Chapter 39

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The night of halloween I explained to Luke about looking out the window before answering the door. He understood straight away but he seems more proctective within last couple of days. Nothing has happened which is strange. Today I forced Luke to do a janoskians video because his fans are waiting for a new one. MJ is about 6 months and she is already starting to crawl but I hope she won't start to walk because that could damage her legs. Its coming up to christmas and I need to get a lot of presents for MJ.

I sat down on the sofa as I grab my laptop to shop for some toys while MJ chews on a plastic toy. Everyone tells me for letting her do it but babies need too because it helps their teeth. There is many toys to buy but she is too young to play with any of them. I sigh to myself as I scroll through of the dolls. I could by her teddy bear, few barbie dolls and some cars as she likes to roll them around. I put everything in checkout then I stare at MJ as she starts to laugh. No one can stop me making MJ having the best christmas ever.

Out of nowhere, I could see someone chuck something towards the window. I scream as I threw my laptop on the sofa and covered MJ with my body. I hear the window smash as glass flew everywhere. I scream even more. I stand up quickly as I pick MJ up as she is crying. I check her over lucky I covered her or she could of got injured. For me I just got a scratch on my leg.

"May the angels protect you, trouble neglects you" I sang those words to MJ to stop her crying.

I hear knock on the door which made MJ cry more. I dare not move from my spot. As I hold MJ close to my chest hoping the person who would leave. I'm not even sure if its the person who threw the rock, but I'm too scared to see.

"Isis, its me" I hear Gina call out. As I kept MJ close to me, I ran towards the door and flew it open. "I heard screaming"

"Someone threw a rock at the window" I cried out to her as took me into a hug while trying to not hurt MJ.

"Shit, are you alright? And Mary-Jane?" She paincks as she pulls away from.

"I got a scratch and MJ is fine because shield her off from the glass" I say while wiping the tears away.

"Sit down on the sofa and I will call Luke then the police" Gina told me as I followed her instructions.

"Not the police, please Gina don't call them" I begged her as she finally agrees.

I sit there holding MJ like she is about to leave me. I mean anything could have happened to her. The glass could of killed her. I shiver at the thought. I try to think you would have done this. Its not hard to know who did it because theres only 3 people in Melbourne who hates me. Georgia. Darren. Lola. I sit there staring at the window and glass all of the floor. Gina is in the kitchen making me a drink. I look down to see MJ a sleep.

The slam of the door startled me as I hear footsteps rushing down the hallway. I'm put MJ in her other crib which is in the corner of the living room away from the smashed window. I place her down softly so I don't disturb her. I walk out the room as I walk down the hallway to see Luke standing there. He engulfed me into a hug while kissing my forehead, nose, both cheeks then my lips.

"Who did this?" He asks me still holding me close to him.

"Guess" I raise my eyebrows.

"Mary-Jane. Is she okay?" He panicks while running to the living room.

"Shes fine because I protected her with my body" I told him as he watches her sleep. "I would never let anyone hurt her"

"I wouldn't let anyone hurt both of you" Luke whispers as he holds MJ's little hand. "Have you contacted the police?"

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