Green Eyes Like Fire (20)

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She grabbed her father's arms, harshly, saving me from a hit. It wouldn't have hurt, he was human. His skin started to peel, like it was being burned starting at his wrist, right where Tori was holding.

"Tori stop!" I yelled. I couldn't let her hurt him. She may be pissed now but she'll regret it later. And I can't, won't let her live though the pain of 2 lost parents. "Victoria stop!" I tried to grab her wrist but she was hot. To hot, and the pain was unbearable. She's too powerful for her own self. "You're gonna kill him! You're gonna kill your dad!"

She looked at me, he green eyes now red. Like fire, an angry fire ready to burn anyone in its way. It scared me, but if she's goes crazy and the STC gets her, I won't be able to live with myself. Because I could've tried to stop her, but I was a wimp and scared to. My parents wouldn't be proud of me, I wouldn't be proud of me.

"He's not my dad. My dad died the same day my mother did." Her eyes seamed to lighten up more. I was actually scared. Scared for me, her dad, and herself. She could kill someone.

I went after her as she took off. She was walking on the side walk since her car was at my house. I grabbed her wrist trying to stop her, it hurt but I got her to turn and look at me. She burst into tears and I tired to pull her into me. She just pushed me away causing me to fall.

She was powerful and pissed. Two bad things. She looked at me angry at first but then the tears ran down her cheek, it was obvious she was holding back her sobs.

"I think," she sighed, and ran her fingers through her hair. "I need a break. From you, from us. It's really not you, trust me. I'm just stressed."

"Victoria," I stood up. "Let me help you."

"I don't need your help." She said between clenched teeth and quickly looked away form me. She was trying to control herself. That's progress.

"Yes," I stepped toward her and she put her hand up. Not in a surrender but a threatening motion. She was going to burn me.

"Stay way from me. I don't know what I'm doing, and obviously that's a bad thing. I don't want to be with you. I'm not ready to be in a relationship and you're not gonna force me to be in one. Back up, get into your car and go home like the good boy you are."

"No I'm n-"

She stepped closer, her hand still threatening me. It glowed red- the normal for when shadows use their powers, the color changes depending on the type or power being used- warning me to get back.

Then I watched her get even angrier. "I kissed Logan. I kissed him after he tried to deactivate me. Oh, and I can't be deactivated." She dropped her hand knowing she had won.

"Y-y-ou? You did what?" I didn't know what to say or think. She not only betrayed me with my brother but lied to me about not getting deactivated. I've been played and fucked over again.

"I kissed Logan and lied to you. Now go home and leave me alone. I never wanna see you again." I watched her walk away from me. As I stood there like an idiot watching her.

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