Get Away From Me

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Black made me get out of the place because I made Scarlet randomly angry.

As I got home, I made a tantrum in my house. I drank at least 3 bottles of Firewhiskey, and threw anything that my hands touched. Nymphadora wasn't angry at me at all which is weird, and kept me updated on what Scarlet does regularly. However, Lupin and Black... They look like they're planning to tackle me at any minute.

I was walking down the sidewalk, when I thought I heard something. I was near a park, and muggles are nowhere due to the heat it's been. Stepping inside the muggle place, I heard rustling.

I tried to peek at what it was, but I must've caught it's attention. It was a lady.

She was wearing a muggle beanie with THE BEATLES written across it, and a scarf... but the scarf wasn't any ordinary scarf. In fact, it was the Gryffindor colors. "Excuse me, miss. But may I ask where you got that scarf?" I asked the muggle. "Oh, I saw it in the ground. It flew out of a window, and I didn't saw who owns it. Do you know?"

"May I borrow it for a second." I requested. She handed me the scarf, and written on it was: Hogwarts; Gryffindor; Scarlet Liana Davies Carter.

The insolent brat threw it out of her window.

"Yes, she's my student." I told the muggle lady. "Well, tell him or her to avoid losing this scarf, it's quite special. A comfy one as well." she told me. The lady eyed my clothing, ans walked away. I will never understand muggles. Checking if no one was there, I Apparated to The Majestic House of Black. "What is it, Snivellus?" Black asked as he opened the door. "I need to give this to your niece." I told him, he rolled his eyes. "You can't come in, Molly's cleaning and would scream if she saw dirt. Thats why I'm not in my shoes. Try and give it to her by her window, she's been hanging out there quite sometime... Thinking if she would make a choice of commiting suicide by dropping herself."

"Fine. I could just walk in there without my shoes, but I'll accept the hard way. Thank you, Black. Oh, also, try to take a bath, you smell like dog." I replied, and watched as the dunderhead slammed the door in front of my face. I stepped back, and saw Scarlet's figure, sitting on the window. I hid for awhile, as I heard her singing.

🎶Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again🎶🎶

It was one of those muggle love songs that would annoyingly play over and over again on the radio. "Carter!" I shouted, she shut up immediately, and looked out. "What do you want? Get the hell away from me!" she yelled back. "This flew out of the window. You almost exposed the school!" I shouted, gesturing to the scarf.

"Like I want it. Don't worry, I have a spare one! You can give that to your girlfriend! Oh never mind, she was a Slytherin!" she shouted. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Don't make me do this, Carter!"

"Do what, exactly? Blow into a million pieces? I'd love to see that!"

"Jealousy doesn't fit you well!"

"Oh, really? I'm sure I got the right size!"

"Scarlet. Just... Just take it." I noticed Scarlet's eyes started to flame purple.

"I won't! I'll get it from anybody, even a old hag, but not from the both of you gits! See, Snape, I trusted you, but it looks like you dropped it just to see a lady that insults my mother!" And with one last breath, she slammed the window shut. And now what am I going to do with the scarf. Nymphadora stepped out of the house, with her hands warmly in her pockets. "I... Saw that argument that both of you made. Is she really more than a student to you, Severus?" she asked suspicously. "Like how would I look at her? She's worst than a muggle." I replied sarcastically, the Metamorphogus rolled her eyes and nudged me in the ribs.

"So, you've been hanging out with Jones? I hated her. She teased me for 7 years just because I was a hufflepuff." she confessed, disgusted, "Severus, admit it, you're in love with Padfoot's neice ever since term started." she stated. What?! How did she even...

"Why would you say that?"

"Oh Severus, you think I haven't noticed? She blushes every time you come by. And I saw you two sitting on a bench together in Hogsmead. Isn't it obvious?"

Good grief, Black'll kill me.

"No he won't. He doesn't notice." I must've said that out loud. "You've hurt her, Severus, as for what I see."

"I thought she was furious at me." I said in a confused tone. "Well, when you're around, I'm the only one she lets in the room, and I see her crying in that same spot, everyday, holding that wolf necklace." she replied, and put an hand on my shoulder. "I'll be watching you..." she added, then winked at me, walking back to the house.

HEWO. Would you believe it? I wrote 3 chapters in a day?! Wtfudgicles.


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