Chapter 8

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"Wow, that movie was actually pretty good!" Rian said as we walked out of the theater. "I know right, surprisingly." Alex replied. "See! I told you it'd be a good movie!" Natalie said to us.

 Natalie is Rian's girlfriend. We all ended up going together because Alex and me were going to go already. Anyways, I was hoping we'd see some awesome scary or action movie, but of course Nat dragged us to that new Twilight movie. She hated being called Natalie, so we just called her Nat for short. She's nice I guess, not as much a bitch as all the other popular girls, she was sleezy in a way.. but how many teenage girls arn't?

 "Hey, how about we all go hang out at my house?" Alex asked. "Do you wanna, Nat?" Rian asked her. "Sure," She said smiling. She was a very smiley person, sometimes a little too much, But I guess that's better than depressing or a total bitch.. "Jack?" Alex asked me nudging me in the side lightly with his albow. "What?" I asked confused, I really hadn't been paying attention to what he was saying. "...Do you wanna come over?" He asked also confused. "Oh, um, Yeah, sure." I replied akwardly.

 We left the theater and got into Rian's car. I was quiet the drive to Alex's house, Nat continued on talking about the movie and how "hot" the guys in it were. She seriously WOULDN'T STOP TALKING. Rian just nodded and laughed and agreed to everything she said. Alex and I were in the back seat. I looked over to him already staring at me. We held eye contact to what felt like forever, but in reality it was probably less than a minute. I broke the awkward stare and looked down.

 I could see his finger slowly crawling across the seat to mine. He grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze. He held it tightly the whole ride to his house. I really didn't know what was happening, but something inside me told me it felt, right. Which wasn't a lie, nothing has ever felt so right. We both looked up and back out the window at the same time, still holding each others hand. 

 The car stopped.. I realized we were in Alex's driveway. I pulled my hand away quickly and got out. We all walked up the pathway to his house. Rian was infront, he was holding Nat's hand. I was behind them and infront of Alex. He was close behind me. So close I could hear his breathing. "Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure." He replied."Hey Rian! Just let yourself in and theres a few new movies on the coffee table, turn one on if you'd like." He yelled over to them. We walked behind the garage. "So... What is it?" He asked. "What's going on?" I asked back. "What do you mean?" He asked almost confused. " I don't even know, What's going on with us." "You know what, I don't even know either." He replied "What do you want us to be?" "Alex...."

 "Just tell me what you're thinking, I can't take this. Just, tell me whats going on it your mind." He said quietly, putting his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. It was silent as I thought of the perfect thing to say, I always say something wrong. I didn't wanna screw this up, not now. "Alex, I haven't known you very long... I can't really think of a better way to say this.. but, I'm starting to think what I want... is you." I whispered into his ear. "When'd you realize?" He asked. "I guess when I excepted you kissing me... I got thinking that night. I hated the thought, I felt stupid" I told him. "I'm starting to feel the same way." He said quietly, putting his head into my neck and pulled me closer. I was running my hand through his hair and we said nothing. We just held each other, neither of us willing to let go.

 "We should go inside." He whispered. "But I don't want to.." I said, pulling him even closer to me."..We have to. I don't really want to either." he replied with a laugh. I held him as tight as I could and he did the same to me. I could feel his breath on my neck as we held each other for just a while longer. 

 "We really have to go now," he said quietly. "Fine.." I replied as we pulled away "You can stay tonight too... I mean if you want," he said. "What if I don't want to?" I asked with a smirk. "What if I don't let you leave?" He asked back. "Then I guess I'll have to stay then, huh?" "I'm going inside now, so stop talking and come with me," he said making the cutest smile ever.

 When we got inside it was dark. The only light we could see is the one from the living room TV. We walked in knowing Rian and Nat would be there. And yup, they were all cuddled up on the arm chair.

 Alex lied down on the couch. I lifted up his legs and sat down, putting his legs across my lap. We watched the movie quietly while Rian and Nat were all cute and cuddly.. So they were barely even paying attention to the movie. Alex sat up And pulled me over to that side of the couch so that we were beside eachother. He was rubbing my leg. I just stared at him as he watched the movie. Damn, was he beautiful. I still didn't quite understand why I was feeling this, but I was. And by the way he just held me, I have a feeling he does too. 

 "I'm going to the kitchen." Alex said and got up. "Um, I'll come with you." Rian said leaving me alone with Nat. We sat in silence. But I could hear Rian and Alex in the kitchen.. "What's going on between you and Jack?" I heard Rian ask. Fuck. "Nothing.. why are you-" "I saw you holding his hand." He said interupting him. "Well, it's not really your buisness so-" I heard Alex tell him and walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

"We're leaving," Rian said to Nat. "Oh okay," she said grabbing her sweater. "Nice meeting you," she said to me with a smile."You too.." I said back with what was barely a smile.

They walked out the door and I could hear them drive off. Alex looked at me. "He knows," He said."I heard," I replied. "I'm sorry," He said. "Don't be..." I said quietly. He sat on my lap, facing away from me and leaned his head against my collar bone. "You're staying tonight right?" He asked.

"Um, yes. I'll call my mom," I replied. He handed me the phone. I dialed the number. "Mom?" I asked. "Yes?" She replied. "I'm staying at Alex'." I said. "You've already stayed a night." She said. "Well we have a bit more to do on a project we are doing and we have to have it done by tomorrow." I replied making an excuse, a lie. "Well, okay." She said. We said goodbye and hung up. 

 Alex and I sat there for a long time. His mom would be home soon, so we'll go upstairs. We didn't say a word. I wrapped my arms around him as he was rubbing my leg again.

For once in my life, things weren't horrible. They were actually quite opposite.

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