Leaving Hogwarts

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Today's the last day. I attended the last brunch of the year and said my good-byes to the 7th years who I'll miss. I was dragging my trunk to the train, when I can hear footsteps chasing after me. Just in time, the train conductor helped me, and I ran inside the Hogwarts Express without even looking at who was chasing me.

"Hey, mind if I stay here?" I requested. In the compartment were Lyanna, Xander, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna. They all nodded, as I sat at the small spot near the window. The train was starting to drift off, when a I noticed there was a 1st year Gryffindor outside. "Sorry, is your compartment full? I have a lot of stuff I need to drop." he told us. Pity was erupting in me, I stood up and offered my seat. "But Scarlet -"

"I'll just find another compartment to squeeze in. See you in the burrow, Hermione. Neville, I hope I can see you soon. Xander, Lyanna. See ya." I told them and helped the boy in. After that, I stood outside.

Here we are again. Just like the start of school, eh, Scarlet?

Great. Just because of my kindness, I'm the one in trouble. I asked a couple of compartments, but everything was full. Darn it. I was so tired of standing up, I decided of sitting on the train's carpet floor. But I looked up, to hear a compartment door open. "Miss Carter." A velvet voice muttered. It was Severus. I turned my back at him and chose to sit in another spot, when suddenly, he grabbed my wrist. "Please. We need to talk."

"No, Snape. This time, no." I shaked his hand off furiously and sat somewhere else.

And I fully regret on where I sat. Don't ask where. I hopped off the bloody train, and saw Mrs. Weasley waving at me with the rest of the family. Lyanna and Xander were about to leave, so I just waved a hand to them. And in the very corner... Well let's just say, Hermione and Ron couldn't help but snog somewhere in public. Bleh. "Scarlet! How are you?" Mr. Weasley greeted, and hugged me tightly. "Fine, Mr. Weasley, thank you." I replied.

"So, do you want to stay with us?" Mrs. Weasley asked kindly, I nodded my head and joined the family to the Burrow.

When we arrived there, all of the familiar things were around me. I visited the Burrow twice already, but the house got bigger than I remembered. "Go wash yourself up, dear. Dinner will be served in a hour. Oh, and your room is next to Ginny's." Mrs. Weasley told me. I nodded and showered within minutes. As I got down, my face burst into a smile as Uncle Sirius, Aunt Tonks, Remus and Teddy were in the family room. "Hi Teddy!" I squealed happily as the little baby climbed on my leg and changed his hair to pink.

"Scarlet!" Tonks exclaimed, and greeted me with a hug, followed by Uncle Remus and Sirius. "How was your OWL'S?" Sirius asked, as we plunged into the couch in the same time. "It was... Good. It wasn't hard, but not easy either."

"Come on, now! Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed across the house. We all met in the kitchen, and my eyes feasted as the table was filled with delicous-looking food. For the rest of the dinner, the adults talked to me a lot. I didn't mind though, but I froze as Uncle Remus mentioned:
"Your necklace looks beautiful, who gave it to you?"

Shoot. Oh pumpernickel, what do I bloody say?!

"Um, I bought it in Hogsmead." I quickly lied. After a while, I thank Ginny for excusing us both to dinner, and Hermione joined us in Ginny's room. We talked much about our plans about summer, but Hermione didn't mean to slip in about romance. Why do I cringe? Oh right...

"I'm very excited! Harry's taking me out this weekend!" Ginny exclaimed with glee, and couldn't help but throw a fit of giggles. "Well, Ronald told me he has a surprise, I just wish I knew!"

And then blabber, and blabber, and blabber you do not want to hear.


A few weeks passed, and I was now breathing properly. Sev sent a few letters, but what was the point or replying? If he still loves Aunt Lily, whats my purpose in his life?

I was playing Quidditch with George, and Ron. And, for the fifth time, I won. I love the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley told me she wouldn't mind adopting another child. It always makes me wonder what life would be with my parents.... I miss them.

But one night, Uncle Sirius visited.

"Where's Scarlet?" he asked, I heard from upstairs. "She's in her bedroom." a voice replied quietly. I could hear Uncle Sirius' footsteps coming nearer, and he opened the door. "Hey Scarlet, we need to go to headquarters. There's a meeting." he told me kindly. I changed into a more appropriate outfit, and went downstairs.

"There she is! Now let's go!" Uncle Remus said, and we all apparated to The Headquarters of The Order. When we got there, the non-members, aka the-too-young-to-join were in a bedroom. We talked for a while, when Aunt Tonks came in with a blank expression.

"Someone's looking for you, Scarlet." she said, and closed the door. "Who would look for you at this time?" George asked, I shook my head and slid down the stairs. I jumped off, and tried to find who was looking for me.

Oh no.

A/N: Sorry, but I couldn't help but publish! Surprisingly, I only wrote the three chapters today (aka The Hearts Deepest Desire, Fine... I'll go, and this one.


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