Chapter 1

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I woke up not knowing where I was, looking around a bit realizing it was my living room. Seems like I've fallen asleep on the couch again. I got up quickly and turned off the TV then ran up stairs to my room. I checked the time, it was 3:45am. Great, I have a few more hours of sleep, I thought as I grabbed my iPod off my dresser and turned on some music then started to drift off to sleep.


I pretty much jumped out of bed, looking at the time. It was 8:07. I then rushed to the shower. Turned on the taps as I was taking off my t-shirt and boxers then I got into the burning hot water and let myself ajust to the heat. I've always loved really hot showers, I find it.. relaxing.

I scrubbed my hair as I started thinking as most do in the shower. I ended up thinking about school and how much I dread going there everyday. What I'd do to get the hell out of that place. Though I've grown to get use to it, getting pushed around all the time and everyone being an absolute ass to me. I really don't understand why they are all so mean though... I mean, there's nothing wrong with me, right? I've always been nice to everyone but apparently they don't return that. Whatever.

I rinced my hair out and scrubbed my body quickly knowing someone will want to use the bathroom soon. I reached out for the towel and wrapped it around myself. Realizing I forgot to grab clothes, I dried myself off quick and wrapped the towel around my waist then ran to my room. I put on clothes  then dried my hair quick with the towel, throwing it on the floor after. I didn't even bother doing my hair today knowing how late I would be if I did.

Running back to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth then went downstairs. "You're not going to eat breakfast?" My mom asked "Nah, I'm fine," I replyed  "Oh, okay then. You leaving now?" she asked "Yeah I probably should, I'll be late if I don't so..." I mumbled, grabbing my bag. "Okay, well have a good day honey," she said in a sweet voice. I sighed. "Yeah, you too, love you... Bye" I rushed out the door and walked to school quickly, not even bothing to pick up a coffee on the way, like I usually do. I don't even know why I bother rushing there when it's pretty obviously I fucking hate that place.

I got to the doors just as the bell rang. I kinda waited around letting everyone go in, hoping nobody would notice me.

After everyone was in I walked up the stairs and into the school. On my way to my locker in the crowded hallways, looking down at the floor to avoid making any eye contact. I got to my locker, doing the number combo and opened it. Putting in my bag and pulling out my books, I looked up in the mirror at the back realizing my hair looks awful. I fixed it a bit with my hands, then digged through my bag looking for a pen or pencil. I made my way to class without anyone noticing me again. Looks like the day hasn't started off absolutly terrible like most.

I sat down in the back of the class knowing nobody would even bother to come sit with me. Which I guess was a good thing. I barely payed attention this class. I usually do, I get pretty good grades.   But today, fuck it. I did some work but mostly just drew in the back of my binder almost the whole class. I like to draw, not that Im very good at it, but it's one of the few things I enjoy. I've found a lot of things to do, so I don't get so bored being alone all the time. I also play guitar. That's probably my favorite though. And I for one think, I'm pretty damn good at it... Not being full of myself or anything.

-3rd period-

 I grabbed all my books right before the bell rung. Walking out of class I noticed a few of the jocks down the hall, knowing that I'd probably get beat up once again I walked a little quicker but they still caught up. They're all fucking assholes, but of course all girls want them and all guys want to be like them. I for one just want them to leave me the fuck alone.

 One grab me and push me hard against the locker. I was in no mood whatsoever for these douche bags today. "Fuck off," I said as I jerked away from his grip. "Maybe stop being such a pussy and fight back for once," Todd replyed. Todd is the "leader" of this little pack. The biggest asshole in the entire school. And of course, I'm the one he chooses to pick on. "You're a dick, Todd," I mumbled calmly. "Ouch, that hurt," he said in a sarcastic tone. They all surrounded me, I felt one grab my arm but before they had the chance I albowed him in the side and started running for the lunch room.

 I didn't even bother getting lunch. I sat down at a table in the corner until I saw them come into the room and I hid my face in my arms. After they all sat down and were eating, I snuck out and went to the bathroom.

 Locking myself in a stall, I sat on the toilet and was on the verge of crying. I couldn't take much more of this.. I've delt with it for two fucking years now! I know I'm over reacting, but seriously how much more of this can I put up with? I started scratching at my arm as I tried to hold back the tears. It didn't take long before I drew blood. I stared at the blood surfacing the cut and started sniffling, not wanting to cry but I couldnt hold it back...a few tears fell down my cheeks, I tryed to calm down but couldn't. I grabbed out my piece-of-shit phone and checked the time.

 SHIT, the bell was going to ring soon. Grabbing some toilet paper I dried the tears in my eyes and the blood on my arm and flushed it down. I was about to unlock the door when I saw somebody standing outside the stall.

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