Chapter 13

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"Mom, calm down. I am so sorry you had to see this!" I said freaking out. "How could you?" She yelled. "How could you basically have sex, with a guy, under my roof?" "I didn't want you to find out like this, I didn't want you to find out at all..." I murmured. "Get out of my house!" She yelled at Jack. "Calm down, please, mom!" I yelled as my eyes started filling with tears. "I love him!" I blurted out wishing I hadn't. "You love me?" He asked.

"Get out!" my mother screamed again. "Mom, please! Don't do this!" I said basically crying. "You can get out too!" She said totally freaking out. "B-b-but, how could you do this?" I said as tears fell and I stormed to the door, grabbing Jack by his arm on the way.

I started walking quickly not caring where I was heading. How could she do this to me? My own mother...

"Alex-" "Jack, please don't." I said "Don't what?" He asked quietly "Don't talk. I just, I can't- not now." I said walking quicker. "Look, you can stay at my house.. I'm not leaving you out here for the night." He said grabbing my arm.

 I just nodded as we kept walking. He didn't live far, which was good because it was a really cold evening. We walked in silence, though it wasn't awkward. It was just... I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe her. And what can I say to Jack. The words "I love him" slipped out, but if they did.. then is it true? Could I be in love with Jack Barakat? What's even happening. This is all to fast.

"Jack?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. "Thanks." I replied. "Alex, Don't." He said. "But-" "You don't need to thank me, it's my fault you're in this mess." He replied. "No, it's not. Stop blaming yourself for things." I said quietly. "But, it's true. You've lost everything because of me, in such little time." "Sure, I've lost my reputation, all my friends.. besides Rian, I've pretty much lost my mom, oh and probably my girlfriend, but I'm cool with that last part. Anyways, if they cared they'd have stayed. They obviously don't. You're worth so much more to me than all of them...." I told him."But why? Why do I matter so much to you?" He asked as we walked up the pathway to his house. "Did you not hear me? I LOVE YOU!" I said a lot louder than I planned to as we walked in.

 "Hey!" Jack said to a woman sitting on the couch. "Jacky! So this is Alex, huh?" She replied. "Yeah. Um, Alex, this is my sister May." He said to me. "Nice to meet you." I said to her. "Nice to meet you too!" She said with a smile.

 "Hey, where's mom? I gotta ask her something." He asked his sister. "In the kitchen." She replied. "Mom!" Jack shouted not bothering to go in the kitchen himself. "Yeah?" She called back. "Can Alex stay tonight?" He yelled. "But it's a school night." She said as she walked into the living room.

"Yeah, but I've stayed at his house on a school night.." He replied. "Fine, he can stay." She said, walking into the room. "Hi Alex, how are you?" "I'm alright thanks, what about you Mrs.Barakat?" I asked trying to be nice. "I'm good, thank you." She replied.

"Well, we're gonna go upstairs." Jack said as he pulled me towards the stairs and his sister gave him this look.

"Does she know?" I whispered as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah." He replied. "And... she's, cool with it?" I asked. "Yeah, she couldn't wait to meet you." He said as we walked into his room closing the door behind us. "So..." I said as I sat down on his bed and he lied down beside me. "Cuddle me." He said pulling me into his arm.

 I stayed there in his arms for what could have been hours. I didn't know, and didn't really care. He didn't say a word, nor did I. We didn't need to talk. I was perfectly fine with just him holding me close. It was conforting..

 "I love you." He whispered so quietly that I could hardly hear it. "What?" I asked because I wasn't positive if that's what he said. "Alex, I. Love. You." He said a little louder and clearer. "Really?" I asked smiling. "I do, like... A lot." He replied. "I love you too." I said quietly as he kissed me softly.

 He kissed me again with a bit more force this time. I grabbed him, pulling him closer as he ran his hand down my side to my waist pulling on my jeans. I can't believe I'm thinking this, but... I wanted him so badly. he got on top of me kissing me as he pushed his hips into mine. I pushed my tongue past his lips as he grinded his body against mine, when there was a knock on the door.

 He threw himself off me "Come in!" He said totally acting natural. I looked down right as the door opened. "Shit" I grunted as I grabbed for a pillow, sitting up and putting it over my


 "Hey." May said walking in. "Hey, what's up?" He greeted her. "Here, I brought you guys something to drink" She replied handing us a couple can drinks. "Oh, thanks." Jack said. "So whatcha guys doing?" She asked us. "Nothing much." I said urging for her to leave. "Oh okay, well I'm off to bed now, so goodnight." "Night." Jack said to her. "Oh yeah, and I don't wanna hear any noices from you two tonight." She said laughing as she walked out of the room and Jack threw his pillow at her.

 He got up and grabbed the pillow, closed the door, and came back to the bed. I laughed lightly "That was close." I said as he lied down beside me. "What?" He asked. I lifted up the pillow. "This." "Oh, well.... I can fix that" He said seductively. "Really?" I asked, kind of shocked. He bit his lip. "Isn't it too... soon?" He asked. "Yeah..." I agreed. So, as every other night... We laid there in each others arms. And really, that was all I could want right now...

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