The Last Photo (12)

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I hung up and the first thing I did was call Bree.

"Hey, what's up." She said in a cherry mood.

"You slept with him!"

She was silent not knowing what to say. "Tori, I ca-"

"I don't fucking care, what you have to say! You slept with him, you knew I liked him, I mean we were basically still together! You're my best friend you slept with my boyfriend!"

"Tori, I'm so sor-"

"Shut the fuck up Bree! We're done, I don't wanna talk, or even see you again, you fucking whore!"

I hung up and cried. My dad came in after a while.

"Hey, sweetheart," he said in a smooth voice. But he'd been drinking. I can smell the alcohol.

"Get out!" I said in the pillow.

He touched my back and looked up at him. "Get out!" I yelled louder. Something caught on fire at the same moment.

My picture on my night stand. The one of me when I was little and my mom, my dad, and my brother. (We have different dads and don't see each other much.)

I jumped up quickly, and tried to put out the fire. But it wasn't working. Dad came back with a glass of water and poured it on the picture. It was too late, it was all burned, no sight of anyone. Just a black rectangle.

My one picture of her, gone. All because of me.

"You need to calm down." My dad warned. "Just breath."

That only made me even angrier, and my bed sheets caught on fire out the same moment. "I need out of here." And I left, clutching my moms burned photo to my chest.


"I need help," I was sobbing and could barely get the words out. "I can't control it. I keep setting things on fire."

"Oh honey," Lacie said, as she pulled me into her arms and welcomed me in. "Why don't you come and eat something."

Lena and Lance were in the living room, Lucus was probably in his room. I was glad and upset by this at the same time.

Lena started to ask me a bunch of questions but Lance gave her a look. I followed Lacie to the kitchen and sat at the dinning table.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"I don't care." I held the burnt picture tighter, fighting tears. I have no way to look at her face. Because of my dad. He burnt all of her pictures- of our pictures.

"Do you want me to get Lucus?" I just shook my head, but she understood. And called Lucus down.

"Yeah," he said once we made it to the bottom of the steps. I didn't look at him, I just started at the burnt picture in my hands.

His arms enveloped around me, pulling me into him. He wasn't wearing a shirt, I had a face full of his muscular body.

I sobbed into his chest, and he held me running my back, and kissing my head, right there in front of everyone.

"What's this,"he asked moving my hand so he could see the burnt picture. But I flinched causing it to break into a million pieces. I burst into tears, causing the little ashes at burn, and the stove to turn on. I knew it was me because a stove can't make a fire burn that much.

"No!" I yelled, and Lucus picked me up into his arms and very slowly carried me up the stairs to his bed room.

I sobbed into his neck, even when we were sitting on his bed.

"Talk to me," he whispered in my ear. "Tell me what happened.

"My best friend," I sniffled, and leaned away from him, unwrapping my arms from his neck. "She betrayed me."

He reached over and wiped the tears off my face, leaving one hand on my cheek. "Kassy?"

"No, from Florida. I've know her for 3 years."

"Okay, what did she do?"

"She, slept with- well he's not my boyfriend. I mean we were dating before I moved here. But she slept with him. Behind my back." I took a breath because I was about to start sobbing again. "And then I got mad, and I burned the last picture of have of my mom." I sobbed then.

He pulled me into his arms, making me sit on his lap. Our chests pressed together and his arms pulling me closer to him.

It was comfortable to sit on him, especially since I could easily hide my face in his neck as I cried.

The more I cried, the more my skin burned. Like fire... Did he feel the burn also? Was I burning him.

"Tori," he whispered. "Relax, before you hurt both of us. Just take a deep breath."

I did, breathing heavy breaths and I found myself running my hand up and down his chest looking for his mark. I traced the swirl, thinking of mine.

Although it doesn't seam like it would do anything, it calmed me down.

Someone burst in the door and I jumped, causing something on his night stand to catch on fire, but I squeezed my eyes closed, as I started to hyperventilate.

"God damn it Lena!" He yelled. "Get the fire out!"

While she was gone, he rubbed my back, and calmed me down somewhat.

Its just, I won't ever see my moms face again. I could try to picture her in my head, but it's not that same, and I always see the dead her. The limp, pale and blue body, that laid on the kitchen floor.

Lena out put my fire and left, after Lucus gave her some attitude.

"Lay down?" He asked and I nodded. He laid down, and I laid on top of him. For the second night in a row, I slept in this boys arms.

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