The Kiss (15)

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We were in the garage, and Logan and I were getting ready to fight. We haven't talked since that day....

Lucus can tell somethings up, you can tell by the way he watched us when we  are near each other. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't know how we would react.

If he hated me, and never wanted anything to do with me. Because I like him, and I hope we can go somewhere. But I ruin it before it even begins, how can he trust me when it does?

"Alright, you want to move, quick and confidently. Pay attention to your opponents movements, it may give you and idea what their next move is." Logan said, bringing me away from my thoughts. "So one good hit." He opened up his arms- as if he wanted a hug. I just stared at him. I didn't like the position, and it made me think of the kiss. "Come on, Tori. Hit me."

Without another word, I swung. I was surprised when he caught me wrist, and in instinct I kicked him in the gut. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain. I didn't like him touching me.

"Yay! Victoria!" Lena yelled clapping her hands. "Girl power!"

I smiled, until I saw Lucus. He was  concentrating really hard on is. He paced arms crossed. Was he communicating with Logan to try and find out what happened? Or was he giving him tips, or telling him to go easy?

When he saw me staring he smiled and waved a bit.

Logan got up trying to pretend he wasn't hurt, but his face betrayed him. "Alright," he said between gritted teeth. "Let's try again."

We fought for hours, and Lena and Lucus left after a while to meat dinner.

"I thought I should say sorry." He threw a punch at me but u blocked it.

"'Bout what?"I pushed, him almost knocking him on his ass.

"The... Um... Kiss... Thing." He grabbed a hold of me somehow he pinned me on the ground.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have done that." I avoided eye contact with himself trying to think of a way to get free. He had me in a position that if I moved, it would be painful for me.

"I know, you're into my brother and all that."

"I'm not into him," I said defensively. But we all knew, I was very much into him.

"Trust me, I'm not blind." He sighed. " I'm just saying I'm sorry, and you don't have to act so awkward around me. Lucus is getting suspicious. And if he knew, that would ruin the thing for you too. I get it, I understand."

"Kay," I said rudely. I wanted him to know, I didn't want to talk about this. Not here, not anywhere. "Now can you please let me go. I'm hungry."

He quickly got off of me, and we left the garage. He had a few cuts and bruises, while I had only a few bruises. He seamed as if he hit me hard, but barely left a mark. He got aggravated a few times when I hit him really hard.

"Hey," Lucus smiled and caught me face between his hand planting a kiss on my forehead. Right in front of everyone.

"Awww." Lena said, smiling. "They're so cute."

"We're not a couple." I reminded her, and took my a small step back.

"Oh sweet heart," Lacie said. "I felt the same way about Lance. Didn't want anything to do with him at first. And not look at him, married and 3 wonderful children."

Lance chuckled walking over to her, and pecking her lips. "That's because I bribed you with chocolate and presents."

"No, you won me over before that. I just wanted to see how far and how long you would try to get me."

"Very long." He kissed her again.

I looked away feeling awkward staring at them. But I looked at Lucus and he was smiling, real big. I blushed, and of course he pulled me into his arms.

"So, ummm," he cupped my chin in his hand and forced me to look up at him. "The date thing, Friday night? You ever make a decision?"

I bit my lip teasing him. "Hmmm, maybe. Maybe not."

"Come on," he pulled me closer. "The suspense is killing me. Yes or no." He dragged out on the word yes, giving me the pleading look.

"Hmm, I said maybe." I hadn't noticed that I'd wrapped my arm around his neck, and held a fist full of his hair. I was drawing his head closer to mine. I quickly let go and kept my hands on his chest.

"That's not what I asked."

"I'll think about it."

"She said yes." Lena whispered loudly. "She likes you very much, and that she wants me to do her and stuff for the date."

"I don't let anyone touch my hair." I said pointing at her.

"But it's so long, you could do a bunch of stuff with it."

I stepped away from Lucus but her caught my wrist. "Nope, you're not going anywhere till you tell me yes."

"What if I say no?" I raised my eye brows.

"Then I'll hold you until you say yes. And we'll cuddle forever. I'll always be touching you."

That's not a very good punishment. I pushed the thought to him.

Oh, so you enjoy my arms around you?

I couldn't help but smile, and I quickly buried my face in his chest.

"Oh," Lacie said. "They're doing the communicating through their heads."

"Telekinesis, sweet heart." Lance corrected.

"So she said yes?" Lena asked.

"No, she's being stubborn." Lucus kept his eyes on me. "But she'll give in, she always does."

I raised my brows. Do I? Do I really?

"Yes, I mean you were completely against me when we first met, and now look." He gestured to my hand. It held a fist full of his shirt. "Your holding on to me like I'm gonna run away suddenly."

I scowled, and tried to get out of his hold, but picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"No! Wait!" I yelled. "I need to go check on Kassy! And my dad wants me home."

"It's only 4." He said as he carried me up the steps. "And besides, Kassy won't mind. She totally for me and you as a couple. Your dad, he seams done with it."

We got to his bed room. He flung me forward so I had to wrap my legs around him or else I would fall.

"Lucus!" I yelled and laughed a little. The silly moment disappeared when I realized how close our faces were.

I was only a few inches taller then him now that my legs were wrapped around his waist.

I could feel his breath against my skin, our lips so close. All I had to do was lean in. With my hands locked in his hair, I slowly pulled him closer. Just before I closed my eyes I saw his mouth open welcoming- begging me to kiss him.

Then the door opened, and he dropped me. Lena.

I have nothing against her, but she really knows how to ruin a good moment. This could've been the beginning of Tori and Lucus, but she had to walk in.

"Sorry," she frowned, realizing she ruined a moment. "Just, Logan said you were hungry. I just wanted to let you know that you can eat here. You don't have to go home, your welcome to anything in our house."

I nodded. "Okay." When she left and before lucus could say anything I sighed and said, "I better get going. My dads worried and everything."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." He smiled but I could see the aggravation there.
I know don't have many readers. But I'd really enjoy your opinions on my book so far, and can I do to possible make it better.

Oh and thank you for reading and voting. I really appreciate it. :)

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