Chained (5)

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I woke up in a bed. I was a expecting a chair or the ground or a chamber
with bars and everything. But a bed, that was the last place I thought I'd be when being kidnapped.

I sat up quickly and looked for something sharp. Something to hurt this person.

When I couldn't find anything that was in my view I went to the closet. A metal hanger. I pulled one out and untwisted it from its shape. So if I were to stab this person, the sharp part would go in him.

I slowly walked down the steps, trying not to make a sound. But the first step just had to creek.

I froze and holding the hanger tightly in my hand. My breath came shaky, and I closed my eyes for one second.
And when I opened them, he stood there.

He was tall and handsome, and shirtless. His marble skin, was begging me to touch him. I kept myself composed, and held the hanger behind my back.

On the mans face was pure anger, he looked like he was struggling to restrain himself also. Did he feel a power pull, like I did with Lucus?

"Are you hungry?" He asked between clenched teeth. "I made human food."

Human food? Why not just food. But I kept silent and didn't say a word. I was preparing myself to stab him.

But I couldn't, I kept thinking about my mom. How she laid dead on the floor. What if I kill him? I'll be a murder, and I'll go to jail. Not for a day or two but for years maybe even for life.

"No," I said, confidentially. I was expecting my voice to shake and give away my fear. "I'm not hungry." But my stomach betrayed me, making a loud grumbling noise.

I kept my stance and stood still as if nothing happened. And we started at each other for a while, he wanted me to say yes, I'd eat something.

"I'm not hungry." I repeated. "I just want to go home."

He walked away from me. "Can't, they'll find you. And they'll kill you." I watched him walk down the 5 steps that led to living room. When he realized I wasn't following, he stopped and turned toward me.

"Come." He demanded but his voice calm. His face the only thing giving away his anger.

"No." I held the hanger tighter in my hand. "I won't go anywhere with you unless you take me home."

Suddenly he appeared next to me. One second he was at the bottom of the stairs the next he was next to me. Grasping me by the arm hard, and with his other hand he took the hanger from me.

"Oww, you're hurting me." I let him drag me to the kitchen, only because he was too strong to fight. And I was hungry.

"I asked nicely, and you didn't listen."

"No, you never asked me to eat."

He ignored my comment and led to the bar stool in front of the island in his small kitchen. "Sit," he demanded, and when I just glared at him he pushed me into the seat.

He slammed the hanger down on the island, right in front of me. Did he want me to stab him? To kill him? Was he suicidal?

He set a sandwich in front of me. It was very sloppy and didn't look very well. And I just started at it my stomach growling.

"I'm not hungry." I repeated, sounding aggravated now. I was debating on weather or not to pick up the hanger. But the man seamed to be able to teleport, he'd stop me before I could even get a hold of it.

He sighed. "Your stomach says otherwise."

"I don't care."

"Well," he said. "If you don't eat now, you won't eat for the rest of night."

"Good," I pushed the plate back to him.
"Besides Ive been kidnapped by a stranger, and he's offering me food. Which is probably poisoned. I'm good."

"Listen sweetheart," he leaned forward. "If I was going to kill you I would've done it by now. Like I said I'm saving you."

"From who?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He took the sandwich and tossed it in the trash. "But let's just say, if you die, then everything will go wrong."

"What will?" I was getting mad. He keeps saying stuff I don't understand. If it involves me, don't I have a right to know?

"Nothing," he turned to me quickly.
"But I'd watch your tone if I were you. I kidnapped you, and you have no idea what my limits are and what I'm capable of."

With that he grabbed my arm tighter than before, it hurt but I kept quiet this time. If he didn't let up the first time why would he the second.

He dragged me to the bedroom I woke up in. "You're gonna hate me for this." He sighed. "But we can't have you running off while I'm out."

He pushed me on the bed and then handcuffed one of the hands to the frame.

"No!" I screamed and tried to get out. I didn't know why. I'm not a super strong creature. A supernatural being.
I wish they were real, I could probably break these things. "Let me go you fucking ass hole!"

"Look, considering I'm the one locking you here, if your rude to me, why would I unlock you?" He didn't let me respond he just walked out and closed the door. I herd it lock. He's keeping me prisoner.

"You really wanna complain about my manners!" I yelled even though he was gone, I knew he could hear me. "You're the ass who's chained me to a bed!"

I laid in the bed thinking about ways to get out. Imaging unrealistic ways to get free. Only one seemed reasonable.


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