A Little Bit Of Explaining

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"Very well."

Scarlet looked at McGonagall curiously, as she opened her mouth to speak. "Carter... Do you know how much a Fortis Viribus is capable of?" McGonagall asked sternly but quietly. "I'm afraid not, Professor." Scarlet answered sheepishly, and hid her face with her brown hair that she now regret to how itchy the curls at the very end stroked her neck. "I shall explain.

"A Fortis Viribus is a very powerful witch or wizard. One does not get this power very easily. He or she shall receive the power if a Fortis Viribus belongs to the family itself.

"Now listen. You're kind, Miss Carter, is very rare. Unfortunately, we cannot let you die. As we have previously told you before, you may be the last one standing on earth. We need you to..... How should I say this?....


Unfortunately, just in time, Scarlet coughed wildly like she was being choked. She even had to hold her puke in. "I'm sorry," she patted her chest, "R-Reproduce?" She can see Severus & Sirius, both laughing in the corner. "Yes, Miss Carter. There is a large chance that your child will be a Fortis Viribus."

"Good Lord... And I thought having no kids was a good decision..."

McGonagall looked at the two men laughing, that made them stop. "But, Padfoot, a question. You erased our memories. Why?!" Scarlet asked. Sirius moved a step fowards her, and sighed. "We suspected Voldemort was behind these Fortis Viribus murders."

"We knew that Snivelly," he gestured towards Severus, "would be a Death Eater. If he knew you were a Fortis Viribus just like your parents, it were possible that you may be reported and killed. I had to erase the memories because Voldemort might hunt you down... But we figured out that it wasn't only Voldemort who tried to kill you all that night.

"Besides, I think Severus was starting to cross the line."

The girl swatted Sirius angrily. "Crossing the line?!"

"Oh stop it the both you. We shall move on. Anyways, another reason we cannot allow those men have your soul -is to what I have heard- because they have killed many Fortis Viribus. If a wizard murders a Fortis Viribus, they shall posses the power making them stronger. If you kill numerous, you may have the capability to become immortal, and kill anyone you wish. If they murder you... Another war might happen again.

"That's why Miss Carter, we need to find the boss of those men, & possibly stop him or her from taking you. We must find the Duo."

"Duo?" Scarlet asked confusingly. "Oh no.... Not them again." Severus muttered to himself, as Sirius shot him a weird look. "The Lunatic Duo."


"Who's the Lunatic Duo?" Scarlet asked Severus as they reached their bedroom. "Only the craziest, weirdest, and idiotic duo ever to exist on this world. Stultus and Insanus. They work like your father." he replied as he shined his new black shoes.

"You mean the crazy thing, the pulling vegietable carts thing, or the predictions blabber?"

"The Predictions Blabber."

The witch sighed, then crashed into the bed with her face buried to the pillows. "And we have to find them?" she asked like it was too much. "Yes."

"Where do they live?"

"Only one place."

"Hmm?" she muffled, asking for a reply.

"The place that never sleeps...
New York."

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