An Invitation & A Request

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In a few minutes, I arrived in Sev's chambers. "Professor Snape?" my voice rang behind the dungeon door. It quickly opened, and I entered in quietly. "You can always call me by my first name, you know." Severus reminded, as I crashed into the couch in the middle of the room. "And wouldn't that seem suspicous?" I arched an eyebrow. "You have a point."

I couldn't help it anymore but ask. "Why did you call me?" I asked all of a sudden, which now I regret. I realized his current outfit and rolled my eyes. "Interesting choice of clothing." I joked, as he looked at himself. Sev was only in his pants, while his chest was bare. This was the first time I actually saw him like this, with me, or either outside of his room. "Is that a compliment, or an insult?" he replied, making me roll my eyes once more. "A compliment, sir. No matter what you're wearing, you still look charming." I told him, and watched as his cheeks flushed red, as I thought him of adorable.


"Sev, get out of my head!" I exclaimed annoyingly, crossing my arms. He smirked, and walked around the room. "You were reading my mind, ever since I got here, didn't you?"

"Maybe I was... Maybe I wasn't."

"Alright. Why did you call me here?" I asked with a tired tone. Severus sat at his arm chair opposite of me, making him look more muscular. "I received an invatation. A party outside of the school."
     "And what is my purpose, exactly?"
"I was asking if... Er.... Would you..?" I rolled my eyes, and smirked at him. "To join you as your date?"

"How did you -?"
     "Darling, you aren't the only one who can read minds. I'm a Fortis Viribus."
"Oh... Right. Would you?"

It took me a moment to decide. "Whose party is this?" I asked, as my right leg crossed the left. "An old friend of mine. Unfortunately, Felixa and Raven has someone to go with."

"Professor Jones has a date and not you? That's a first."

"She has a husband."

"And nobody told me!" I joked, as I choked on the Butterbeer I was drinking. "So?"

"So, what?" I asked confusingly.

"Are you coming?"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then I have to leave you here."

My eyes widened and I shook my head. One thing that I learned, I can never trust myself being alone. Because... Well, the possible consequences! You think being home alone is like that muggle movie? Oh no. You're really concious about being robbed, or even just haunted. Thats why it's hard when you're parents passed away on a young age. "Alright! I'll go!" I shouted in surrender, "Wait, when is it? And what do I have to wear?" I added slowly. "In three days. You don't need to wear so much fancy. I'm just going into my normal robes."
     "It's because you only have one wardrobe, and basically I'm a girl! Oh, f**k dresses."
"Language, Scarlet."
     "Whyeeeeee..." I whined quietly to myself as I dragged my body towards my room. I didn't notice Sev sneaked in with me, and frightened me when I found him leaning on the door frame. "What happened during your trip to the Gryffindor Common Room?" he asked suspicously. "And why do you ask?" I asked, and noticed his eyes widened.

"Just to... You know..."

"A guy was flirting with me." I replied playfully, as my eyes were focusing on my hands. And I waited for his expected reaction.

"He did what?!" Sev roared, while my attitude was still calm. I couldn't help, but smirk. "And I played along," Now his face was rising to tomato red.

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now