Chapter 14

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"Jack." Alex said quietly in my ear, in an attempt to wake me up. "Go away." I mumbled into the pillow. "Jack! Get up, we gotta go to school soon." He said, stroking my hair with his finger tips. My eyes opened slowly. "Fine." I murmured. "You're so pleasent in the morning." He said sarcasticly.

I got up, grabbed my clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom, Alex followed. I got dressed quickly knowing we'd be late if I had taken my time and had a shower and such. I went over to the sink to do my hair and brush my teeth. Alex was sitting on the toilet waiting for me to finish getting ready because he already was. I ran a hand through my hair not bothering to do anything with it today. Then I started brushing my teeth. Alex and I were looking at each other in the mirror. "Are you wearing my shirt?" I asked him. "Yup." He replied. "Cute."  I said to him and walked out of the bathroom. "We gotta go, I think we're already late" he said. I grabbed his hand and headed downstairs and out the door.

 We walked to school, fingers intertwined. "So, are we going to Rian's party tonight?" He asked me. " I-I guess we can go." I mumbled nervously. "Jack, don't worry. I know you're not the party type, but thats nonsense. Anyone can party. And I'll stay with you the whole night okay?" He told me. "Promise?" I asked. He kissed me on the cheek. "Promise."

 We hurried to out lockers, being the only people in the halls. We were late, but who really cares? Our lockers were only a few down from each others. I opened mine quickly grabbing out my binder and a pen for class. Alex kicked his locker, cursing at it. "You okay babe?" I asked looking up at him. "It's not opening!" He said frustrated. He tried it again and it opened. I just softly laughed at him. He grabbed out what he needed for class and looked back up to me. We exchanged smiles "I love you." I said. " I love you too." He replied. "See you after class." I mumbled. "You too.." He said. We headed in the opposite direction from each other and went to class.


"Hey." Rian said standing beside me while I was at my locker. "Um, hi." I replied. " Do you know where Alex is? He asked. "N-no I don't." I told him. "Oh, okay. You guys coming to the party?" He asked me. "Yeah, well I think we are.." I said... not really knowing what to say when Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist in the crowded hallways. "Hey." He whispered into my ear. "Hi." I said smiling. "So... are you coming to the party?" Rian asked awkwardly. "Yeah totally!" Alex replied. "Great! Wanna just come over now and chill til then?" He asked Alex. "Can Jacky come?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess." He said. "Then sure." Alex said as he wrapped his fingers between mine still holding me.

 We left the school and went to Rian's house. It wasn't a long walk and we didn't really say much. Alex continued holding my hand, tighter than ever. "You okay?" I asked him. "Yeah why?" He replied. "Well, you're holding my hand kinda tight." I told him. "S-sorry."He stuttered.

 When we got to Rian's we each got a beer and watched random T.V. shows in his living room. His parents are away til Sunday so that's why he desided to have a party. Alex sat on my lap with his head leaning into my neck. Rian seemed to be pretty awkward, but I don't blame him.


People started pouring in around 8. Rian did hang out with the popular crowd just like Alex use to, so it looks like there'll be a lot. I started getting kinda nervous when a lot more kids from school showed up, since this is my first party. There were a lot pf people I didn't know too. Alex stayed by my side like he had said he would. I'm glad he did, or else I probably would have freaked out by now.

 After I got use to the people and had a couple drinks I almost started enjoying myself. That was until someone showed up at the party, Todd and his friends. Great. To make this worse, Alex had gone off to the bathroom and I told him I'd be alright. Guess I said wrong.

 Of course he noticed me. I knew right then I'd be leaving there with a bloody nose, or bruses. Something. He came up to me and shoved me causing me to fall to the floor. I really wasn't up for this tonight, well I never was.. But tonight? I was actually gonna try and have a good time.

 I pushed out my leg and tripped him. Which really set him off. He started freaking out, I hardly fight back so this must be new to that tiny brain of his. He started kicking me and I kicked back. He started punching me, which I let happen. Then at the perfect moment, I punched him right in the nose which caused this to get very violent, turning into an actual fight. People started cheering us on to fight. His nose was pouring blood.

We were actually fighting. Though I was on the floor most of the time, I fought back. I wasn't going to let him push me around like he always did. Then he started hitting me in the face and head, hard. I'm pretty sure my lip, eyebrow and nose were bleeding. He punched me in the stomach and I started spitting up blood.

 One more hit and I was done. I was unconsious, though I could still somewhat hear. I seriously thought if he hit me a couple more times I'd be dead. The pain was excruciating, he kept hitting me. when I heard someone, Alex "Get the fuck off of him! Stop, you're killing him!" I could hear the quiver in his voice as he screamed. Rian was yelling at Todd, telling him to get the fuck out of his house. "Party's Over!" He shouted over the crowd around us and the music.

 Everyone started leaving. Alex dropped down on his knees beside me, placing my head in his lap. "Jack?" He asked as he stroked the side of my face with his shaking hand. "Jack, answer me! Please. Please Jack... I need you." He started crying. "Rian! Help! What do I do?" He screamed as tears were dripping down his cheeks. Rian sat beside us, trying to calm Alex down.

Alex held me as close to himself as he could. "I love you, Jack." He whispered as tears now poured from his eyes. I felt numb, which felt great compaired to the pain I had seconds ago. Alex brushed my hair out of in front of my eyes. "C'mon Jack, open those beautiful eyes of yours. Say something. Anything."

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