Chapter nine

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*2 days*

Its thursday and its only been two days after me and Luke kissed. TWO DAYS!! We haven't spoke since but I don't want to go in to school as I feel ill. To be honest I don't want to face that bitch again, Chelsea. Yesterday at school was alright because they weren't in as they didn't need to do their course that day.

I'm dressed in dark blue skinny jeans with a white vest but I have to be put make up over my tattoo's because I don't want people to see them. Today I'm taking Lexi, Billie and Hailey because they don't want to walk to school also that I offered and they are really nice people. As I'm about to leave I hear my phone go off.

Lexi: Hey the 2 others are at mine do you know the way?x

Me: Of course, I'm not stupid haha x

Lexi: Cya in 5x

I get in my car and after about 10 minutes of being lost I found them. They looked happy with their mouths wide open and know why has I have a blue mini. I can afford it as the money I ran away with to melbourne was £50K. Yes its a lot but I had and didn't know what to do with it but I hardly spent it to be honest.

"Hey guys" I said to them as they got in.

"ISIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOMORROW?" Billie screamed out load.

"I'm getting my hair doing for saturday why?" I said then Billie started to look disappointed until Hailey gave a big grin as she came up with this idea.

"We can all get hair done then go shopping" Hailey squealed out, I am not going shopping as I don't shop. Its not for me but to get along round here and be normal I have to join in no matter what.

"WOOO" We all screamed in unsion.

"Hey guys we are here!" I said laughing because I can't believe how we did that at the same time.

we walk head then Lexi turns around then stops so did the others.

"Come on guys its just school" I say quickly turning round but everyone was outside. Why?! The school is open just go inside. Then I see her, Chelsea and her crew walking slowly outside the schol gates trying to look perfect.

"Isis we can't go in until the those guys go in." Lexi whispered loudly so our group can hear, I stand there thinking to myself until I just start being myself.

"Guys, I'm going because I'm Isis Millers a girl from England and girl who doesn't get told what to do by bitches also she doesn't give a shit about what they think." I said standing on the steps shouting my speech out loud so everyone can here, which they can as they are looking at me. "Will anyone join me?" I said as I walk towards the door by now I can see in the doors reflection that Chelsea walked through the gates.

"Isis I will" Billie said running up to me.

"Me too" Says Hailey.

"Hey we are in this together" Lexia shouted running as well.

I turn my head round and see Chelsea shake her head like she thinks I won't do it but before she starts walking fast, I put my middle finger at her with a smirk on my face. Me and my friends took a deep breath in and walked in the school. Wow, its big inside with out anyone in here, I like this way.

"We don't give shit what people, We don't give a shit what we do! Remember that" I said with a smile on my face.

"Isis you are one crazy person that I have ever met in my life in a good way" Lexi said while giving me hug as I start laughing.

"Well, everyone needs an Isis" I said which made everyone laugh then we heard the door slam shut.

"Everyone need an Isis" I heard a bitchy voice say but without turning round I knew it was Chelsea. I turn round with a smile on my face but she stands there with some attitude .

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