The Heart's Deepest Desire

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I was in the common room, with Xander. I was watching him like a hawk while he's studying, because he always manages to slip out and play Quidditch, & then fail in the exams. Since it's our year with the OWL'S exam, I need to boost him up.

My 2 months of the worst detention has finally been lifted by the bravest man we all knew! Speaking of the bravest man, I decided to visit him later, after Xander wouldn't stop complaining that his arm was going to fall off if he continued this, so I let him take a break.

I went around with Hermione for awhile, when I noticed she looked quite pissed off. "Hermione, what happened?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and held her book to her chest. "It was Professor Jones. She called me a 'Spoiled-Know-It-All' and then gave me detention when she thought I wasn't copying. Well that truth was, I. Was. Already. Done!" Hermione exclaimed angrily.

"I heard that the Parvati Patil was deducted with 70 points from Gryffindor after she accidentally spilled her pumpkin juice over Jones' robes." added Hermione, huffing. "Oh, I need to go to the Owlery, want to join me?" she asked, "No thanks. Speaking of going, I need to go to the dungeons."


But I was already running.

I went down to the dungeons, when I happen to bump into Professor Jones. *sighs* Here we go again. "And why would a young Gryffindor like you, be strutting around the dungeons on this hour?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. Why does she hate me so much?! If my mom was... I dunno, to her, why would she pass the flipping hate to me?!

"To inform you, ma'am. I don't strut. And I never will." I replied, her nostrils flared and she soon stroded out. Rolling my eyes, I knocked on Sev's chambers. "Come in."

"I see you've changed the 'Enter'." I teased, sitting down near his table. "I didn't. I just wanted to try something else for today." he replied, and flipped through some papers. "You need help with grading those?" I offered, "Well, Raven, already did." he said nervously. "She did, didn't she?" I said, pretending to be amused. He looked up to me and smiled warmly. "Because she wouldn't stop suggesting the offer, and it annoyed me. Then she completely froze as I mentioned you in our conversation." he explained standing up from his chair. "Where are you going?" I asked curiously, "Mind, walking with me?"

I didn't even need to think twice, and nodded. While we were walking around the castle, I didn't notice that we arrived at a unfamiliar hallway. "Where are we...?" I asked, when I thought I saw something flash. It was inside a room. "Sev, whats that?" I asked, he looked into the room, and walked inside. "Hey! Wait for me!" I whisper-shouted, clinging onto his arm as I was frightened of the dark.

Maybe it was either of us, but a foot stepped on a loose twig and snapped, making me squeak. "It's alright, Scarlet. I'm here." he told me.

We both froze as the room lit up. And at the very end of the room... It was the mirror.

"The Mirror Of Erised..." I muttered in awe, and stepped closer. "Pardon?" Scarlet asked, confusingly. "The Mirror Of Erised, Scarlet." I repeated. The witch let go of my arm and ran in front of the mirror. "It looks beautiful..." she said, running her fingers across the sides. "Why is it called, Mirror Of Erised?"

(I just realized know why it's called Erised. Because Erised backwards is Desire. Mirror of Desire/s. Why do I feel so stupid. --Author)

"I don't know. Albus owned it, but I guess he was lying about moving it elsewhere." I replied, stepping in front the mirror myself. I always so Lily, but Lily didn't appear... It was different. I saw a young beautiful witch, smiling at me. Her arm was clinged around a man dressed in all black... It was... Me. They both looked really happy. But do I really desire her?

"What is it Sev?" Scarlet asked, stepping beside me. I moved aside so she can see her view of the reflection. "Oh... Wait, why doesn't it show what it reflects?" she asked, confusingly. "What did you see?"

"Um... Well... Haha, me surrounded by puppies. You know me." she answered nervously. She's lying. "I'd like the truth, please." I told her sternly. She shot me a glare and narrowed her eyes. "Why do you need to know?" she said suspicously, I felt my cheeks warm, and I looked aside. "Because... I saw you, in the reflection." I admitted, "well, alright. I... Saw you in the mirror beside me." I arched an eyebrow and motioned her to see the letters engraved on the top of the mirror. "Please read it for me," I requested.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on woshi? I don't understand, what does it mean?"

I brought out my wand, and traced the letters in the air using a fiery red flame. Then the words rearranged themselves.

"I show not your face, but your heart's desire."

Scarlet's eyes widened and she looked towards me. "Oh... Well, er yeah..." she said awkwardly. "Which translates to: We desire each other?" I joked, she let out a loose laugh and locked her eyes into mine.

"I guess, I do."

A/N: Hello people of wattpad! Sorry if it's a short chapter. So important A/N, because I will time skip this to the OWLS exam, and yes I will extend this to her 6th year. Also TYSM FOR 1K COVER VIEWS, YOU MADE MY DAY!

Because I was a bit sad... But nevermind that!


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