

As we stepped out, I giggled with excitement. We're riding Sirius' motorbike! Tonks took Teddy from me, as she laughed at my reaction. "You need to ride it at some point of your life." Sirius said to me, patting my shoulder. I was still standing, when Sirius laughed. "Well, let's go now!" he called out, I hopped on. "Wait, how about my stuff?" I asked, "we'll take it there when you arrive. Sirius, you'll be dead if this girl doesn't arrive at the platform in one piece."

"Oh, Tonks, when have I ever caused a wizard's life!"

"When you almost crashed the bike to a muggle dumpster after we went grocery shopping."

"Well, blame the bloody duck! It flew to my face! And Scarlet, hold on, I haven't flew this thing for months."

Oh dear. I threw my arms up as we were finally leaving the ground. Mr. Weasley added a little button on the motor bike, making the vehicle invisible to muggles. "So, Scarlet, are you ready for your 6th year at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked, as we avoided a muggle plane that almost hit us.

"Yup! It's a shame I'm gonna leave next year. I'll miss my second home." Scarlet replied, looking towards her left as a group of birds were flying past. "Oh, I forgot!" Scarlet said, grabbing something behind her. Snidget was in his cage excited to stretch his wings. She opened the cage, and Snidget flew behind them, feeling the wind again.

"Have you been practicing your powers yet?" Sirius asked, "Yes. They're quite useful!" she replied happily, but as she remembered Snape, she frowned for a moment.


Thankfully, they arrived at King's Cross, Sirius pressed the vanishing button again, and they reappeared in the parking space. "Come on, it's 10:48!" Sirius exclaimed, and pulled Scarlet's wrist, while the other was holding Snidget in a cage. "Sirius!" Remus shouted, they both stepped nearer, and Scarlet took her stuff. Later, they all met up with the Weasley's and the Smiths. "Hey, Xander!" Scarlet greeted, while Xander eyed her up and down. "Interesting clothing choice." he teased, "shut up. At least I look like a normal muggle." she replied defensively.

• • •

In a few minutes, they were all on the train, waving good-bye to their families. "Bye, Scarlwet!" Teddy Lupin managed to shout, Tonks looked at him in disbelief. "You can call Scarlet, but you can't shout mom?"

"Bye, Padfoot!" Scarlet shouted, as Sirius waved a hand. "Ginny! Pig!" Molly Weasley shouted in frustration, as she held Pig in her palm and gave the owl to Ginny. "Thanks. Bye, mum!"

Later the train was already moving. Scarlet made sure she wasn't now leaving any compartment, and sat comfortably at the seat. She & Xander were the only ones sharing it surprisingly. "Where's Lyanna?" she asked, "Prefect's Compartment. She earned a spot, annoying really, when she kept on talking about it throughout the summer."

They talked about a lot, and didn't notice Professor Severus Snape walking past them with a glare of jealousy in his eyes.


"WE'RE HERE! WAKE UP! WE'RE HERE!" Xander's voice shouted in Scarlet's ear. Not bothering to open her eyes, she smacked his head with a book, and looked outside to see they were already in Hogsmead Station. "Ouch!" he exclaimed. Scarlet slipped her sweatshirt off, and now threw her robes on. "Come on!" Xander told her, "calm down! The thestrals aren't running off without us!"

Both met up with Ginny, Luna, and Xander's new girlfriend, Elise Crestfellow, who was very beautiful and kind, that Scarlet started to become best friends with her. "How's summer?" Elise asked Scarlet, "tragic. Worst one ever." she replied, but was smiling in the same time.

They all laughed going back to Hogwarts, and when they passed Snape who was walking to the castle, he grunted when Scarlet and Xander began a never ending tickle fight. Am I really jealous? This is stupid. She doesn't love me anymore!

Hogwarts was looking fresh as ever. McGonagall stood up, and clapped her hands together. "I would like to introduce you to your new Gryffindor Head Of House, and substitute Charms professor... Miss Hermione Granger!"

Scarlet, and Xander whistled loudly, making everybody laughed... Well, maybe not everybody. School was still a dread when Professor Jones was present... But the students had a little surprise for her the next day, grinning mischieviously.

When the feast was over, Scarlet and Ginny went to Hermione and talked in her chambers. "So, are you excited?" Ginny asked, jumping up and down. "Excited AND nervous. What if I'll be a bad professor?!"

"Bad?! Hermione, you're awesome, smart, beautiful, but never bad!" Scarlet told her, making Hermione blush.

"You haven't seen Professor Jones in the faculty! She feels as if she was the closest thing to Snape!"
"Please, she was worst than Umbridge!"

They both looked at Scarlet, and smiled awkwardly. Ginny tried to change the subject, when she was surprised as she looked at her watch. "Oh no. We need to go back, Scarlet. We might get back in the common room past curfew!" Ginny whispered, they both snook out, while Hermione watched out for Filch the Caretaker and his cat Mrs. Norris.

What Scarlet didn't notice, was that her wolf necklaces' chain snapped and dropped to the ground. 

"My... My... Let's see this..."


"Severus!" Jones' voice shouted from outside of his chambers. "What is it, Jones. It is rude to knock at a man's chambers past curfew, plus, I told you to stay away from me!"

"Oh, but something belongs to a particular student!"

Severus irritatedly slammed the door open. "WHAT?!" he bellowed. "This." she said, grinning, as she held Scarlet's necklace in front of his face. "How did you -"

"Why, she threw it to the ground!" Jones lied, smiling like a lunatic. "She will never throw it." he replied, and closed the door, but one of her boots slid in between to stop him. "But she did, Severus. She was running around the hallway with Miss Weasley. I saw them with my own eyes."

"Give that to me." he muttered, and snatched the necklace from her. He slammed the door in front of her face. "Who would think... I would like a man like you, Severus....?" Jones muttered, as soft so she won't hear him. She kept on grinning, and walked back to her office, staring at a different necklace she was wearing.

 Why would she throw the necklace away? 

Oh because she's mad at you, you idiot! What would you expect when a woman finds out a man with hickeys all over his neck! As Snape closed the door, he leaned on the wall, massaging his temples. 

If only she would just listen to me!


Hai! To be honest, I find this chapter rather weird, but I'll improve on the next! I cringed so much! I shall see you till the next chapter!

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now