I Don't Even Look Delicous!

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Scarlet suddenly froze, and all of a sudden, loud laughter somehow escaped her. "What's so funny?" I asked confusingly, as Scarlet hugged her stomach from laughing too much. "You think... Me and Xander are dating?" she repeated, and her session of laughter finally lessened. "Sir, do you know Elise Crestfellow?" she asked, "why, yes. She blew up a potion in front of my face. Why do you ask?" I replied, my face still wearing a confused expression. "They've been dating ever since last Christmas!" she exclaimed amusingly.

I stiffened awkwardly, watching the beautiful witch in front of me, laugh hysterically. "T-T-They were?" I stuttered, and felt my cheeks going dark.

This is too awkward to exist.

"Would you think I'll ever lie to you?" she said, and stepped beside me. "Wait... Were you jealous?"

Oh sh*t.

Scarlet laughed again, and stood on her tip-toes, leaving me confused.

The little witch planted a kiss on my cheek and leaned in my ear. "Thanks... for saving me back there." 

Later, she hurried to the bathroom to get changed.

What happened?

She later came out in comfortable-looking pyjamas, and walked to the guest room. " 'Night, Sev." she whispered, and closed the door. As Scarlet closed the door, I couldn't help but smile to myself, ear-to-ear.


The next day, it was a weekend. I groaned as the sunshine blinded me, forcing me to wake up. When I got to the living room, I saw Scarlet all ready, and was reading the book while her right leg was over the left one. "Well, someone's a early bird, this weekend." I teased, "It was because I woke up early, which is unusual." she replied, in a confused and amused tone combined.

  "Can I ask you something?" I asked, praying I'll succeed on finishing my sentence.
  "Hmm?" she said, and arched an eyebrow, copying me when these certain moments happen.
  "Um... Well..." Dammit.

"If I forgave you last night?" she asked impatiently, in a guessing tone. My eyes suddenly widened and Scarlet was smiling amusingly. "Uh... Yes..." I muttered awkwardly,

"Well, listen. If you want me to forgive you again... Prove me two things. One, prove that you'll never hurt me again. And two, prove that you can love me the way you did before."

I think I can do number two.

"We'll see... Now, get dressed. Breakfast is nearly over." she told me, exiting my chambers. I may have said that out loud.


After breakfast, me and Scarlet had to go to the Quidditch Field. Two reasona. One, because Scarlet had practice, Two, because I'm watching my Slytherins play against them.

As I sat down on the bleachers, Flora Felixa sat beside me. "What is it now, Flora?" I asked her irritatedly, how does witch even put up with my personality?

"I came to check on how you two were last night. Good sleep?" she asked, "For the first time ever since June, yes. Why are you here?" I replied, she tugged a smile on her lips and gestured her eyes towards Raven. "I'm keeping an eye on her. She seems to be absent regularly for quite sometime." she told me, and watched as a Slytherin goaled. I looked at one of my students sternly, as he tried to hit Scarlet's face with his bat, if it weren't for her as she ducked, and grabbed the bat with her eyes glowing purple. "You should be proud of your students." Felixa said, not bothering to look at me. "I am, but it just hurts of what other houses think of them. Maybe... There are other snakes that don't bite, you know."

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