Game On (6)

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Lucus! Where the hell are you!

I was getting nothing. No answer, as if he couldn't even hear me. Maybe he was asleep. Well I was yelling pretty damn loud, I should've woken him. Or maybe the thought doesn't send when one is asleep.

I whimper escaped from my mouth. I've cried several times tonight. Each after I got no response from Lucus.

Lucus please I need help.

Maybe I am insane. Maybe my dad kept hearing my mom in his head. Maybe it drove him insane, made him loose his mind.

The door opened and I sat up as much as I could. I mean the handcuffs didn't allow much movement.

"How are you?" He asked. He didn't look angry or restrained. He even smiled.

"I'm chained to a bed." I glared at him.

"Sorry, about that." He held out the key showing me and then unlocked me. "I couldn't have you running away."

I rubbed my wrist. "You say you're protecting me but what if you're the one I need  to be protected from?"

"Smart thinking." He smiled again, revealing his perfect white teeth. Can you even get your teeth that white? "But I assure you, if my plans were to harm you, it'd be done and over by now."

"And if your plan is to get my trust then hurt me?"

"Why gain your trust if I'm going to kill you in the end? Just do the dirty work in the beginning."

I shrugged. "Maybe." I sat up on the edge of the bed. On the side closest to him. "So explain something to me."

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms looking very interested. "Depends on what I have to explain."

"Who are you protecting me from?"

"That question won't be answered by me."

"Who will answer it?"

"I don't know, nor do I care. As long as they don't harm you or force you to do something you don't want to do."

"You're forcing me to stay here."

His face went serious and he didn't answer for a while. "Are you hungry. And I swear on my life I haven't poisoned it."

My stomach grumbled at the mention of food. I thought about it for a minute, and then gave in. This time he didn't drag me down the stairs, he let me lead.

I sat at the bar stool in front of the island, and he set a sandwich. Which looked better then the first.

I ate it, but it wasn't that good. It was too hungry to even care.

"Thirsty?" He asked with a smirk. As if it was a joke. Or maybe because I was eating so fast. I just nodded, ignoring him.

He gave me a glass of water and I dank it. It was awkward eating someone was staring you down.

"Can you stop." I sounded rude, and I didn't care if he was being nice. He kidnapped me, injected me with something- which knocked me out. Then brought me to his house and handcuffed me to a bed.

I think I have every right to be rude. I won't give into his game of trust. He won't win this. I will get out of here.

His smile disappeared from his face. Worry replaced it. "What did I do? Something wrong with the sandwich, does your drink not taste right?"

"Stop staring. Stop hovering, just leave me alone."

"Your mood has changed. A women thing." He said to himself. "I can't leave you alone, you might come up with a stupid idea."

"You don't trust me?"

"Trust comes a long way."

"As for you." I nodded to him, and push the half eaten sandwich away from me.

"If you don't eat, then you'll die of starvation."

I stood up started my way up the stairs. "Yeah, but I won't die here, I'll be gone before then. And then I'll go home and be rewarded with a buffet." I went to the room he's been making me stay in.

I will win at this game, no mater what I have to do, I need to get to my home. To my family.

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