A Talk With The Painting

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Scarlet earned herself another detention, after having a tackle with Malfoy, and calling him a "Ugly disgusting crazy ferret!"

I pulled her off on the right time, before she even "kicked hiss arse." Malfoy confessed that he was just teasing, but I knew he was lying. She will be coming any minute. With a wave of my wand, the messy office cleaned itself. Before you say anything, I rather have it like what the muggles say; "the old-fashioned way" when it comes to handing out detentions.

A knock came to my door. I surprisingly looked up, "enter."

The door revealed Scarlet and she sat at the chair near my desk. "Today... You'll be helping me grade some papers." I told her, tempted to look up. "Alright." She replied and took the stack beside her. "Do you have a quill and ink?" I asked, as I grabbed mine out. "Always." She muttered and began checking.

"So this is why a lot of peole received below Acceptable. They don't even give a little bit of effort!" The girl exclaimed, sighing, after putting back one paper she finished. "I'm glad that somebody finally understands me." I said in my usual tone, Scarlet let out a lose laugh and continued grading.

"Anything else?" she asked, I looked at her in disbelief. I was still half-way through my stack. "Read it again." I answered, "I already did, 5 minutes ago." she replied sighing with a smile. "You're quite the Potions Mistress, yourself." I complimented, smirking as I stared into her eyes. It stayed that way when I snapped back to reality and awkwardly looked away. I need to focus.

"Oh please. The current Potions Master is great himself." she blurted, but realized what she said, then tried to hide herself with her hair. I laughed at her reaction, and stared at the clock. A hour already passed.

"Well, I shall continue this in the morning. Your detention is done. Good night, Scarlet." I said, standing up and escorting her to the door. "Good night to you too, Professor." She replied, leaving with her bag she came with earlier.

The second she left, I had an idea. I hurried to the Phoenix Statue and stopped for a minute to breath. "Chocolate Frog." (The original way to the Headmaster's office is by a gargoyle, but I prefer the Phoenix statue with the stairs😄) the Phoenix moved to reveal a flight of stairs. I ran in, and and sat tried to find the portrait I was looking for.


"Albus!" I said as I found Dumbledore's portrait. He smiled and put on his cresent-shaped glasses. "Anything I can do?" He asked politely, I checked the other portraits and saw the other Headmaster's asleep. "It's just... I don't know... I-"

"Is this about Ms. Carter?" My eyes widened. "How did you-"

"I may be a portrait, Severus. But that doesn't mean that I can't hear about things in Hogwarts. After all, you're not the only one I talk to."

I nodded in agreement, and leaned back into my chair. "Albus... It's just... I think... I... Like her." Albus quirked an eyebrow and clasped his hands together. "Well, then why do you look so upset?" He asked, "For Merlin's sake Albus! She's a 14 year old student, a Gryffindor, and I'm almost a 39 year old man! I cannot simply fall for her! I lived decades older than her!" I exclaimed, running a rough hand through my hair.

"Well, I believe you were the one who told me:
'Age isn't a four letter word'?"

"Albus, I didn't!"

"Well, I have a Pensieve that is very full of memories."

"I'm confused."

"Severus, look at me."

I looked at the old man in a portrait in front of me.

"Love isn't a easy thing to find around nowadays, my boy. Tell you what. This is life giving you another chance! If on your fifth year you ruined you and Lily, then you have the chance to clean your mess and try again. And let me give you a headstart, she isn't a muggle-born, so I don't think you can mess this up."

He winked at me, as I gave a weak smile. Maybe.... It is true. I can redo my mistakes and have a chance with her.

"But what is she doesn't like me back?" I asked, looking at the side. "I've been... Well, following her. After Minerva told me you've been getting quite close, I pretended to visit other paintings. And, I think she's possible. She did defended you after Mr. Smith called you a dark, old, ugly, git."

"Not helping. But she defended me?"

"I never miss a trick, even in my old age."

Maybe he was right, I stood up from my chair and nodded. "Thank you, Albus. I really miss you." I said, "we'll see each other once again, but for now, live the life how it was supposed to be." And winked. I let out a loose laugh, then made my way to the dungeons.

Alright, I will say I'm in love.

Hi guys! So shoutout to Snape3456 , thanks for voting and commenting! Guys, feel free to comment, and vote. This chapter was an inspiration of the song called "I Won't Say I'm In Love" from Disney's Hercules. Which I was actually listening to awhile ago!

•Potterhead over and out•

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