Chapter 22

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I lay there staring at the white ceiling, wondering why am I going to this ball or there must be a reason why my Nan invited me to this after my reaction in London. I'm doing this for Paddy, Kaity and Johnny because they wouldn't be able to do it by themselves again as they would die of boredom. Luke is going to experience the worse ball ever and trust me, he would never ever wants to go to another well with me and my family. I turn my head to see Luke sleeping, its weird that I can't help but look at him. Call me a stalker or a pervert but if you see him now you would stare at him. 

I left the bed quietly and slowly as I start to pack an over night bag for me and Luke for tonight. After packing I went to the bathroom where I had a quick shower got change in some jeans and blue jumper with my wet hair hang to the left side. As I walk out of the bathroom I see Daniel leaving Lexi's bedroom. 

"Hey thank god the irish walls are thick" I wink at him as his face goes all red.

"Oh My God! So no one heard?" He questioned me.

"Well, I guess you guys didn't hear Luke and I" I laugh at him.

"Woah, your open about your sexual life" He gives a chuckle as I hit his arm.

"It doesn't before me that much, why are you sneaking out the room?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I just wanted get some air and stuff. So you ditch Luke then?"

"No, just packing" He gives me a confused look. "Well, my evil Nan has invited Luke and I to this ball" I say.

"Well, have ballroom dancing" He laughs at me.

"I'm gonna to ruin the ball like I did to the last one I went too"

"What happened?" 

"I vomited all over the Mayor, snogged some rich kids because they went get anymore than that in the future and I do pranks but also make my siblings do some" I chuckle as he looks shocked.

"Wow, well I want to come now" He says giving a slight push while looking over my shoulder which didn't bother me.

"Nah, you won't handle it" I say then I feel arms snake around my waist which makes me scream and elbow the person in the stomach. I hear Daniel laugh as I turn to see Luke holds his stomach.

"Note to self, don't surprise from behind" He chuckles to me as give him a hug.

"Sorry, Luke I didn't mean too" I say.

"Don't worry, lets go and have breakfast because we have that flight in an hour." He says pulling me into the kitchin.

"I don't have breakfast" I told him while he stares at me in shock.

"Well, today you will" He said taking the ceral out of the cupboard but he takes cornflakes out. NO I HATE CORNFLAKES!!!

"Luke I don't like cornflakes, I like chocolate hoops, coco pops or cheerios" I smile to him as gives me a look.

"Well, catch" He chucks a plastic bowl, spoon and chocolate hoops which I successful catch. "Nice" I laugh at his comment.

"Er...Milk?" I ask him then he points towards the milk which is next to me.

 I pour the milk in the bowl first but I only a little bit because I don't like a lot of milk then I just pour a lot of chocolate hoops. I look up to see Luke glaring at me in a shock as I shove a spoonful of ceral in my mouth. Did I do something wrong? Oh my god I didn't miss my mouth did I? Wait, how could I miss my mouth if I have food in my mouth. What did I do?

"What?" I say with my mouthful I'm sucha lady.

"Wheres the milk? And you make breakfast weird" He says laughing.

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