Chapter 15

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 What do I do? He's unconsious. I'm panicing, I can't lose him... I just got him. And I already do love him unconditionally. "Jack please." I begged as I cried over his motionless body. "I can't lose you. Jack you're my everything." He looked so perfect, even though he had dozens of bruses, mutiple cuts and blood dried under his nose and mouth. "I'm not going to lose you because of that asshole, please wake up." I kept talking hoping it'd wake him. I know I should go take him to the hospital, but I know he wouldn't want that.. "Jack ple-" "Alex?" he groaned cutting me off. "Jack?" I said as I filled with hope. "Alex." He mumbled as his eyes opened slowly. A grin spread across my face and tears filled my eyes "You're okay."

 "Of course I am. I could hear you... Alex, I'd never leave you." He told me. "I love you" I said. "I love you too." He said looking up at me. He's so beautiful. I don't care if he's covered in blood, there's nobody as perfect as he is. I leaned down and kissed him. We held it for as long as we could, I never wanted it to end.

 "God, you're so perfect." I said to him as we pulled apart. "I don't know about that..." He mumbled. "You are, okay. You are the most perfect person in existant!"I told him as I stroked his cheek careful not to touch the cut and brused spots. "But I'm not.." he replied. "Ah, but you are." I said as he lifted his head off my lap then curled up beside me. I put my arms over his shoulders. "Alex..-" He started to say. "No Jack, You are. Now stop denying it." I told him kissing him again, simply because I just couldn't resist.

"Do you wanna go clean yourself up or something?" Rian asked Jack awkward as he always is around us.. I totally forgot he was there. "Uh, sure." Jack replied to him. "Alex probably won't let go of you anyways, so he can show you to the bathroom." He said getting up. "Oh, okay. Thanks." Jack murmured.

 I helped him up, he was in a lot of pain. I mean obviously, He just got beaten unconsious. I wrapped my arm around him, Rian was right. There's no way I'm going to let go of him. He made a noice. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" I asked worried. "No, I just feel.... dizzy." He said quietly. We made our way to the stairs okay, going up them was the problem. He kept tripping and stumbling causing me to fall with him. "Fuck this." I said and grabbed him up in my arms and carried him up the stairs.

 I carried him all the way to the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub while I wet a cloth to wipe the blood away. He got up and stumbled up to beside me and looked through the mirror. "Shit, I look awful." He said. "No you don't." I told him. "Alex seriously, I'm not 'perfect' or whatever, especially not now." He replied. "Jack, a black eye and bloody nose isn't enough to take away your perfection." I whispered in his ear then kissed beside it. "Now sit back down and let me clean you up."

 He sat down and I washed away the blood with the cloth carefully. His eye was black and he had a cut on his lip and eyebrow, but besides that his face was pretty much cleaned. "Take your shirt off." I told him. He pulled it over his head and I kinda just stopped. He had a lot of bruses covering his back and stomach, but damn was he sexy.

"Alex?" He said realizing I was staring. "Oh, um, sorry." I replied. "You saw me naked, yet this is a big deal to you?" He asked. "No, you're just, you're really hot." I told him. "Oh shutup." He said. "Never! And I wouldn't mind to see that ass again." I said winking. "Seriously shut up, don't make me want you now." He said. "Sorry. But I want you to want me." I told him. "Believe me, I never stop wanting you. I'm just in too much pain to do anything right now." He replied. "I can wait babe." I said "We should go downstairs though, after I take a piss." I said as I unzipped my pants and went over the toilet.

I looked beside me to see Jack standing there. "Stop looking at my dick!" I said jokingly. "I'm not." He said as I finished and zipped my pants back up. We walked out into the hallway. "You need a new shirt, right." I said. His was covered in blood so I just threw it out. "Yeah, I guess."

I went into Rian's room, knowing I probably had left one of my shirts here, looking through all the clothes on the floor. I found one of mine, I smelt it and it was fine. "Here" I handed it. "It's mine by the way. I forget a lot of my shit here." I told him and he slipped it on.

 We walked down the stairs, I held him making sure he didn't fall. Rian was in the living room with his arm around Natalie, who I didn't even realize was still here, I was too focused on making sure Jack was okay. "Hey" I said to them. "Oh, hey." He replied. "Hi Lexy!" Nat said with a smile. "And Jack, You're okay! Thank god." "Yeah, I think I'm fine." Jack replied "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked Rian. "You can stay at my house.." Jack mumbled. " I don't wanna be at your house all the time. Plus, you're mom will start to wonder when we basically live in your room." I told him. "I just don't want you to leave me tonight. Okay?" He replied. "Why do you need to stay here, if you don't wanna go to Jack's.. just go home?" Rian asked. "I got kicked out." I confessed. "You can stay." He said to me. "You can too if you want." He told Jack. "I just don't wanna hear you guys from the guest room." He said jokingly

"My god. Why does everyone make it seem like we're sex crazed?!" I blurted out. "Well, knowing you... and how close you two are. It's kinda a given." Rian said. I sighed "Dude, we haven't had sex." I told him. "Can we stop talking about this?" He asked awkwardly. " I'm just saying. We won't have sex." I said. "Besides, I'm way to sore all over anyways." Jack mentioned. "Oh, god. Stop talking." Rian said. "The idea of you two, together..." "Sorry" I said to him and laughed. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" Rian asked trying to get out of that subject. "Sure, what movie?" I asked back. "Hmmm.. whatever's on T.V." He replied.

I curled up on the edge of the couch, leaning against the arm rest and Jack sat beside me, close as he could, putting his head on my shoulder careful not to hit his bruses. "Do you guys ever leave each others side?" Rian asked. "We spent... a night apart." I mentioned. "But that's about it." "Aw you two are so cute! You're like perfect for each other." Nat complemented us. "Aw thanks, Natty." I said smiling as she messed up my hair. "I hate when you call me that Lexy!" She yelled. "I'm going to go change." She said and headed upstairs.

Rian turned on a random movie. He sat on the opposite end of the couch. Nat came back in Rian's boxer shorts and one of her t-shirts she must have left here too. She sat down on Rian's lap and watched the movie. 

 Not long after we were all quite bored of it. "K, well we're going up stairs." Rian said with his arms around Nat. "Oh okay, we will too then." I said getting up. Jack groaned as he got up. "You okay?" I asked. "Really sore." He replied. "Got any pain killers?" I asked Rian. "Yeah check the bathroom." He told me. "Okay thanks" I said and him and Nat went upstairs.

"C'mon babe." I said to Jack. "Carry Me." He groaned. I scooped him up in my arms and turned off the light with my albow then carried him up the stairs. I brought him to the guest room and put him in bed.

 I went to the bathroom to get him some painkillers so he could get some sleep. I found some and got him a glass of water and brought it back to the room. "Here, take these." I told him handing him the pills and the glass. He swallowed them and lied down."Take my jeans off." He said. "Really Jack. I carried you, take your own clothes off." I replied. "I'm in too much pain to move." He groaned. "Fine" I unbuttoned them and peeled the denim off his legs and I did the same to mine. I hate sleeping in jeans, it's so uncomfortable. "Come cuddle me. I'm cold." He said. "You're the one who doesn't wanna wear clothes." I replied. "I don't want clothes, I want you." He complained. I sighed at his cuteness and crawled into bed beside him wrapping my arms around him. "Goodnight Jack." I said. "Goodnight Alex." He replied as he looked up and kissed me softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered as we both started falling to sleep.

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