Chapter 19

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When we were splashing each other and such, we went back to the shore, we desided to go for a walk. We walked at the end of the sand by all the people on the beach. Then when we passed the busy area, we walked along the shore line. Hand in hand, sand between our toes and water swaying over our feet. We didn't say a thing... We never really seemed to talk while walking.

 I looked up to find Alex staring at me. "Hey there." I said breaking his consentration. "What's up?" He asked. "Oh nothing, whatcha thinkin about?" I asked back. "What I always think about." He said quietly. "Oh, and, um, that is?"

"You." He replied. "W-what about me?" "Just, everything." He said as we came to a stop. There was huge rocks now, starting along the shore. We climbed up them and sat down, legs over the edge and the water splashed them. "What's everything?" I questioned. "Just everything.." "You said that." I said quickly. "What's gonna happen?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Us. I mean, I can't stay at your house forever-" "We'll get a place." I cut in. "What if we don't last...?" He asked. "We aren't technically together..." I replied. "Will we be?" he asked another question. "I think sometime in the near future we could be.."  I said to him, smiling.  "Why are you even thinking about that?" I asked quickly. "Iunno, I guess... I'm just scared to lose you." He mumbled.

 "Don't be." "But I am." "You won't lose me." I whispered. "What if I do?" He questioned. "You won't!" I yelled. "I probably will." He said softly. "Why...?" I asked terrified. What if he wants to leave me? "I always mess everything up." he told me. "And I probably will soon. I don't do it intentionally, it just, always works out that way" he said looking away from me.

 I got up and started walking along the rocks, I could feel Alex's eyes on me until I was far enough around the corner that he couldn't see me. Then I heard him get up, following me. "Jack..." was all he said. "Yeah?" I mumbled. "I'm sorry." He said. "Why?' I asked. I was looking down, but i could feel him still looking at me. "Because... I just, I just am." "Stop apologizing." I sighed.  "We should go back to the beach." I said quickly. He looked down and turned around. I walked beside him, not saying a word, as always. I went into the water until it was just past my knees. Alex was still walking along the shore. I started walking back towards him, splashing him. "What the fuck?" He yelled and I splashed him again. He got in the water and grabbed me and pushed me down.

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back up, moving his hands down to my cheeks and brought my face close to his. He looked into my eyes for a few seconds then kissed me, it was a short but passionate kiss. I kept my eyes closed for a moment after we pulled away.


 "You coming?" Alex asked. "Nah, I think I'll stay here for a while." I replied. "Go, I'll be out later."

 There's a party on the beach, there's actually quite a lot of kids our age here. Really, I didn't wanna go. I hate being around a lot of people. "You sure?" He asked as we walked towards the door. "Yeah, I'll be out soon." I smiled. "Well...ok." He gave me a quick kiss. "Love ya." he said and walked off to join everyone.

 I walked back into the house. I was alone, Everyone went out to the beach for the night. It's actually nice to be alone for a while, that is until I get bored. I turned on the flat screen T.V. and grabbed myself some beer from the fridge. This is a pretty high-class cabin. It had a big black leather couch and infront was a glass coffee table.  There was a fire place to one side and a huge arm chair on the other, matching the couch. I turned it to a random channel and sat down on the couch, clicking that little tab thing on the can open and took a sip and put it down on the table.

I watched the T.V. for a couple minutes, then picked up the beer again and chugged most of it down, placing the almost empty can back on the table. That's it! I'm bored. So I guess I'll go find Alex.

 I walked outside and there was a lot of people, partying and drinking, some even smoking god knows what. There was a huge fire and music blarring which I could hear from inside the cabin. Shitty party music, of course. I looked around and didn't see Alex anywhere. But I saw Rian sitting by the fire with his arms around Nat and a beer in his hand. I walked up to them.

 "Hey, have you seen Alex?" I asked, pretty much yelling over the music. "No man, sorry." He yelled back in reply. I turned around and started looking for him. There was a lot of people more out in the woods area, but I didn't feel like going over there so I just walked around the cabins. I walked all the way out to the rocks we were sitting at earlier, which there was actually a lot of kids out there too, most of course, smoking up. I walked over a few rocks looking around them, when I saw someone.

 I saw Jenny, Nat's whore friend. No, not only did I see Jenny, but I saw Jenny all over Alex, MY ALEX. She had her tongue down his throat, and he was allowing it! "What the fuck is this?!" I yelled freaking out. "Jack!" He said panic-ed, as he pushed her off him. He got up, grabbing me but I pulled away and started walking back. "Jack, Stop." Alex said, slurring his words as he grabbed my wrist.  I pulled away"No! Don't fucking touch me, you were right, about fucking this up and all!" I yelled as I started tearing up. "Guess you aren't that worried about losing me after all huh?" I started running, tears streaming down my face now. I looked back to see him still following me when I ran right into someone. I got up, still crying. "I'm sorry." I said looking up to see it was Matt. "Yo, are you okay?" He asked me. "No, I'm actually not..." I sniffled. "What's wrong?" He questioned. "I know it's a lot to ask... but can you please take me home? I can't stand another second here." My face completely drenched with tears. I couldn't be in the same room as Alex, not tonight. Not for a while, I'm sure. "Yeah... sure." He said and I got up and bursted out crying and I could hardly breath. "It's okay." He told me and gave me the awkwardest hug ever.

 Alex stopped following me. I could see him still though, just standing there. He was obviously wasted, but I don't care, I can't even look at him right now. Matt told Rian we were leaving while I got my bag and grabbed any of my stuff around our room. We got into his car. It was kinda awkward because I don't even know him.. I felt bad for making him leave, and the fact that he'll have to come back and pick up Zack and his girl friend tomorrow. "I'm sorry." I said unable to look him in the eye, so I just stared down. "It's okay... so... what's wrong?" He asked again. "Alex." was all I said. "Yeah, what about him?" "He was making out with Jenny... today he told me he was scared to lose me, guess he actually doesn't care that much..." I replied. "I'm sorry." was all that he could say.

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