Be Careful (21)

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This needed to happen. It was gonna happen sometime anyways. I just wished it didn't happen so harshly and we had more of a talk than a fight.

But I needed him to hate me so I could go off alone. Where I won't hurt anyone again. That's the 3 person. First Alarik, then Kassy, and now Jim.

He's not my dad. He lost that privilege. And I doubt he'll ever get it back. I doubt he'll ever get me back. I doubt anyone I've known before will ever see me again. I don't want to kill someone with my bare hands. Especially someone I care about.

I walked through the woods, where no one would be. No one there I could hurt. Maybe if I could find away to contact Alarik.

I wanted to try the telepathic thing Lucus does. But what if I can only contact him, he could hear me. But he doesn't even know who Alarik is.

Unless he goes to the police or something and they remember that I was kidnapped by a man named Alarik. They will suspect that I am helping him, and they'll come after me. I don't know if I'll be able to hide that well from them.

"It's not smart to wonder around the woods alone." A deep voice said. I watched as he approached me. He stepped into the light allowing me to see his handsome features. His dark hair and his light brown eyes. His tan skin shinning in the moonlight.

He reminded me of Alarik. Their cheek bones and nose were a like, as if they were related somehow.

"Not smart, yes. But it depends on how well you can protect yourself."

"Really?" He smiled. Not one that was a scary, ones but as if he was a friend had met me many times before. "And well can you protect yourself?"

"I've been told I'm very powerful."

"Hmmm, maybe you are. But you still need to be carful."

"And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Im Damon. And I have more experience than you have ever dreamed of." He suddenly was right in front of me, it reminded me of Alarik's fast movements. "Tell me," he said. "Do you know someone by the name Alarik?"

I started at him. "You don't have to get in my face to ask that. But I assume you are just like him."

He scoffed. "I am nothing like him."

"You move as quick as him. Too fast to see until it's too late. So your prey doesn't see what's coming."

"Oh sweetie." He sighed. "You're getting yourself involved with stuff you are not ready to hear yet. Another time."

"And if we never see each other again?"

He smiled. "I'm in the woods a lot." He winked and disappeared into the dark night.

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