The Animagus

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Although Scarlet was pretty open, she had her secrets too.

 Only a few know this, and she was an Animagus. It was pretty hard with the process at first, but it was worth it.

She can turn into a big light gray wolf. It didn't look like a were-wolf, just a normal one.

As Scarlet was walked around Hogwarts, something came into her mind, making her go back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey," a voice behind me said, I turned around to see Ginny, carrying a wet Crookshanks. "Poor fellow, what happened?" I asked, I casted a drying spell, and made my wand create wind from the tip of it, that made Crookshanks look like a large poof ball.

"Thanks. Peeves thought it was Mrs. Norris and poured the entire water bucket all over her. Crookshanks acted like she was petrified and stood there frozen." Ginny replied. I nodded and went to the girl's dormitory. "Hi Lyanna" I greeted, as Lyanna's owl Cosmo, flew around me happily. "Hullo." she simply greeted as she was doing her homework. I grabbed my trunk, pulled something out of it, and put it inside my saddle bag.

"Where're you going?" She asked.

 "Finish your homework."

"There is no such place as finish your homework."

"Bye." And closed the door behind me. Rhythmically walking down, I thought of testing my Animagus powers again. I haven't turned into my wolf form in ages, and it isn't bad to turn into one again, right?

I walked to the gate to the Forbidden Forest and opened it quietly. I pranced around, and turned into my wolf form.

Oh, I forgot my saddle bag. I placed it down under a tree and ran around freely. I howled as I ran past the trees. After a few hours, I thought of finding my old wolf pack. But another person came in. 

It was a wizard.

He didn't notice me yet, so I tried to grab my saddle bag and leave, but he froze as the huge visible light gray wolf was walking right past him. His eyes widened and gaped. "D-Don't h-h-hurt me..." he stuttered, grabbing his wand and pointing it at me. I backed away as I saw the wand and whimpered.

"Oh, I didn't mean to hurt you..." he said, wait, that voice, it can't be...

"I'm... Severus Snape." I froze and walked up to his hand, who was stretched out, and rubbed my head against it. "You're a friendly one, aren't you?" his voice now in a amused tone. He kneeled beside me then rubbed under my ear, I growled in satisfaction, and he let out a low chuckle. Wait, he thinks I'm a normal wolf... Not Scarlet.

I now started to walk away, when he followed me. I turned around, then shook my head meaning he shouldn't follow me. "When can I see you again?" he asked, I didn't know how to answer him and bowed my head. One last glance, and I ran away.

I caught up with a the pack I was looking for, and slowly crept around them. "Scarlet! Is that you?" A black wolf said, named Max.

Later my other wolf friends, Toby, Zhoe, Pluto, and Diesel came up (Those names are actually names of my real life dogs😄). I made friends when I was little. They were also Animagus, just lived where no one can find them. They each turn back into a human, and hugged me. "You alright?" I asked Zhoe, who was the only girl, and nodded. "The Troublemakers moved into the forest. They're hunting and tracking down innocent wizards." Diesel said, I nodded and gave them a face of worry.

But when silence broke, a loud howl came out of nowhere... Wait... That sounded like the hunting howl. "They spotted a wizard."


"I need to stop them!" I shouted, turning back into a wolf and running back the path where I met Snape.

I followed the familiar scent, and saw Snape being cornered. I can hear the pack of wolves as they call themselves, Troublemakers, cackling and circling around the Potions Master. "Don't come nearer!" He shouted, drawing his wand. One wolf howled in amusement, and growled. He was about to jump at Snape, when out of my mind, I jumped in front of him facing them angrily. Call me young... you haven't seen my dark side yet.

"Pick on someone your own size!" I roared. It was 5 against one. I tackled all of them as Snape fired spells to add help. I don't know why I'm helping Snape, like my brain was telling me to ignore, but my heart was telling me to save him.

Later, the others came.

"Hey, why didn't you ask us to join the party?" Max asked playfully, jumping at them. I guess Snape couldn't believe it, as he stared around us in disbelief. "Leave!" Diesel roared, as the troublemakers left. And well, typical Toby chased after them making the pack follow him trying to stop the male wolf.

"Merlin... Thank you" A voice said and hugged me. Snape?! Thanking?! Me?! I leaned my head on his right shoulder, but pulled away. "Y-Y-You're hurt!" he said, pointing at my left front paw. He stared into my eyes, looking like it was familiar, I blinked. I nodded then ran off for my saddle bag. Carrying it in my mouth, I ran behind Hagrid's hut and turned back to normal. Walking back to the castle, it was already sunset.

I went to the Great Hall and sat down. Covering my wound, while Xander looked at me angrily. "You wolfed again, didn't you?!" he spat at me, wolfed meant between us that I turned into my Animagus form. "Yeah, I did."


But as I walking back to my common room, my saddle bag fell in front of Snape. I reached to get it, but Snape did the same. I awkwardly took it, and smiled. But Snape noticed something in my left arm.

"Are... You hurt?" He asked curiously, I ran away, leaving Snape confused. This is bad.

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