Chapter 6

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As I walk in through the door, Gina comes out of nowhere with her hugs. I love her hugs as they remind me of the hugs I got from my mum, it makes me sad as I miss my mum and its only be 3 days if you include the flight. 

I follow Luke into the living room, I see Beau and Jai stare at us when we walk in. I just can't look at Jai knowing what happened at my house with Luke. Isis stop it your not dating him! Why feel guilty? Oh yeah because you just kissed his brother wait his twin! I back way from thoughts as I feel something going to build up but I don't know what it would be.

"ooo you guys were over there for long time!" Beau said with a smirk on his, then winked at us.

"Shut up Beau!! Nothing happened we just watched a film!" Luke shouted at him, I know deep down he wanted to say something but we both know that Jai would be heartbroken. I mean it just happened so fast in one day that I can't even think straight! Luke gives me a look which means I have to say something so it sounds believable. 

"Its true but the annoying thing was that we watched Lion King! Its a good film but when someone falls a sleep during the film and snores then you get annoyed." I start to laugh so did Beau and Jai then Luke playfully hits me but he suddenly starts to laugh.

"Jai, what time is it?" I see him on his phone, he looks at me like I should know the time but all I wanted to do is to start a conversation.

"Its 10pm, Why?" He asked looking confused as I only just got here.

"I will stay here for 10 minutes then I need to go as I got a date tomorrow" Jai's face just drops from happy face to a sad, see him looking like that just makes me hate myself about today.  

"With who?" 

"With school stupid, I start tomorrow" I start to laugh as his smile came back in relief.

"You should go home now so you won't be too tired" He says standing up, while coming to give me a hug as we hug I could see Luke facing away knowing deep down the truth.

"Okay, I know where I don't feel welcome" I winked at Jai as he starts to laugh. Beau then Luke and finally Gina gave me a hug before I left.

As I got to the door to leave, I could hear someone walking behind me. I turn round to to see it was Jai. He grabs my hand as he does this my eyes fill up with water but I don't know why. Is it out of guilty? He comes closer to me then softly kiss my check. Tear feel down my check as he backs away, I didn't know what to but run back home as I did all there was someone shouting my name. I know it was Jai as I knew he saw that tear. 

I don't stop running as I got told to run and keep running by my family! Wait no their not family, they just called themselves family as we were just a group. I get to my gate without thinking I jump over it just like I did at home but know no one needs to know about my home. Sometimes I feel like telling someone as it would be good but I don't.

As I get into my house, I run into the living room and lay on the sofa trying to hide myself so I can block everyone. About 10 minutes later I get off the sofa and looked at my phone seeing that I have 5 miss calls from Jai and 6 meesages, 4 from Jai but also 2 from Luke.

Jai: Isis answer your phone please :(xx

Jai: Why are you sad :(xx

Jai: Did I do something :(xx

Jai: Answer please :(xx 

Why does he care about about?! Oh yeah because he likes you and he wants you. Jesus Christ, I couldn't stand texting him back! I mean he does deserve the truth about me crying and about what happened today. AH I HATE MYSELF! This trip was meant for me to escape, live my dream and forget about past.

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