Just Friends (9)

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"Hello?" It was early and I was too tired to look at the clock. Someone had called me, over and over.

"Hey, it's me Lucus."

I sighed. "How did you get my number?"

"Kassy. I was just worried about you."

"I don't need you to worry about me."

"That won't stop me."

"What do you want?" I was happy he called- kinda. But I was annoyed because it was too early for this.

"I'm just making sure your okay, and to let you know I'm here if you need to talk about anything."

"Kay." I sighed. "I'm tired, call me tomorrow or something."

He chuckled.


"Nothing," I could hear the smile in his voice.  "Good night Tori."

"Night" and I hung up.


"So can I pick you up?"

"Lucus." I sighed.

"I prom- I swear I won't try anything. I'm basically still a virgin."

I laughed a little. "I doubt that with your pretty face."

"Oh my god," he said in a high pitched girly tone. "You think my pretty."

I couldn't help but laugh. I mean his attempt to try to sound like a girl made him sound like a gay guy.

"See, I'll make you laugh. Let me pick you up, and if you don't have a good time then I won't ask you to come over anymore."

"Okay fine." I sighed.

"Kay, be there in a few." The line went dead. I got ready while I waited for Lucus.

"Morning sleepy head." My dad as I came down the steps and to the kitchen.

"Morning," he surprised me because I wasn't used to seeing him in the morning, or much at all.

"All dressed. Did you make plans?" He was making and omelet. One of his special dad omelets- which are my favorite. He hadn't made them since....

"Ummm... Yeah." I smiled. "A friend of mine called, he's on his way now."


"Yes dad, I have boys who are just friends." I slipped on my shoes.

"Well, since I'm getting more involved in your life. Maybe I should start with meeting boyfriends."

"He's not my boyfriend, and he never will be." I was annoyed. I get the being more involved part. But accusing me of a boyfriend and then meeting them, that's too much. If he becomes overprotective dad, and is up my ass all the time, I'll go insane.

"Hey," he pointed at me. "Never say never. Next thing you know, you'll be making out"

"Ha-ha." I rolled my eyes.

I herd a car pull up, and guess who raced to the door. "No! Dad!"

"Hello, and who are you?" My dad asked Lucus as he stepped out of the car.

"I'm Lucus, a friend of Tori's." He held out his hand and my dad took it. I was expecting the stare the hand until he pulls it away. That's what he used to do- but he was always drunk then.

"Hmm, just friends?" Lucus nodded. "You wanna come in?"

"No dad, some other time."

"Okay, then." He smiled and I thought he was gonna drop it and let us go. "Why don't you come for dinner next Friday."

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