Chapter 6

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 This might just be the worst hangover I've had. I feel awful, I never want to get out of bed again. So I stayed and slept the day away, until my parents had called me down for supper. I checked my phone to find a heck lot of text messages. The first one I opened just so happened to be from Jack, he asked how I was feeling. Of course I replied awful. I didn't even bother checking the other texts because they were probably just pointless crap. I headed downstairs for dinner. I was starving, but I still felt like vomiting... so, I didn't eat too much.

 As I was eating I got a text from Jack, he had asked "What's up?". I replied "Just eating dinner, wbu?" and put my phone back in my pocket. I sat there trying to figure out what happened last night, it was all such a blur... But I do remember Jack being there, so I might as well ask him.. "Nothing much.." he replied. "oh ok... Hey, btw... do you remember what happened at all last night?" I typed and pressed send as I left the table and went to sit in the living room.

I turned on TV to whatever was on, I really didn't care. I got another text "Um, I remember a bit... uh a lot happened." he had replied. "Well do you wanna like come over or something, I mean it's Saturday. We could like see a movie, maybe?" I asked.

 Wow. Thinking about it, we are like.. friends now? I never had thought we would be. I mean I was such a dick. I use to stand and watch as people beat the shit outa him.. Now I really don't want that ever happening again. I don't want anyone to even fucking touch him.. He really doesn't deserve the shit he gets. "Uh, sure. I'll be over in a few."He replied.

 "Hey Mom! Jack's gonna come over k?" I yelled to the kitchen. "Who?" She yelled back. "My friend Jack" I replied as she walked into the room. "Oh, he's new." She said. "Well, we sorta just became.... friends," I said quietly. "Okay, well I'm going to go visit with a few friends so you two have fun. And don't make a mess of my kitchen!" She said with a small grin. "We won't" I replied with a light laugh "Well, I'm going to leave now," She said "Okay, bye. love you," I said.

 "You too." she replied as she put on her shoes. "Bye" She said as she walked out.

 It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. I walked over to open it, of course it was Jack.

  "Hey," I greeted him with a small smile. "Um, hi," He replied awkwardly. "Something wrong?" I asked. "Nope. Don't think so.." He replied. "Oh, Okay. Well, Come inside," I said. He walked in and took off his shoes, then followed me to the living room. He had sat down on the other end of the couch from me. We kinda just sat there staring blankly at the T.V. "Want something to eat?" I asked breaking the silence. "No, I'm good," He replied. "Well, I want something." I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen.

 I brought back a bowl of popcorn. "We are going to watch a movie then," I said. "Okay, cool," He replied. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked. "Doesn't really matter," He said quietly. I just popped in a random movie and sat down beside him.

  So um, what did happen last night?" I asked quickly and awkwardly. "I know something happened, but I don't remember. Was I that drunk?" "Dude, you were wasted. You really don't remember any of it?" He said with a short, quiet laugh. "I don't remember anything! I just remember... you being there." I said. "Well... um... We hung out the whole night... And we went outside and started walking. And you kinda..." He said awkwardly.

 "I what?" I asked anxiously. "Alex, you kissed me." He said quickly. "What!" I basically yelled. "You. kissed. me." He said "How can I not remember any of this." I said kind of freaking out. "Oh, and to make it better.. Rian saw," He mumbled. "Oh, great," I said looking down because I know it would be weird to make any eye contact. "It'll be okay.. You were drunk, I had a few to drink. Alcohol leads to stupid shit sometimes," He said laughing. "Yeah..." I replied. He didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to say. We looked up and watched the movie.

 "Why are you being nice to me? Being my friend.." He asked breaking the silence. "Well, you don't deserve this. Now that I've opened my eyes a bit.. I see how much a dick I was. I don't wanna be like that, and I really don't care if I lose my great reputation anymore.. You're a hell lot better than the people I hang with... beside Rian. He's great. He's my actual friend.. unlike the rest of them. You're awesome Jack, I wish you'd see it. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore either.. Why'd you do it?" "What?! How'd you know about that?" he asked. "I saw your arm when you pushed past me in the bathroom," I replied, grabbing his arm. I pulled up his sleeve and saw the cut he'd made, which was now turning into a scab. "Why'd you do it?" I asked again. " I guess I'm just so fed up with everyone treating me like shit. I just got pushed to far. I was confused. I was having a shitty day. That was the first time I did it, by the way," He replied. "Hopefully the last." I mumbled and got up quickly "I have to go to the bathroom."

 "Shit, it's getting late," Jack said when I got back."Yeah so?" I asked. "I should go home," he mumbled. "Just stay here, it's safer than you walking home at this time." I said because for some reason, I didn't want him to leave. "You sure?" He asked. "Yeah." I said as I walked to the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna do?" I called over to the living room. "Um, I don't know. I'm the guest, you figure it out," he replied with a smirk as he walked over to the kitchen. "Well, we could.. actually watch a movie?" I replied not knowing what to say. "Hot chocolate?" He asked throwing a marshmallow at me. "Yes, I'm cold." I replied throwing it back."Want some?" "Uh, sure." He replied as he ate that marshmallow. I poured us both some and put marshmallows in and brought them to the living room.

"So whatcha wanna watch?" I asked as put his on the table and took a sip of mine. "What about something scary?" He asked. "For sure. Wait, I'll be right back." "Okay," He said quietly. I went into the cabinet and grabbed a blanket. "You're really that cold?" He asked "Yes, I actually am." I said as I wrapped the blanket around me and sat down. "Well I don't really have any good scary movies, so lets just see whats on." I grabbed the remote and looked through what was on. "Would you settle for Scream? I know it's not that scary but, Theres not much on." "Yeah, I actually like Scream." He replied as he put his feet under the blanket. "Cold?" I asked laughing lightly. "A bit.." He admitted. "Sorry my house is fucking cold." I said with a short laugh.

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