Family Reunion

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Hai! So.....

I'm going to revive
Remus, Tonks and Sirius!

*nervous laughter* It's not really accurate since Order of the Phoenix, and Deathly Hallows... But were gonna change that! 




Me and the Gryffindors were eating breakfast in the Great Hall. It was mail day. But there wasn't much to expect when you live in a life with no parents.

As I took a bite from the strip of bacon in my plate, I looked up to hear a familiar hooting noise. Snidget -my owl- was flying down towards me. I held my arm out for him to land, and he did. The letter was tied very tightly to his leg, so he couldn't drop it. "Hi Snidget. Had a nice flight?" I asked the brown owl as I was untying the letter on it's leg. Snidget nodded and gave a little hoot. "Alright. Thanks, I'll see you later!" I said, I gave my arm a boost to help him fly out.

"Do you really talk to your owl?"

"Who says I can't?"

It was a letter for me. There wasn't any signature or address of the sender, but the scent of the envelope was familiar. I stared at Ginny in curiosity and opened it gently.

Dear Scarlet,

I hope you had a nice summer. You're aunt Tonks and I will pick you up on Christmas during the holidays with Teddy. I'll talk to you as soon as I can, but since you still need to study for your OWL'S just tell me if you need assistance. After all, I was a professor at Hogwarts. See you soon.

Uncle Remus.

Oh right! Uncle Remus! I've never mentioned him, have I? Well, since my parents were good friends of his, he took care of me until I was ready to live by myself. My parents also made him my godfather when they were being tracked down by Lord Voldemort. Trust me, he didn't want me to leave them yet. And then we have Uncle Sirius! He was being tracked down by Azkaban, but luckily, he was now called innocent.

Uncle Sirius was the laughter of the family. My father is his cousin, making me related to him. I remember as a kid, when I throw a tantrum -which is pretty rare- or cry, he'll jump right in front of me then make the craziest and funniest faces, making me laugh and feel all better again. I also heared about Uncle James and Lily. They said they were pretty kind to my parents, and I always thought Harry was lucky when I hear stories from Remus & Sirius.

Going back to the letter, I'm pretty excited of going to the Lupin's house. But I'll not get my hopes too high, sometimes, Uncle Remus' plans takes a turn and it might change.

"Who's that from?" Hermione asked, leaning from my shoulder. "Uncle Remus. He told me I might be staying with them during the holidays." I replied, watching as the Ravenclaws stood up from their table. "'Join us to Hogsmead?" Lyanna requested, I nodded and stared around them. "You're already prepared! It's still breakfast!" I exclaimed, they all laughed. "Well, Honeydukes just invented a new flavor of Ice Cream, and we want to be first in line." Seamus Finnigan said, sitting beside me. "I'll just go to my dorm and grab a coat." I told them, who nodded approvingly. I turned to the teacher's table and saw Snape looking at me. I smiled at his direction and left the Hall.

As I arrive at the dorm, I quickly took my coat & my Gryffindor scarf. Wearing it, and stuffing the cloak in my charmed bag, I skipped to the Hall, seeing all of them ready. "To Honeydukes?" I asked, "to Honeydukes!" our crowd chanted as we ran to Hogsmead laughing.

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