Cold Hard Ground

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"Finally, the snows melting." said Lyanna. "I don't believe it. Why would you hate it?" Scarlet asked confusingly, dropping her book the floor and walk to the window.

The pair was studying in the Gryffindor common room, thinking of where the heck Arabella & Xander are at this same second.

"Didn't they leave hours ago?" Lyanna stated with an unsure voice. She made a scratching noise with her quill, and majestically placed the last period of her Muggle-Studies Essay. "What did you write?" Scarlet asked curiously, peeking over the parchment. "Something about muggle magicians. They're quite fascinating. If you must know, they're very skilled to make you believe they are actually doing real magic."

"I don't think you should call anybody here a magician. It's an insult to the Wizarding World."

"It is?"

"Wait... You're a muggle-born, aren't you?"

"You've known me ever since we bumped into each other at Diagon Alley! I can't believe you forgot!"

"I didn't! Just wanted to make sure if I'm right with the facts, that's all."

But just as Scarlet closed her mouth, the Fat Lady's portrait swung open to reveal Xander & Arabella themselves, panting heavily. "ComeWithUs!" he yelled, and pulled both witches out of the castle. "I AM A PREFECT, XANDER!! I CAN TAKE POINTS OFF GRYFFINDOR! LET GO OFF ME!" barked Lyanna angrily, trying to slap his arm away. Meanwhile, Arabella's firm grip on Scarlet was somehow making her arm turn dead purple. "You're killing my arm! I have flames, 'Bella, and you do not want me to use them!!" she shouted angrily. And after all the shrieking and shouting, they came across the Forbidden Forest's gate. "We are NOT supposed to be here! Don't you dunderheads remember Professor Dumbledore's warning about this place -"

"Aha!" a deep voice shouted, making the four jump in fright. Right in behind them, was the Potions Master and Muggle-Studies Professor, looking at them with a stern look. "What are you four up to?" asked Professor Felixa curiously. Severus had a victorious smirk at the edge of his face, that Scarlet shot him a furious look.


"Why are they with us, again?" whisper-shouted Xander to Scarlet, as their footsteps made crunching noises over the dead crispy leaves lying on the forest floor. "For the 13th time, Xander: they're here to make sure we're not making any trouble." replied Scarlet, narrowing her eyes. Arabella, who was linking her arms around Scarlet, kept on looking around, as though they were being watched. Xander, who wanted to act like a lion, walked ahead and said: "Oh stop being a coward, 'Bella. Can't you be a brave manly Gryffindor like me -? aaaaaaaaaah!"

The wizard screamed similar to the top of his lungs as he saw, crawling by his feet, was a frightened cockcroach, who scurried to the little hole by the tree.

"Yes, very manly, Mr. Smith. Very Gryffindorly, indeed." Severus mocked, watching his lover giggle. "Oh stop it, Xander! You frightened the poor thing!" Scarlet exclaimed, shaking Xander off her arms, making him fall down to the floor. "T-That thing! Where d-d-did it go?!"

"Over there!"


"Not the bug, you coward! I mean the stone!" Arabella shouted, and swatted Xander's arm. "Hurry now, the sun is about to set." Felixa said, looking at the bright orange sky. "Well, you heard her!" Lyanna said, widening her eyes to Arabella. She turned to Xander. "Oh, yeah! This is where I tripped!"

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