Chapter 23

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I was actually nervous about this, meeting Alex's parents. I know I've met his mom and all, but I've never met his dad. And all his dad really knows of me is that I was grinding his son against their couch, great first impression. Well hopfully the next one I make is good. 

"Ready to go?" I heard Alex ask from beside me. "Uh, Yeah," I said putting my homework from last class into my bag. I closed my locker and threw my bag over my shoulder. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the doors. 

I looked down to the floor, worried of how this will go. "Are you sure you're okay with this? We don't have to go if you don't want to," Alex said quietly. "No Lex, It's my fault you got kicked out. I don't want you fighting with your mom forever," I replied, awkwardly smiling.

We got to Alex's house not long after.  His mother opened the door, I was worried she was going to bitch out again but she greeted us with an almost friendly hello and let us come inside. Alex took off his sweater and put it on the coat rack beside the door, I kept mine on due to the healing cuts on my left wrist... I don't want that to be Mr.Gaskarth's first judgement of me. 

The door on my right opened, which I think leads to the living room. A man walked out who I assumed was Alex's Dad. He held out his hand. "You must be Jack," he said. I shook his hand "And you must be Mr.Gaskarth," I replied with a small smile. "You both can go into the living room with your father" Mrs.Gaskarth told Alex. 

Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room. I was aware they were looking at our hands but Alex didn't seem to care. He sat down on the couch and pulled me down extremely close beside him, it was comforting to have him so close, but at the same time not so much considering his parents are here.

Mr.Gaskarth sat in the big arm chair to our left, which was infront of a large coffee table and at the opposite end was a fire place with the Television above. Alex cuddled up against me and I knew his Dad was looking at us. "So where'd you two meet?" He asked breaking the silence. Alex looked at me and whispered "Truth?" I shook my head.

"Well, we had to do this art project together at school about two months ago and we kind of just got to know each other," Alex told his father the same lie he did to his mother.  "So did you know you were... gay before you met him or-" Mr.Gaskarth said before Alex interupted. "I'm not gay." "But you're-" He started to say. "With a guy?" Alex asked. "Yeah but he's the only one I've ever... felt this for," He finished. "What about you, Jack?" Mr.Gaskarth asked me. "Um..." Was all I said. "You don't have to answer that, let's go upstairs." Alex said seeming irritated and pulled me out of the living room and up the stairs.

We went into the room I remember being his bedroom. He walked and sat down on the bed. "It's okay Alex, I'm fine with the question.." I told him quietly. "But he didn't have to get all in your business like that when he just met you." Alex argued. "But it's fine... C'mon, let's go back downstairs and get this over with." I said, smiling at him then kissing his cheek. 

He got up and walked back downstairs with me following behind him. We were about to go back into the living room when he stopped me in the hallway "Am I the only one?" He asked me. "What...?" "Am I the only guy you've ever.. had feeling for?" He questioned, looking down. "Yeah... You are." I replied quietly. Alex looked up smiling at me. "Okay, let's go back in there I guess."

We went back into the living room and sat in the same spot we were sitting in before. A few minutes after we sat down Alex's mom came into the room to announce that dinner was ready. We got back up and Alex walked me into the dining room and pulled out a chair for me. "Thanks." I said quietly and sat down. Alex sat down beside me as his mom brought dinner into the room and set it on the middle of the table. 

Alex's parents asked about how Alex is doing in school and staying at my house and all that. They also asked about my family and stuff like that, I answered with simple answers. " He doesn't talk much does he?" Mr. Gaskarth asked. The room was quiet for a minute and Alex was looking at me."I-I well...I don't exactly do good with new people," I told him. "I see." He replied and the room fell silent again.

"...He's really great once you get to know him," Alex blurted out. "Well you obviously must think so, to want to be with him," Mrs.Gaskarth replied. I tensed up. I was hoping to avoid talking about our relationship as much as possible. Alex put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing up and down it and I calmed down a bit. "Yeah, he's amazing." 

"So how'd you start... dating?" She asked us. "Well, it all started because I'm a crazy drunk.." Alex started, realizing what he was saying. "You were drunk?" She questioned. "Uh... yeah never mind." "No, please do tell." She replied. "Well... uhm, I well, kissed him when I was drunk at  a school dance and well I don't know, after a while..." Alex awkwardly said.  "We kind of just realized it wasn't just drunken stupidity." I finished his sentence. 

After a while Alex spoke. "You know, we never actually made it official..." "Are you actually saying this right now?" I asked. "Yeah... I guess I am." His parents were staring at us as we had our own little conversation. "Later Alex." I told him and he said nothing to that.

We ate the rest of our dinner in silence. After Alex and I tried to help Mrs.Gaskarth with dishes, though Alex just ended up splashing bubbles all over me so she told us to go into the living room with Alex's Dad. We did what she said and again, sat in the same spot as before. As was Alex's Father, in his arm chair as before. We watched T.V. quietly until Mr.Gaskarth said something 

"Alex, I want you to come back home." "What?" Alex asked. "Come back home, live here." He replied. "I know you're probably upset with your Mother and I agree she could have dealt with this a lot better but I want you to come back home, and she does too." "And why should I?" Alex questioned. "Because Alex, you're only 16. We want you to come back and live with us. You can't just be living with your boyfriend and his family for the next two years." He argued. 

...The way he said boyfriend... Even to me the word sounded weird. But I guess it was true. Alex Gaskarth is my boyfriend, not officially according to him, but I guess this is what you'd call a boyfriend. Alex looked at me for approval. "No your Father's right... You should be living with your family Alex." I agreed with his Dad. "Okay..." Alex said. "On one condition..."

"You let Jack sleepover or let me sleepover at his place whenever, even week nights." "We can reason with that. Okay, that's the only condition?" Mr.Gaskarth questioned. "Yes." was Alex's reply.

I knew the only reason why this was the condition. He didn't want to sleep without me. He didn't want to spend nights not in each others arms. And I felt the exact same way.


So since I finally updated, I say my readers should comment. And hopefully I won't have like another four month break this time.

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