Chapter 25

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"Get up! We are going to the beach" I feel Luke pulling at my foot.

"No, stop it" I whine to him.

"Come on" he said as I was picked up from the bed.

"LUKE! PUT ME DOWN NOW!! PLEASE" I shout until he puts me down.

"Okay, now get change." He said as he walks out the room.

I get change into my bikini with a shorts and t-shirt covering it up. I walk down to see Luke shoving his face in a sandwich.

"Luke, we are gonna be late" I laugh as he looks up.

"Sorry" he said with a mouth full as he picks up the bag full of food.


We lay there on the sand staring at the sea. My head it resting on his chest as I can hear his heart beat. Out nowhere a ball hit us, I jump up seeing a little boy run over. I pick the ball up and gave it to the nervous boy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean too" he said close to tears.

"Its okay, I do it all the time" I lie to him, to make him a least feel better.

"Really?" He questions me.

"Yeah" I laugh as he runs back to his family.

I sat up watching the family play, while Luke sat next to me tweeting on his phone. I look at the family and their so happy, would I be a good mum? Would the child be happy? Would the child be safe?

"Isis, what are you thinking?" Luke ask as his hand rest on my leg.

"About family, would I be good enough or would the child be safe and happy" I say looking at the sand.

"Well, everything I will say is yes but if the child has your genes, it would be crazy like you" He laughs.

"Oi, not funny" I playfully hit him. 

He pushed me back so I'm laying on the sand. "Luke there's children here" I say pointing them out.

"I got a thing to show you" he whispered. Before I could say anything he was doing a hand stand over me. He leans down and kisses my lip softly. He got off because he lost his balance.

"Where did you learn that?" I say with a smile on my face.

"I didn't because I just tried it out now" he laughs.

"I could of died if you fell." I sat up quickly.

"That's a lie because I've-" I cut him off by putting my hand on his lip.

"No, there's children around" I laugh at his forgetfulness. "I want ice cream" I whine to him.

"Here take it and get me one" he hands me the money for the ice cream as I leave a peck on his lips. "Hurry, that ice cream is calling me" I hear luke shout so I turned round and stuck my tongue out.

Finally, got two 99 ice creams and they are already melting which is going all over my hands. Its horrible feeling and I can't lick my hands without ice cream covering my face. I walk a bit faster until I felt a hand grab my arm and pulling into these woods, I would scream but my mouth is covered. I'm being drag further into the forest then its comes to a stop, both of my arms is behind my back and my mouth is still covered.

"Missed me baby" Someone whispers in my ear. No, No, NO! I bit down on the hand hard. "Fucking bitch" He shouts at me as his hand released from my mouth.

"SOMEONE HELP ME" I scream but his hand goes back to my mouth.

"Bad move sweet heart" He turns me around to face him. He let's go of my arms so I go for a hit but his reflex skills were to good.

Choose One Or The Other? (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now