Bang, She Died (1)

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There will be curse words and mature content in this story.

There will also be mistakes in this. I'm typing with a phone so bare with me.


I live in a small town, in Ohio. It's different from what I'm used to. Different from all the parties and dancing and maybe getting bailed out of jail a few times.

But in Florida that's the normal. If you don't do it then you're the outcast. No one cares or even pays attention to you.

But here, no one pays attention no what or who you are. I just miss my friends. My best friend Bree, she was like a mom to me. She was there for me like no one before. And I know it's weird to say your best friend is like your mom, but I had no one else to look up to.

My mom died, when I was 6. I hated that day. If I could go back and change it. I sure as hell would.


My dad, Jim was picking me up from school. I was excited 1, because I never really liked school and it was Friday- family fun night. Every Friday we do fun things, we hardly ever did the same thing twice.

This family night had me very excited. When its birthday is on weekend we celebrate on family night and also on my actual birthday.

"Daddy!" I yelled when he got in the car after making sure my seat belt was secured to my booster seat. "Hurry up!"

He chucked, "I can only go so fast sweetheart."

I groaned but kept quiet. When he finally pulled into the drive way I jumped out of the car. I ran to the door and I had to wait for him to unlock the door.

"Hurry up!" I was jumping with excitement. And when he opened the door I ran in. Automatically going to the kitchen where I knew my mom would be, baking my cake.

"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what day it is!"

She laid in the ground limp and unmoving. Her tan skin turning white then blue. There was a little blood on her neck, but no where anywhere else. Then bite marks there.

But since I was little, I thought that she was playing the pretend to be dead. You know when you shoot them with your fingers and they pretend to die.

"Mommy wake up!" I shook her. "It's my family birthday night!" She wouldn't wake or move or look at me. Her glassy eyes frozen in fear staring up at the ceiling.

I turned to my dad, "Daddy! What's wrong with mommy?!" He just stood there frozen, with pure anger played across his face. I'd had never seen him like that.

"Bang, she died" he whispered

We took her to the hospital, and they doctors told us she was murdered. The Doctor didn't want to tell him with me around but my dad say "she's already seen her dead, nothing can scar her worse."

She was murdered. Some bastard murdered her. Drained her of her blood and left her to die. And took the one thing that kept our family together.

My dad's an alcoholic now. Most of the time he goes out and drinks and doesn't come back for the night. I miss him, almost as much as I miss mom.


"Hey Tori," my best friend- from Ohio- said as I got out of my car- my moms car. It used to smell like her, but the more I drove it the more it lost her smell.

"Hey Kass," I threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Did you hear about the new kids?"

I sighed. She asks this stuff all the time. She knows the answer. "No and I don't care. Don't you get bored of asking me stupid gossip questions and getting the same answer?"

She shrugged it off. "Ashley said that she seen one of them around town, and he was pretty hot."

"Well as long as it has a dick Ashley thinks it's hot." Ashley was the leader of the popular group, I guess you could say. She was also a whore, because she can get whatever and whoever she wants.

She also thinks she can be bitchy with anyone. She learned that lesson 2 years ago when I first moved here. She said something to me and I punched her in the face. Hasn't disc anything to me since.
"Yeah," Kassy said in disappointment "she'll get him before anyone else has the chance."

I shrugged. "And if he's smart he'll get out while he can." she just sighed.

"Ayee T! Kass!" It was Matt my best guy friend- from Ohio. But he wants our friendship to go somewhere else. But I don't like him like that, and it's not just because Kassy likes him. Every since Derek... Long story.

I just don't think I can love someone as much as I loved him. Love, I love him. But we don't talk anymore. Maybe because he lives in Florida, and I live here.

Matt wrapped an arm around Kass, then wrapped both arms around me and lifted me off the ground.

"Matt!" I screamed a little surprised. "Matt put me down, you know I hate when you do this."

"Yeah, yeah." He set me down. I took a quick glance at Kassy, and I could see jealousy in her eyes. "Did you hear about the new kids"

I scoffed. "Yeah, yeah."

School was good, guess as good it can be.
I went home and my dad was drunk. Normally he isn't home today. He's usually out drinking and doesn't come home.

"Wasn't expecting you to be home" I set my bag on the floor and sat on the couch next to him.

"This is my house." His voice was dark and scary, but he's talked to me like this before, I wasn't scared. He's never put a hand on my and I doubt he'll ever do it. "I can come home when ever I want."

"I was just wondering because you're never home at this time."

"I can come home when ever I fucking like!" He yelled and I stayed silent in the seat next to him. We sat in silence for minutes maybe longer.

"Bang, she died" he whispered.

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