Fine... I'll Go

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"Next time, I'm not doing this again, Lyanna!" I yelled at the girl, panting as we were almost late for our OWL'S.

We were running through the hallway, pass McGonagall, who shouted for us to stop. But we didn't listen and bolted to the Great Hall. "Shoot..." Lyanna muttered, the doors were already closed. But it opened, and to reveal Professor Jones staring at us sternly and with the whole hall looking at us. "You're late." she said furiously, and swatted our heads with a book as we entered the hall to our seats.

I can feel all of the eyes staring at us both, and I dropped to my chair. Bringing out my lucky quill, I began the exam.

• • •

To tell you the truth, everybody dreaded the examinations. But it was somewhere surprising that everyone was quiet. A lot of people have panic attacks, unfortunately, especially Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. In the common room, we always need to make a mini trip to the dungeons and ask Severus for some calming draughts.

But the only problem was, is that Sev won't give them a draught if I weren't there. So that is a result why I had to leave for the dungeons during 2 in the morning.

But never mind that. We're taking our last test today. Glad I went to Sev's chambers last night, because he lend me a Wide-Eye potion, that stays you awake till dawn. I can hear the scratches of quills around me, when my head snapped towards the forest. A howl erupted out of nowhere, and it wasn't a normal howl...

"What was that?" a Slytherin asked, everybody gave a confused look. "I thought wolves don't live in the Forbidden Forest." a Ravenclaw girl said. I narrowed my eyes towards her. "They do. Now shut up, and continue the exams. Maybe Hagrid's got this." I told them and went back to answering question #52.

Me and Xander did a little victory dance as the exams finally over! Even some students joined the fun. Since tomorrow is the last day, I went to the dorms to get my stuff ready. After a few minutes of terrible working, I managed to gather up everything. Hermione requested that we join her to Hogsmead since it was her last year here.

"We'll miss you!" I exclaimed as I gave Hermione a hug. "Me too. But don't worry, Mrs. Weasley said you can stay at the Burrow!"

My eyes widened. "Really?!" Ronald and Harry were also coincidenatlly there, having a bit of Firewhiskey. "Oh, sorry, forgot the letter. Mum asked if you want to join us in the Burrow! Dad got some muggles to help us raise it back, and we somehow got it to become bigger! Besides, dad told me your father was his bestfriend, and do anything for his daughter!" Ronald told me, I smiled and thought for a minute. "Sure. Thank you! I'll write to my neighbors to tell them I'll stay in a different house. Tell Mrs. Weasley that I said thank you." I replied.

But we were hearing noises outside.

"What was that?" Ginny asked, we all quickly rushed out of The Three Broomsticks. The crowd seemed to run to the Shrieking Shrack. I made my way through the crowd, and saw two men fighting.

Severus and Ben.

I gasped and saw something strange. Ben's eyes were in a different shade, not his normal brown, but deep purple. He was attacking Severus with spells, while the he was disarmed.

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now