Vampire Connection (22)

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"She hates me because of you."

"Because of me? Are you fucking kidding me?!?" Derek yelled back at me. "You're the one who did your vampire mind control thing!"

"I told you I didn't do that!"

"I doubt that. You've done this shit before. Why not do it again, when you can't get anyone else. It would explain why I can't seam to remember the whole night!"

"Shut up!" I yelled. I couldn't think of anything else to say. He's right. I compelled him to sleep with me. But I was ordered to. If I break her rules she'll kill me.

"Do you want to hurt her? Do you not care about her. You just wanna hurt her until she breaks! She'll loose it! And according to Jim she could be activated. Do you not know who her parents are!?! She could kill us all!"

"I know who her parents are." I said calmly. I'm very... Close to her mom. Her biological mom. Her adaptive mom, I killed her. Only because I was ordered to. "There are still 2 more of them. She might not be the one."

"Yeah and if she is, she's coming after you first." He left slamming the door behind him.


"You told her?" She asked.

"I told her, and according to Jim, she didn't react well to it."

Katherine, Victoria's mother, smiled. "And the boy. Do you know if he kissed her?"

"No, I don't know. But since I told her she flipped out on me and doesn't want anything to do with me. But I could possibly get information from Jake."

"Good," Katherine started me long and hard thinking. "Now your reward." She made a motion to someone behind her. And he appeared. "This is Kaleb, and he happens to taste... Well."

Without another thought, I sped to him. I was in front of him in a flash of a second. He wasn't scared, he'd been compelled. Good because he wouldn't scream. No screaming equals no attention.

I bit into his neck and drank from him.

"Don't kill him. Keep him as a supply."

I pulled away turning forward her. "It'll create a connection." It's a connection for vampires, a curse put on us because of the witches. See, it stops us from feeding on several people, the connection draws us to the one person. It could become very intimate.

I think I knew what she was trying to do. To get me to connect with this guy and she could use him against me. She's smart, very smart. I don't know how I'll get around this one. 

"You will obey me without questions!" She yelled pissed. "I don't care how you feel about it. You want our deal to stick? Then obey me."

"Yes, Katherine." I said. Something I've said many times. "I will obey your orders without questioning."

She nodded. "You're gonna go to Florida. You're gonna take Derek. It'll break her to see him. She'll be weak and easy to attack."

I went to the woods again the day after. I hope Damon had food because I was starving. But I couldn't risk going home. If Jim or Lucus saw me, they wouldn't let me leave. I'd be one house arrest or something.

"I knew you'd be back." His voice made me jump. I was expecting him not to be here. He said he was in the woods a lot, but not everyday.

"I didn't think you'd show."

He shrugged. "Not like I have anything better to do."

"Don't you have a family or home you can ran to?"

He started at the stars and I thought he wasn't going to answer. "My family is gone."

"I'm sorr-" he held up his hand stopping me.

"I don't want to you to pity me. It's was a long time ago." He stayed silent for a while thinking. "Well, I brought food. Since you're a run away and you have no bag to carry stuff I doubt you had anything."

"How do you know I'm a run away?"

"You didn't think you're family would put signs?"

"You've been around town?"

"Well, I don't live in the woods. I only come at night, because it's more beautiful and mysterious that way."

"Can you do me a favor?" I stepped closer to him. He nodded as I continued. "Can you check up on someone for me?" I know this person could be decide to eat them to pieces, but I had a feeling Lucus could pretty himself.

"Of course. Do you have any idea where this person could be?"

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